Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 966: Prize Pool (Part 1)


Yu Yue coughed twice.

Yu You called out: "Dad!"

Then he said to Yuan Xiaolou: "No fight, no fight, my father is here..."

Take back the flying sword flying all over the sky and turn it into a sword pill. Although the operation of retracting the sword is not very straightforward, many swords "ding and clanging" dropped to the ground, but such a small doll can control eight thousand flying swords. At this level, it can no longer be said to be terrible, but only terrifying.

When she received the sword, Yu You was full of flaws, but Yuan Xiaolou did not sneak attack. The ape shape changed into a little boy, looking for clothes to wear.

Luo Yingxue opened her eyes, although her beautiful eyes were not shining like stars, but there was a soft light like a moon in the void, mysterious and mysterious, like an eternal hazy moon.

She changed her posture and stepped down barefoot, as if the beautiful jade from Kunshan was born and the snow lotus in the Yaochi fell into the world. She walked from floating to Yu Yue, and the wavy purple smoke condensed behind her, and her black dress matched her white and tender skin. Thrilling.

Yu You threw down his sword all over the ground, and ran over first, threw himself into Yu Yue's arms, and at the same time opened her mouth and shouted, "Dad! Daddy! Daddy..."

Yu Yue's heart melted. After holding her around three times, Yu You laughed with joy.

At this moment, Jiang Rou walked in with a smile and greeted everyone to eat.

Yu You was even more happy when she heard that she had eaten. Sa Yazi was about to run, but she was held back by Yu Yue.

Yu Yue instructed her to recycle Feijian completely before she was allowed to eat.

During this period, Nina, who was swiping her mobile phone, suddenly noticed that Yu Yue had arrived, and she stood up in panic. As a result, she accidentally fell from the big copper stove and fell to the ground with a "plop" sound.

Fortunately, Yu You was laughing and yelling, other people probably didn't hear or see it.

Fortunately, Nina's thighs and **** are also very fleshy, and the **** landing should not be very serious.

When she rubbed her **** and got up with difficulty, she found Yuan Xiaolou standing beside and looking at herself strangely. Nina was quite embarrassed and raised her head proudly: "What do you look at? Eat!"

Eagle Country is indeed a food desert. Even the food in high-end hotels is not good, so Jiang Rou personally cooks for everyone these days. Yu Yue has given her a lot of spirits and taught her how to add and how to mix. In comparison, the dishes made are all aura dishes that can strengthen the body and enhance the spiritual power of the true essence.

And Jiang Rou has become more accustomed to wearing maid outfits, whether it's short, long, **** or elegant, she can manage it well, even if she is shy occasionally, she can't hold her child like it.

Nina can be regarded as opening the door to a new world for her. Yu You said several times that she looked good, but she couldn't take it off with her maid outfit.

Although Yu Yue didn't say anything, he couldn't help but look at it two more times.

The lunch was simple, Jiang Rou prepared braised pork rice and beef braised pork rice for everyone.

This meal is not complicated, it is mainly because the spirit liquid is added to the stewed meat, which enhances the flavor and fragrance, and promotes spiritual power.

The soup is fresh shrimp and vegetable tofu soup, which is very nutritious.

When eating, everyone was eating very fragrantly, only Nina, who seemed to have thorns on her butt, was restless.

While eating, Yu Yue ordered and dialed casually, using plain and easy-to-understand words to explain to Luo Yingxue, Yu You, and Yuan Xiaolou the main points of their cultivation, except that they didn't tell Nina.

Nina can't sit still, "can't sit still" in a double sense.

One is because of pain in the butt;

The second is because of a guilty conscience.

She couldn't sit still, stood up and said: "Master Yu, that, please allow me to explain... Although I am a little serious in my practice, and not as hard as Miss Luo, I really didn't mean to be lazy to play with mobile phones just now. I found out. Important intelligence and information..."

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