Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 964: Odds (in)

After the meeting, Lin Ruoying showed her portrait of Lu Yuan to Yan Shanyue.

Yan Shanyue doubted: "This is..."

Lin Ruoying said, "Ayue, you came from a family of calligraphy and calligraphy. You learned the way through calligraphy and calligraphy. You are very accomplished. Come and see if there is anything unusual about this painting?"

Yan Shanyue took over the sketch drawn on paper and observed it carefully, and then muttered: "This... does not seem to be from the hands of calligraphy and painting. The technique in the painting is just ordinary, but the charm is extraordinary, and it feels like there is a certain technique or rune. , But Shanyue is dull and can't see how it is..."

Lin Ruoying said, as expected.

She took Yan Shanyue's hand and smiled and said, "Ayue is not dull, Ayue is very talented."

Taking the portrait back, Lin Ruoying murmured to herself that Mr. Lu supported me today and passed on my exercises, which should be deliberate cultivation. I must study and work hard to not let down the expectations of his elderly.

In the other compartment, Lu Yuan, Mo Chunshui and Song Fuzhu were sitting together drinking tea.

Mo Chunshui asked, "Hey, old man, why do you support Yu Yue? Do you think he will win?"

Lu Yuan shook his sparsely white-haired head: "I haven't seen Yu Yue, so I don't dare to make assertions."

Mo Chunshui asked again: "Then what are you doing?"

Lu Yuan took a sip of tea and said, "I haven't met Yu Yue, but I have met Xiaolin..."

Mo Chunshui put down his teacup with a "bang" and stared, "Old man Lu, you are not old!"

Lu Yuan was too lazy to pay attention to him, and continued: "I think, Xiaolin girl, okay. It's mainly about her temperament. Before I saw her temperament was average, and even a little short of breath, but I don't know when Xiaolin's temperament changed. , It seems that there was some chance, it became very unusual, even I couldn't see through it. So..."

Song Fuzhu, with long silver hair, asked when he paused: "So, not only did you support her proposition, Master, you also gave her a talisman?"

Lu Yuan nodded and nodded: "Yes, I will sell her a favor today. I hope that in the future she can bear this love and stand up when the Dragon Soul is in danger, and help Dragon Soul and even China to tide over the difficulties with her luck... "

This is mysterious, but Mo Chunshui didn’t ridicule anymore. He and his junior brother both knew that the "Five Techniques of the Profound Sect·Qi Qi Dan Fu Zhan" was the area that Master was good at, and the combination of "Qi" and "Zhan" Together is "Wang Qi".

Song Fuzhu frowned, "Master, what are you worried about?"

Lu Yuan shook his head and smiled faintly: "Who knows? I hope it's my unfounded worry..."


Whether it is in the special department of China, or in the Yan family in Beijing, the Chen family in Jicheng, the Su family in Kuncheng, Shaolin, Wudang, Tianshifu, Mingjian Villa, Mabulishan Palace, everyone is talking about it.

Edward of Ouzhou Kindred challenges Chinese warrior Yu Yue. This is definitely the most eye-catching battle in the international underground world in the past two decades. His attention even surpassed the previous Kunlun Mountain Martial Arts Conference. The matter between Yue and Edward involved two countries, two continents, and even two ethnic groups.

Many warriors, foreigners, and cultivators paid close attention to them, and many even set off directly to Eagle Country, intending to witness this significant battle with their own eyes.

In addition to the battle between the human race and the blood race, there are also the blood ancestor's longevity and the opening of the secret realm. The three major events are three in one. Many people don't want to miss this lively.

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