Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 972: Stonehenge (middle)

Seeing the four lords of the eight major clans present, the blood on their bodies suppressed the audience, which was suffocating and people were even more jealous.

Not to mention Giovanni Gangro, the clan lord of the Gangaro clan, and the Pascal clan lord Refno Pascal, even the two female clan lords of Ashamite and Torito, Ashika. Ashamite and Rosaria Torito, they are also as powerful as the sea.

Someone stared at the two beautiful clan masters, and their saliva almost came out: "The two women are too beautiful, they are too hot, I really don't know how many men will be fascinated by the bed..."

Someone next to him quickly persuaded him: "Hey, look at it, you don’t want to die? Do you know how many men died in their hands? If you follow the way of their sisters, it is estimated that even the blood prince will be unpleasant. !"

The man's face changed in fright before, but he still couldn't help but watch.

Because the two clan masters of Ashamate and Torito are really good-looking, they don’t have the youthful youthfulness, they are fully mature, the flowers are blooming, mature, the facial features are three-dimensional, and the figure is hot. , The gesture of gestures is so full of amorous feelings, with a frown and a fascinating smile, people can't help but have illusions when they see them, imagining what the ultimate scenery they are on the bed.

The Scarlet Queen Olsen of the Spark clan is also this familiar type, but they are even better.

Then, a few more sects from Ouzhou came one after another, but not many.

Because to be honest, the cultivation resources of Ouzhou have been basically monopolized by the eight blood clans, and the cultivation space has been squeezed out. Other sects of sects have developed and grown, and even survival is very difficult.

"Look, who is here?"

At this time, someone was surprised.

Everyone saw it, and a convoy drove from a distance.

About seven or eight.

All high red flags.

The battle is not small.

The convoy drove to a close, neatly.

There were dozens of people in black who got off the car, almost all of them with oriental faces. The leader was a man in his 50s and 60s who was wearing a black tunic suit. He was unsmiling, calm and strong.

It was Sima Ao, the leader of the Qinghong Association, the leader of the mountain.

Behind him, followed by a short and chubby middle-aged man with a smile on his face, short and all-white hair, an old man wearing a black training shirt with a white head and white beard, and a red-bottomed black-patterned Hanfu skirt. A girl wearing a mask, holding a red folding fan in her hand.

It is He Chen, the vice-owner of the Qinghong Association, Lei Zongying and the red paper fan.

After that, there are Zhi Gongtang, Sanhetang, Yixingtang, Longji, and Huaji five hall masters and disciples.

Someone with more knowledge said: "This...this is a member of the "Overseas Hongmen" Qinghong Association... God, I didn't expect them to come too!"

The person next to him asked, "Qinghong Association? Is it great?"

The person said before: "You don't even know the Qinghong Association, how did you get on the road? It is the largest overseas Chinese organization, and it is even more powerful than some small countries. It is comparable to a transnational giant! I didn't expect it, the Association. The Big Four and the Hall Masters of the Five Halls are here, and this time it can be lively..."

Another person echoed and said: "Yes, the Cyan Red Association is here, the Eastern World finally has a representative, and the Human Race finally has a representative, and they can compete with the Ouzhou Blood Race..."

Many people disagreed with this sentence, and immediately shook their heads: "What about the Green Red Club? No matter how powerful the'Overseas Hongmen' is, it can't compete with the big clans of European blood. Don't forget, here it is. There are blood ancestors behind them in their territory!"

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