Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 975: Admission (in)

However, there were still some people from the Qinghong Association and the warriors, aliens, and cultivators of the East who were willing to support Yu Yue, hoping to see Yu Yue win. After all, this was an opportunity to be proud.

But as time went by, Yu Yue never appeared, which disappointed many people who expected him.

"What do you say about the duel? Isn't Yu Yue coming?"

"Don't you dare to come? Are you persuaded?"

"Come on, you have to change it, do you dare to come? Duel against the genius of the blood clan on the core of the blood clan, it is the wise choice to retreat!"

"Yes, Ou Zhou is the blood clan base camp, Eagle Nation is the blood clan core position. Even the blood ancestor’s nest is in Eagle Nation. Now Edward has many auras added to him. He is really the proud son of heaven. If you want to beat him, he will be better than the sky. It's still hard!"

"Yeah, home game, blood ancestor blessing, how to fight this battle? In case, I said in case, in case I win, it is a dead end, and it is even worse..."

"No, the problem is, if Yu Yue can't provoke the kinsman, then don't provoke it. Now people post a challenge, he will shrink his head to avoid the fight, and it is us who are embarrassed! You didn't see that those Western guys think we are What look? Naked contempt and disdain!"

"Yes, it's too uncomfortable! To be a tortoise is more disgusting and disgusting than a loser!"

Indeed, because Yu Yue was late to the scene, the Western warriors and foreign practitioners looked at the Eastern warriors and foreign practitioners with more or less arrogance and contempt in their eyes, with the expression "you just can't do" on their faces, and the atmosphere was extremely high. Depressed.

He Chen, the vice-chairman of the Qinghong Association, also shook his head.

Lei Zongying sneered.

The red stick Han Long of Sanhetang and the red stick Han Hu of Yixingtang’s Yin Yang Wei Dao:

"Oh, I used to pretend to be so awesome at the Red Gate Tower banquet. I didn't expect it to be a tortoise egg with a shrunken head. It's really embarrassing and out of the international level!"

"Isn't it, that kid was so awesome last time, I'm afraid the mountain owner didn't even look at him!"

"Who invited him last time?"

"It seems to be the white fan Yang captured the tiger..."

"I'm wondering, why did you invite him? He also said that he would be invited to give us foreign aid to the Qinghong Society, that's it?"

"Such foreign aid will only embarrass us, and the faces of Qinghong will not be embarrassing enough..."

Yang Qinhu, who was in court, wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead, and did not dare to say anything.

The girl in the red dress, the red fan, and the red fox mask suddenly spoke, "Han Long, Han Hu, are you two itchy? Didn't anyone tell you that I proposed to invite Yu Yue? I entrusted Junshi Yang to invite him on his behalf, and I did not invite him to be a foreign aid, but to be the chief guest officer. Do you two have any opinions? I have any opinions."

Han Long and Han Hu fainted at once. They originally wanted to take the opportunity to ridicule and suppress the court, but they didn’t expect that the red paper fan would openly stand up and take responsibility. Shouldn’t they all shirk responsibility at this time, after all, you Inviting a "counsel" who "dare not to fight" to serve as the chief guest officer of the Qinghong General Association is a question mark.

But neither of them dared to smash the red paper fan, the red paper fan's tricks are not a joke, she can make you rotate 360 ​​degrees, life is better than death.

Han Long and Han Hu shook their heads repeatedly: "Ah, it turned out to be Lord Red Paper Fan your idea? I...we don't know...Since it was Lord Red's idea, then we have no opinion, we don't have any opinion..."

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