Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 978: Entry (in)

He Chen asked the red paper fan: "Red girl, what are you doing? Let's go!"

The red paper fan shook the fan and said, "You go first, I'll wait."

He Chen smiled and asked, "Wait, wait for Yu Yue? Do you think he will come again?"

The red paper fan looked at him, his eyes bend, and a smile: "I don't know, wait and see."

He Chen said to Sima Ao: "Shanzhu, one step is slow, we can't wait any longer."

Sima Ao hesitated.

The red paper fan smiled and said, "It's okay, you just go first."

Sima Ao confessed in a deep voice: "Hong'er, this is not our site, you are likely to be attacked by someone..."

The red paper fan said: "Mountain Lord, I will be careful. I still have not finished the gambling, and the chips have not been won back, so there will be no problems easily."

While she was talking, she looked at Han Long and Han Hu, and the two big men contracted their necks involuntarily.

Sima Ao nodded and said no more, waved to signal the team to start, and walked towards the secret realm portal first with his hand held steady and strong.

Lei Zongying followed in silence with the double-flower red stick.

He Chen shouted: "Brothers, let's go!"

The five disciples of Qinghong entered the secret realm mightily.

Some human forces and Eastern forces followed closely behind. In the current situation where the powers of the blood race are waiting, they can only choose to hug the "thigh" of the Qinghong General Association and only look forward to the "overseas Hongmen" horse head.

As many forces and organizations have entered the secret realm of Stonehenge, there are fewer and fewer people outside the secret realm. The crowded scene no longer exists, and there are only some martial artists in bulk and casual repairers who cannot afford birthday gifts and are not eligible to enter the country.

And a mysterious woman in a red dress, a red fan, and a red fox mask.

That is the fourth place in the Green and Red Club, the red paper fan.

Many people know that there is such a existence, but they don't know her real name.

At this time, she stood alone in front of the Scarlet Gate, like an independent, bright and not kitsch rose flower.

The turbulence generated by the secret portal blew her red dress close to her body, drawing a graceful curve.

A few Sanxiu dared to approach him: "Mai Juncheng, a Chinese Xiangjiang magician, I have seen a red paper fan."

The red paper fan didn't have that kind of refusal. He smiled and greeted him and said, "Hello."

Mai Juncheng looks like the noble son of Xiangjiang. He looks good and dressed well. He can see that he has a good family background. He has also studied with a famous teacher. Unfortunately, his skills have declined and Lord Mai has become a casual cultivator. There is no further channel for this. Once I heard that the secret realm of Stonehenge was open, I invited three or five colleagues to come and see if there was a chance to get some secrets and treasures for cultivation.

As a result, I didn't expect that such a small-fashioned Gurad clan would actually engage in the trick of "blocking the door to collect money", which is really shameless.

But there is no way, this is on other people's territory, how many people in Mai Gongzi district dare to make a mistake?

This time, seeing the red paper fan of the Qinghong General Association placed an order, I tried every means to talk, among which there were many thoughts of "holding the thigh" and "rubbing the ticket". After all, Xiangjiang and Hongmen still have a connection.

Mai Juncheng asked seemingly casually: "Why didn't the girl go in with the army? Are you waiting for someone?"

The red paper fan is also very casual and does not conceal: "Well, I am waiting for Mr. Yu Yueyu."

Mai Juncheng and several people showed surprise at the same time: "Yu Yue? It is Yu Yue, who is known as the "Black Horse Master of China", the blood nemesis, who suppressed the two blood clans, and killed the blood kings and many strong blood clans. ?"

The red paper fan said: "Not bad."

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