Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 982: Three sentences (below)

Many people followed Yu Yue towards the huge portal intertwined with **** brilliance, and for a while, they formed a large team, which was even worse than the Qinghonghui.

Originally, if you wanted to enter the secret realm of Stonehenge, you had to spend huge sums of money to give gifts as a "stepping stone", and not everyone or any sect was qualified to enter.

Mutolas could not afford to be seriously injured. His duties of blocking the door and selecting the eligibility of immigrants should have been taken over by another elder, but that elder didn’t know if he was frightened or knew the current affairs. In short, he stood there. Without moving, all the disciples of the Gullard clan present did not dare to act rashly, if one angered this guy who was more like a demon king than the blood king, it would be miserable to kill the whole blood clan in one breath...

Therefore, this group of Ouzhou blood disciples who are responsible for guarding the gates of the secret realm can only watch the warriors from the human race and the east enter the secret realm, and watch the warriors of the Xiaomen Xiaopai who can't afford to give birthday gifts. Foreign people or casual cultivators who go in troubled waters do not dare to act rashly.

All of a sudden, the scene became lively. The warriors of the Xiaomen Sect and San Xiu were very grateful to Yu Yue. They really didn’t even dream of having a chance to enter the secret realm of Stonehenge. They were already desperate. Now, they and Behind Yu Yue and the others, they desperately squeezed into the secret portal. They didn't want to be even one step behind anyone except Yu Yue. They didn't want to miss the opportunity that they hadn't met in decades, and they didn't want to miss the legendary great fortune.

When everyone rushed into the secret realm portal, they all stopped abruptly, because there was a cliff in front of them.

This shocked some little martial artists and casual cultivators with little knowledge. The Stonehenge was originally located on the plains, and there were wilderness in all directions. Why did they rush into the **** portal and then came to the cliff? What is the situation?

Moreover, there is an endless void under people's feet, as if they would fall to the deepest point as soon as they stepped out.

Everyone stood on the cliff, looking at the boundless void in front of them, they were also at a loss, which is different from the secret realm many people imagined!

" this the secret of Stonehenge?" Someone couldn't help but say disappointedly as he looked at the endless void in front of them.

"Is the secret realm like this? It's impossible..." Someone couldn't help but say unwillingly, looking at the boundless void in front of them.

"Maybe this is just the entrance, and there are other places to go...or else, where are all the people who entered the country before?" a small sect's suzerain guessed.

He offered flying swords and ordered his disciples to also offer flying swords, and all members of the team went up to the sword, soared into the air, and walked with the sword. They planned to go ahead and take a look.

However, terrible things quickly happened. When this group of people rushed into the void, a flying sword turned out to be malfunctioning, losing power, and falling into the depths of the void like a bottomless pit.


Feijian suddenly lost control and failed, and the disciples couldn't help being astonished. Although they were disciples of the small school, since they knew how to defend the sword, they naturally had some skills.

But the result is still the same, they can't jump at all.

Here, the abilities of moving, flying, and flying of warriors, foreigners, and cultivators seem to be completely ineffective.

At this moment, no matter what kind of physical skills they displayed, no matter how many flying treasures they sacrificed, they couldn't save them. They seemed to be trapped in a horrible mire.

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