Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 981: Three sentences (middle)

When Yu Yue said such words, the expressions of everyone outside the secret realm changed suddenly.

This is too arrogant, it is arrogant!

You know, this is in the core site of the Ouzhou blood clan, the stronghold of the Gurad clan. You sprayed the elder, the young master, and the blood ancestor in three words. Could this person be crazy?

" are so bold, you dare to be disrespectful to the blood ancestors!" Mutolas's expression changed drastically.

"It's just the blood ancestor, why should I respect? Besides, what does my respect and disrespect to the blood ancestor have to do with whether I can enter the secret realm? No one can stop where I want to go. Get out!"

Everyone looked at Yu Yue with strange eyes.

In the eyes of the red paper fan, there was a continual splendor.

"Ignorant little beast, this seat accepts you today!" Mutolas's face has become extremely ugly. As the elder of the clan, when did he be reprimanded by a junior in this way? What makes him famous?

In a rage, he stretched out his hand to grab Yu Yue, a big hand, like a mountain, a prince-level shot, enough to crush many low-level warriors, strangers, and cultivators to death.

The surging blood gas caused many people present to change their colors.

However, Yu Yue looked indifferent, without the slightest fear, between the sparks and flints, punched out!

This seemingly unremarkable punch, with the power of the endless avenue, fell, and with a loud "bang", Mutolas flew upside down, blood spurted out, and the sound of broken bones was endless!

Everyone was stunned. This is the elder of the Gulad clan, the first clan of the Ouzhou blood clan, and a dignified prince-level powerhouse. He can't even stop Yu Yue's blow?

So how strong is Yu Yue?

This kind of strength, even if the real master is personally close to him, isn't it?

The sound of broken bones ceased, and Mutolas crashed heavily on the ground. The blood stained the ground. He was lying in the big pit, and it was very difficult to move. At this time, even if he was immortal, he was seriously injured. Heal.

The whole audience was silent, everyone held their breath, everyone was weighing themselves, whether a character who could not even stop the blood prince could afford it.

Mai Juncheng couldn't help being afraid. His words and deeds just now seemed a bit offensive to Yu Yue. If he knew, would his fate be the same as that of the elder?

The red paper fan nodded secretly, hearing nothing but seeing as believing, no wonder Big Brother Mountain Boar awed him so much, no wonder...

Another Gurad clan elder who stayed behind to guard the gate rushed to Mutolas to check his situation. After checking, he glared at Yu Yue and tremblingly said: "You... how dare you..."

Yu Yue glanced at him and asked, "You want to block my way?"

The elder’s heart struggled crazily. He remembered the rumors that Yu Yue had broken through the siege of the five blood race masters. Among them, there was also the prince-level pinnacle powerhouse ghost Gaosi, and even the blood family prince was killed. In the end, he was in dignity and survival. I chose the latter.

He said: "I... how can I stand in your way, don't talk nonsense..."

The other blood race disciples couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the elder admits that, if the elder wants them to stop this terrible guy, then they really can't handle it.

"Let's go." After Yu Yue finished speaking, he took Yu You, Jiang Rou, Luo Yingxue, Nina and Yuan Xiaolou to the door of the secret realm swaggeringly.

The red paper fan followed.

Mai Juncheng and several people hurriedly followed the red paper fan with expressionless expressions.

The warriors of the other Xiaomen Sect and San Xiu tentatively followed after seeing this...

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