Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 984: Dangerous (medium)

Then, small sects and sects jumped into the blood cloud one after another, and they sacrificed all their treasures to resist the erosion of the blood mist.

"Let's join hands!" Seeing that the sect sects were riding a cloud of blood floating into the distance, many casual practitioners began to discuss, forming a small group, and want to join hands to ride the cloud.

Some sects and casual repair groups successfully blocked the evil force of the blood cloud with treasures or exercises. Those who did not block could only scream and turn into blood mist, leaving no bones.

Mai Juncheng's companions were also persuading him to go to the cloud together, but he waved his hand, looked at the red paper fan, and asked, "Master Red Fan, are you still going?"

He wanted to hug the thigh of the red paper fan, and the red paper fan just wanted to follow Yu Yue.

The Red Paper Fan didn't even look at him, and her eyes hardly left Yu Yue.

She asked: "Mr. Yu, what are you waiting for?"

Yu Yue forcibly broke into the secret realm portal just now, but he didn't seem to be anxious at all. He watched everyone jump on the blood cloud, smiled slightly, and said, "Let the blood cloud float for a while."

I don’t know how long it took. There were fewer and fewer warriors, strangers, and cultivators on the cliff. Many sects successfully rode away on the cloud of blood. Even those casual cultivators, when they joined forces, they had enough The power of blocking the blood mist, they couldn't help being excited when they rode the blood cloud away, they finally entered the secret realm of Stonehenge! The legendary great fortune, the legendary supreme treasure, and the peerless heritage are waiting for them!

Mai Juncheng and his companions looked anxious, and there were fewer and fewer people around them. They also wanted to choose a blood cloud to jump on, but they wanted to hold the thigh of the red paper fan, so they could only wait for the red paper fan to jump first. The red paper fan doesn't jump, and they are not good at urging. If they are troubled by others, it will be troublesome, so they can only do it in a hurry.

Red Paper Fan was also anxious in her heart, but she did not show any eagerness or impatience. Seeing Yu Yue's eyes staring at the floating blood cloud, she muttered words, as if counting something silently.

Just when Mai Juncheng and others were about to lose their breath, Yu Yue finally locked on a blood cloud, which looked no different from other blood clouds, but he reached out and said, " We're ready, we go up to that cloud, and after going up to the cloud, Miss Luo used the'Blue Dragon Ball' to block the blood fog. Remember, listen to my instructions when the time comes."

Luo Yingxue nodded. Although she was a little dazed at this time, she listened to what Yu Yue said, very good.

The red paper fan took a deep breath and secretly got ready.

Mai Juncheng and others also cheered up, and finally they are going to the cloud!

When the **** clouds selected by Yu Yue approached, Yu Yue picked up Yuyou, grabbed Jiang Rou with one hand, and shouted in a deep voice: "Jump—"

Before the voice fell, the person took Yu You and Jiang Rou and fell on the blood cloud.

Luo Yingxue and Nina hurriedly jumped up.

Luo Yingxue's posture is very beautiful, "blue travels back to dreams", like a dream of a floating life, a quiet swim in a blue sky, a black cloth like a black phoenix, and a pair of snow feet like a jade butterfly. Empty into the clouds.

Nina can't do anything lightly, she can only release alchemy, and refines a set of devices similar to a catapult on the spot, throwing herself onto a cloud of blood.

The red paper fan jumped onto the blood cloud almost indiscriminately with Luo Yingxue. She was also extremely light and graceful and full of beauty. Wearing a red dress, when she leapt, she looked like a red cloud.

Mai Juncheng and others hurriedly followed behind and jumped...

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