Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 977: Entry (Part 1)

I saw that the Gurad clan sent hundreds of disciples to surround Stonehenge. Everyone stretched out their palms and held a huge stone nearby, filling them with blood.

There is a cloud of blood evaporating above everyone's head, condensing into a cloud of blood.

Everyone's complexion flushed, and then turned from red to white, which seemed to consume a lot of money.

Then, the four elders of the Gurad clan opened their mouths and vomited hemorrhage nuclei, and beat the blood nuclei on the Stonehenge boulder from four different directions. The beating had a certain rhythm and seemed to follow a certain rule.

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly, the blood burst into the sky, and Stonehenge burst into a terrifying blood burst, soaring to the red moon in the sky, seeming to be in a line with it.

At this time, the world was blood red.

The next moment, the circular stonehenge actually began to rotate, like a rotating gear.

Hundreds of disciples fell to the ground unconsciously, and their bodies became pale and shriveled, as if they were drained of blood.

At this time, every boulder in Stonehenge is like a bloodstone, emitting a light that is strange and full of mysterious power.


Along with the roar, the huge rocks sank into the ground while spinning.

Seeing the huge rock sinking into the ground, at this moment, I don't know how many people are nervous, all eyes are fixed on the world in front of them, and everyone is unwilling to miss any details.


When blocks of luminous boulders sank into the ground, a huge portal appeared in the clearing.

The portal is intertwined with endless blood-colored brilliance, intertwined to become a big door across the world, like a big mouth of the blood basin of the ancient beasts, it seems that it can swallow everything at any time.

Although such a door is open, it gives people a sense of oppression that cannot be described in words.

Faced with the huge Scarlet Gate, everyone was both frightened and excited.


Finally opened!

Many warriors, strangers, and cultivators couldn't help but get excited, and some even geared their hands and wanted to do it.

However, if you want to enter the secret realm of Stonehenge, you must be based on seniority and must follow the arrangements of the Gurad clan.

Of course, the clan lord Zepesh and the young lord Edward of the Gurad clan were the first to enter. They led the iron cavalry and stepped into the bloodlight portal majesticly, and their figures disappeared.

Mutolas, the elder of the Gulade clan, and another elder stayed behind to arrange for other forces to enter the secret realm.

They did not hesitate to uphold the principle of kinship first, and let the four clans of Gangaluo, Pascal, Achamet, and Turedo first enter in the order of the value of the gift.

This has aroused dissatisfaction with many human forces and eastern forces, including the Qinghong Association.

If the gifts are sorted according to the value of the gifts, the gifts of the Qinghong Association are definitely not light, but they cannot be advanced, which is very unfair.

Because entering first has the advantage of entering first, those who enter first can seize the first opportunity to grab good treasures first, and they can also prepare early to create a threat to latecomers.

After all, where there are people, there are quacks and quacks, and no one can completely trust another person.

The arrangement of the Gurad clan is obviously unfair and extremely unbalanced. If all the Ouzhou blood clan advances, then the human forces and eastern forces that enter later will face huge risks. If it is extreme, it may be annihilated. .

Many people yelled and asked to adjust the order of admission, or everyone rushed together.

But the Gurad clan is very strong, this is their territory, they simply ignore you.

In the face of this situation, the Qinghong General Association had nothing to do. He Chen, the deputy mountain master, berated the disciples not to make a noise, and watched the four major clans of the Ouzhou blood family enter first.

Finally it was the turn of the Green and Red Club.

The mountain lord Sima Ao asked all the disciples to be united and guarded.

Then get ready to go.

A red paper fan in red stood motionless.

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