Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 983: Dangerous (Part 1)

The call is getting farther and farther, and finally can't be heard at all.

Suddenly, hundreds of warriors, foreigners, and cultivators on the edge of the cliff were frightened and screamed through the void. Everyone watched these sect disciples, who were also masters, falling into the endless depths of the void like meteors. In the end, they disappeared in everyone's eyes, no one knew where they fell, no one knew whether they were alive or dead.

"Why... how could this happen?" Seeing such a scene, everyone was frightened, and the San Xiu or Zongmen who wanted to follow the flying out suddenly stopped, and couldn't help but shudder.

"No...impossible, there are still half-step masters in there!" Those familiar with him couldn't help but feel pale and his legs felt weak.

As soon as I walked in, people disappeared, which is too dangerous...

"Mr. Yu, what's the matter?" The red paper fan walked to Yu Yue's side and asked him for advice.

Yu Yue looked at her beautiful eyes like stars and autumn water hidden behind the red fox mask, and said: "This is a'trapped mountain', with an invisible realm. It is difficult for birds to cross, whether it is a modern technology airplane or a cultivation civilization. Regardless of the use of magic weapons or light power spells, the flying boats of the sky are useless. No matter how strong they are, they will also fall. As long as they fall, they will be dead without burial."

When everyone heard it, they were all surprised.

Although many people don't know what "trapped realm" is, but when you hear the phrase "No matter how strong the strongest is, there is no place to be buried." Everyone understands how terrifying this is.

Moreover, it was Yu Yue who severely injured the blood elder guarding the gate with a punch and took them into the secret realm, so many of them believed what Yu Yue said.

"Then what should we do now?" the red paper fan asked again.

Most people are waiting for Yu Yue to give a solution.

"Look! What is that?" Before Yu Yue could answer, someone pointed to the front and shouted.

Everyone looked into the vast void ahead, and saw patches of red clouds floating in the distance.

The red cloud is like blood, it looks like dripping blood.

Red clouds floated, forming a long line, which looked like a river of blood from a distance.

In the blink of an eye, the "Blood River" drifted past the cliff and "flowed" in the other direction before drifting to the cliff.

"Riding on this blood cloud, you can go deep into the secret realm..." Yu Yue said.

"That's it!" At this moment, a big man jumped onto a blood cloud that had just approached.

As soon as he jumped up, the blood cloud rolled over, and a large amount of blood mist surrounded him like tentacles.

"Ah--" The big man was too reckless and too big, without any preparation, and was wrapped tightly by the blood cloud. In the blink of an eye, the whole person was turned into blood mist, and there was no bones left.

The eyes of everyone looking at Yu Yue have changed.

Yu Yue didn't care: "I haven't finished speaking, he was too anxious. I said that only by riding a cloud can we go deep into the secret realm, but this secret realm is dangerous, and the blood cloud is not a thing of Jiliang. The power of evil can corrode a person's physique.

"If you don't have enough power and treasures to stop the evil force from corroding, I advise you to turn your heads, there is no need to die in vain."

Everyone sighed. No wonder Yu Yue just now, that person was too anxious, the secret realm was really dangerous, just entering the portal, it was dangerous step by step.

Hearing only the sound of "Om", a Buddhist priest sacrificed the magical golden bowl, and threw the golden bowl on the blood cloud to block the danger of the blood cloud, while he himself turned over and jumped into the golden bowl and was carried by the blood cloud. Floating into the distance.

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