Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 962: Meeting (below)

Lin Ruoying couldn't help but feel cold all over her body, and her delicate body trembled slightly.

Indeed, China has always been the most populous country in the world. Many kinsmen covet China and regard China as the world’s largest "blood bank". They want to treat more than one billion people as blood bags day and night. Just like raising the Ouzhou people, they treat the Huaxia people as fat sheep and raise them on the vast "pastures", where they can be picked up and used.

If the Huaou martial arts world war failed a few decades ago, the consequences would be really disastrous.

How can the years be quiet, but someone has sheltered you from the wind and rain.

Lu Yuan continued to lower his head and waved his hand: "Hey, me, it was only slightly better. Moreover, that time, the blood ancestor only came to the clone, and his deity could not come hiding in Eagle Country. I, just a narrow victory. , I was also injured and still has a stubborn illness."

"Only...just a clone?" Jiang Zhen was surprised, and looked sideways at the pen and paper in Lu Yuan's hand. It turned out that he was not writing something, but painting. The picture was a portrait of a woman, the woman in the picture. It looks familiar.

"Although it is only a clone, but the strength should be eight to nine percent of the deity, and several sects and family masters have died under its hands." Song Fuzhu added.

Lin Ruoying's eyes narrowed.

Jiang Zhen has changed color.

They knew how terrifying the old man Lu Yuan was, and the proper "half-step divine realm" hadn't been known if it hadn't been hurt to break through the divine realm.

And even Lu Yuan can only narrowly beat the blood ancestor clone. If the deity is close, it will be difficult to say the victory or defeat.

Of course, that was already decades ago.

Jiang Zhen withdrew his gaze from Lu Yuan's drawing paper, looked at Lin Ruoying, and muttered: "In the battle decades ago, the blood ancestor deity could not be personally visited. Is it because it couldn't leave the country of Eagle?"

Lu Yuan seemed to have drawn the key part, unprecedentedly serious, and did not answer.

As a disciple of Lu Yuan, Song Fuzhu knew some things, and answered, "Yes, because of a certain curse and law, the blood ancestor can only move within a limited range and cannot stay away completely."

Jiang Zhen nodded: "A few decades ago, the captain narrowly defeated the blood ancestor clone, but now it is different. Yu Yue ran to Ouzhou to make trouble. It was the place of the blood ancestor, and it coincided with the blood ancestor's birthday. They must have done it. With sufficient preparations, Yu Yue does not have the same time, place, and harmony. Unless he breaks through the'God Realm', there is no chance of winning. For Yu Yue, is it possible for him to break through the'God Realm'?"

No one answered this question, because no one believed that Yu Yue could break through the "Divine Realm", even Lin Ruoying was not sure.

You know, the divine realm and the divine realm are completely two concepts.

Once you step into the realm of the gods, you will no longer be a simple human, but a half-human, half-god, and terrestrial fairy.

It is too difficult to break through the divine realm. Huaxia Dadi has not heard of the existence of a divine realm in the past two hundred years, and even Lu Yuan has not been able to break through. His "half-step divine realm", half-step, is the sky moat.

Lin Ruoying pursed her thin red lips, and said, "Mr Jiang, I need to correct you. Yu Yue didn't run to Ouzhou to make trouble. He got involved with the blood clan for rescuing the kidnapped and abused women and children. Those who practice martial arts should take action when encountering injustices. If it is me, I will never stand idly by."

Jiang Zhen's face changed slightly. He looked at her and said, "It doesn't matter..."

Lin Ruoying looked back at him and said, "This is very important."

Jiang Zhen clenched one hand into a fist, causing the joints to turn white. He knocked on the table and said, "What is important now is, what should we do? Is it to wait and see, or to advise Yu Yue not to accept this doomed battle. , So as not to cause unnecessary trouble and influence?"

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