Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 963: Odds (Part 1)

Lin Ruoying's eyebrows frowned, and her voice was cold and determined: "Yu Yue is not wrong. It is the blood that is wrong. In the face of provocations, no one can persuade Yu Yue to avoid war. Only he decides whether to fight or not. If he accepts the challenge, then We should support him, and we can't counsel, and we can't be afraid of the troubles and influences, otherwise it will chill the hearts of the warriors, strangers, and cultivators of China."

Jiang Zhen twisted his brows into twine, and spread his palms and said, "Support? How to support? Could it be that our dragon soul team killed and went to participate in the blood ancestor birthday to help Yu Yue destroy the Ouzhou blood clan? Do you think this? Is it possible?"

Lin Ruoying was silent.

Of course she knew that this was impossible, the dragon soul belonged to the state apparatus and could not be used easily.

In the meeting room, the atmosphere became awkward.

Mo Chunshui rubbed his short, hard stubble with his big hands, trying to break the embarrassment.

He asked his junior, "Hey, Fu Zhu, do you think Yu Yue has a chance of winning in this battle against Edward?"

After serious consideration, Song Fuzhu replied: "At most 20% chance of winning."

Mo Chunshui asked again: "If you were Yu Yue, would you accept the challenge?"

Song Fuzhu shook his head: "I will not accept the challenge...but I am not Yu Yue."

The atmosphere is still a bit awkward.

Mo Chunshui looked at Lu Yuan and asked unceremoniously, "Hey old man, what do you paint? You have an idea, otherwise this will be endless."

Lu Yuan raised his hand, as if he had finished the last stroke.

Then he let out a sigh of breath, pushed the drawing paper to Lin Ruoying who was sitting opposite, and said, "I gave it to you."

Lin Ruoying and Song Fuzhu and Mo Chunshui next to her looked weird. The drawing on the paper is a sketch of a woman. The appearance of the woman’s eyebrows and eyes are quite Lin Ruoying's charm, as bright as a peach and plum, as cold as a reflection in the forest. , Clear the world.

Song Fuzhu's eyes were a little straight.

Mo Chunshui grinned and said: "Good old man Lu..."

Lin Ruoying saw the clue, put away the drawing paper, and respectfully said, "Thank you Lu Lao."

Lu Yuan ignored the eyes of others, and Chong Lin Ruoying nodded, and then said, "In my opinion, this is to be done like this-if Yu Yue should fight, then our Dragon Soul, as the supervisory agency of the Chinese martial arts world, should support it, but It can only provide limited help, not unlimited support, for example, to help him eliminate some unfavorable factors in the battle.

"In Ouzhou, in addition to the blood family, there are also many strong people in the supervision bureau and the church. I will personally pressure the inspector-general and the pope to make them feel jealous and dare not help the blood family to deal with Yu Yue easily.

"Although no one can guarantee the fairness of that duel, we still try to do something, and we can only do this step."

Indeed, now that the blood clan is playing the banner of bleeding ancestors, at least three clans have been united. If the World Supervision Bureau and the church in Ou Zhouli are mixed in, then Yu Yue will face a very unfavorable situation. The Dragon Soul, as a national machine, has no right to act rashly. The international is also different from the domestic. It can only be official against the official and underground against the underground. The blood clan Edward challenges Yu Yue. As long as there is no clear official will in it, China will not It’s good to intervene clearly, but if the Supervision Bureau and the church intervene first, then China can do something.

Of course, how to make a decision is also critical.

The dragon soul can completely stay out of the matter and ignore this battle.

Lin Ruoying looked at Lu Yuan, she knew that his attitude gave herself a lot of support, but she didn't thank her this time, just an unusual flash in her eyes.

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