Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 967: Prize pool (below)

Yu Yue glanced at her and said, "Oh?"

From just now to now, Master Yu finally took a look at herself, Nina quickly said: "Master Yu, after Edward issued the challenge, you have not responded to it? Just now, I found out on the dark web and Ouzhouli World Forum, Someone has placed a heavy bet to set up a prize pool for this battle. The prize pool has 80 billion funds!"

Her words immediately attracted everyone's attention. Of course, except for Yu You and Yuan Xiaolou, these two have no idea about money. Compared with money, a bowl of fragrant beef stewed pork rice is more attractive to Yu You, and Yuan Xiaolou is also concentrating on the vegetable and fruit aura salad specially made for him.

Jiang Rou exclaimed: "80 billion! A lot of money..."

In fact, she just sighed, if the lord of the deer palace of the heavenly palace is present, I am afraid that he will jump up, 80 billion yuan, Yu Yue robs the ship and corrupts people, and changes hands to 300 million. How many flying boats can 80 billion buy? Ah?

Nina said: "Yes, a lot of money! 80 billion, in many cities around the world, even if it is a big city, it’s okay to be the richest man; it’s said that the construction cost of the seven-star Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai is 9.7 billion. 80 billion is more than enough to build eight sailing hotels; the annual GDP of some small countries can't reach this figure..."

Jiang Rou now had a little idea, took a breath, and asked, "So, who is betting to set up a bonus?"

Nina pulled out the post on her mobile phone and said: "This battle was carried out by Manchester City Zabi, Tamim, Tohir, Agnelli, Berlusconi, Abu, Ruben, and Cadogan Gull. The eight major consortiums of the continent jointly funded and set up a foundation as a prize pool and injected 80 billion into it. The winner will get all the rights and interests of this foundation."

After a pause, she said: "The eight major consortiums of Ouzhou correspond to the eight major blood clans of Ouzhou. The chemical industry and other fields, as well as the fields of film and television, building materials, and natural gas, are only a small part of the business of the consortium. The consortium has an average of 13.6 billion large-scale investment projects in the world every year."

Yu Yue squinted his eyes slightly: "The blood clan does everything in order to provoke me to fight."

Jiang Rou also realized what this meant, and asked worriedly: "Is this a fake, or is it a trap?"

Nina said: "A video of the spokesperson for Manchester City Zabi was released in the Ou Zhouli World Forum. There should be no falsehood in the funding. As for whether it is a trap..."

She didn't finish her words, but the meaning was already obvious. If it weren't a trap, it would be a ghost.

Everyone looked at Yu Yue and waited for him to make a statement, including Yu Yuyou who had eaten three bowls of beef stewed pork rice and Yuan Xiaolou who had eaten a large bowl of vegetable and fruit salad-they were also eating.

Yu Yue tapped his finger on the desktop and said, "80 billion? It's okay. Don't do it for nothing, don't..."

He said very lightly, as if 80 billion is already in his pocket.

Eighty billion is really not a small number. Some of China’s richest people claim to be worth hundreds of billions, but they are only controlled industries and nearly 100 billion shares. The actual assets may not even be half of them, and they can come up with 80 billion cash in one go. Only the top consortiums like Ouzhou can do it.

"But..." Yu Yue's conversation turned, "I don't need to respond to anything, hang them to see if they will increase their weight."

At this moment, he looked at the red moon outside the window. Even in the daytime, the moon in the sky was still bright red and eye-catching.

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