Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 974: Admission (Part 1)

Not long ago, he was the young master of the Fanzhuo clan.

And now, he is also the young master of the Gullard clan at the same time.

In his arms, there was a woman in his arms, his wife, Isabella Modresa, the daughter of the Modresa clan.

The husband and wife were originally very affectionate, but Isabella looked a little strange, from head to toe, dressed in noble and elegant makeup, but without a trace of expression on her beautiful face, she looked like a puppet.

Behind Edward, there was Tepesh Gullad, the head of the Gurad clan.

He was a middle-aged man with long hair and beard, tall and wearing a tuxedo cloak. His skin was pale, his nose was very pointed, and the goatee on his lips made him look attractive, but many people knew that he was very dangerous and powerful. .

After that, followed by the elders and strong men of the Gurad clan, as well as some disciples of the Vandro clan.

This means that the Gurad clan and the Vandro clan are truly united.

This caused many people's pupils to shrink, especially the other blood clan present.

Although they already knew the news that the young master of the Vandro clan had defected to the Gurad clan, they were still unavoidable to be touched by what they saw with their own eyes.

The Gangaluo clan, Pascal clan, Ashamite clan, and Torito clan all showed horror and fearful expressions.

Only Richard Modresa, the young master of the Modresa clan, stared at Edward with more emotions than others, and seemed to be angry.

The cavalry landed on the clearing that everyone voluntarily gave way.

Everyone can see clearly at this time. Everyone on the riding team rides a flying horse, which is better than the sea horses ridden by the head of the Gangaluo clan, and the number is so large that it demonstrates the courage of the host. , This also made Giovanni Gangro's expression change.

Edward's long body was wrapped in dark red armor, and his whole person was like an iron mountain and jade pillar, but he jumped off the flying Jiao, but it was extremely light.

"This son is amazing! Although the Fanzhuo clan was hit, he changed randomly, was able to flex and stretch, he immediately defected to the Gurad clan and was reused, obtaining strong resources and support, and his own aptitude was absolutely absolute. Not bad, today, among the younger generations of warriors, strangers, and cultivators in Ouzhou, there is no one who can beat him..."

Whenever I saw Edward, even the strong or big boss of the older generation couldn't help but sigh.

When seeing Edward taking Isabella from Malaysia with one arm, Richard Modresa's eyes became more angry.

The welcoming elder Mutolas immediately stepped forward to salute the clan leader Cepesh and the young leader Edward, and reported on the guests' presence.

Tepesh gave a salute to the clan leaders and leaders of several big clans of the blood clan, and the leaders of several big sects, as well as the three deputy chief inspectors of the supervision bureau and two cardinals of the church.

Edward looked around the audience, did not see Yu Yue, and asked Mutolas whether Yu Yue was present, but he did not get a positive answer, and he couldn't help showing disappointment.

Also disappointed are some people from the Qinghong Association, as well as warriors, aliens and cultivators from the Eastern Underground World.

The Western underground world, especially Ouzhou, has long been ruled by the kinsman and there is no hope. They see Edward's appearance, and they feel that Edward is determined to win.

Regarding the duel between Yu Yue and Edward, the Western underground world generally believes that there is no fight against Edward.

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