Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 973: Stonehenge (Part 2)

"Sima Shanzhu and the members of the Qinghonghui will be here, and the Gullard clan is very honored. I think his blood ancestor will also be happy."

In any case, the Qinghong General Association is a major international power, and the elder Mottolas was still polite, and quickly stepped forward and shook hands with Sima Ao to express welcome.

Sima Ao smiled and ordered people to present birthday gifts. Tobacco, wine, tea and jade were large in quantity and top-quality, and the value might not be less than tens of millions.

Everyone also sighed that in today's world, if we talk about wealth and power, except for the oil tycoon in the Middle East, it is the Huaxia Chinese, and the Ouzhou magnesium country has to stay behind.

After the arrival of the Qinghong Association, many disciples from the Pope’s and aristocratic families came, including blood and human races, but their prestige is not as good as the Qinghong Association, which can stand all over the world. It does have extraordinary strength.

If there is anyone who can match the ranks of the Qinghong General Association, it is probably only the presence of the Supervision Bureau and the church that can compare with it.

The Ouzhouli World Supervision Administration and the church came together.

Two reds (cardinals) came to the church, Andrewson from the central parish and Asalut from the West Oval parish.

The three deputy chief inspectors of the Supervision Bureau are here, Douglas in charge of operations, Lambert in charge of intelligence and regional security, and Jonah in charge of administration.

There are also some entourage, and Galbien is among them.

Such a lineup is not unforgiving, and such specifications are already very important.

Many warriors, strangers, and cultivators couldn't help but sigh again and again, this time it's really worth it!

You know, the cardinal is the second only to the pope (pope) in the huge system of the Ouzhou Church. It is usually difficult to see it. It is very hard to see two reds at once.

What's more, the three deputy chief inspectors of the Supervision Bureau are all present. This is a scene that many people may not see in their entire lives.

The blood ancestor and the big birthday cow!

The supervision bureau and the church also gave birthday gifts to the blood ancestors. Although they were all quite satisfactory, they did not come empty-handed, and it was impossible for the Gurad clan to shut them out.

With the arrival of gangs of warriors, strangers, and cultivators, Stonehenge was surrounded by a sea of ​​people and shoulder to shoulder. There were friendly sects gathered to communicate with each other, and there were familiar warriors, strangers, and cultivators. Talk in groups...


Just as everyone was eagerly looking forward to seeing what other great Pope’s gates were coming to attend this Stonehenge feast, a roar sounded between the heavens and the earth, and suddenly, an iron cavalry stepped into the air!

This iron cavalry stepped through the void, and the **** horse under his hips was like lightning, and for more than ten miles, a long phantom was drawn in the void.

This iron cavalry arrived in the air, like a stream of light and flying shadows.


With a long hiss, the iron cavalry, like a torrent of steel, instantly stopped over the Stonehenge, hovering over everyone's heads.

How arrogant, domineering, and unscrupulous it is to set the cavalry on the heads of so many big men and so many masters!

Moreover, the entire cavalry team has nearly a hundred people, but when it stops, it is incomparably neat, moving like flowing water and moving freely.

Everyone looked up. Even if someone was angry, many people were moved by it. The real protagonist is here!

I saw the cavalry slowly circling and stepping down, and it was also neat and orderly.

The leader is a young man with brown hair, brown eyes, white face and no beard, slender figure, and unmatched beauty. It should have been a bit feminine, but now it seems to have become a personal one, becoming extremely cold.

He is Edward Parsons Vandro.

And now, he should be called, Edward Parsons Vandro Goulard.

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