Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 985: Dangerous (Part 2)

When the crowd jumped on the blood cloud, the blood mist suddenly churned, and the blood mist rolled towards them like countless tentacles!

Luo Yingxue immediately sacrificed the "Blue Dragon Ball", stimulating the magic power, the blue dragon in the bead circulated and swam, and the blue light exploded, blocking the blood mist.

Red Paper Fan, Mai Juncheng and others couldn't help but see the magical green beads in Luo Yingxue's palm.

Yu Yue glanced at Mai Juncheng and the others, and said, "Since you want to follow me, you must listen to me. If you drag your legs, don't blame me for being polite."

Mai Juncheng and the others were so scared that they nodded their heads, like a chicken pecking rice, but they were a little unhappy. This person is too domineering...

Yu Yue looked at the red paper fan again and said, "There is still you."

If someone dared to speak to her like this, she must have made the person unhappy, but now Yu Yue speaks to her, but she doesn’t think it at all. She even smiles and bows her hands as a courtesy: "In this secret, everything is up to you. Mr. Yu arranged."

Surrounded by the blue light, everyone was safe, riding a cloud of blood to the distance. At this time, Jiang Rou thought of a song called "Floating to the North", but didn't dare to sing it.

At the same time, the blood clouds floating in the distance were not the only ones of them, and the blood clouds lined up in a long line, like a long river of blood flowing in the boundless void.

I don't know how long this river of blood has been "flowing". When it floats to a position, the blood clouds start to separate, and each blood cloud floats in a different direction.

From here, all the blood clouds spread out, and each blood cloud has its own direction. For a while, it is scattered in the sky, and like countless flat boats in the vast sea, drifting away in all directions of the sea.

The direction of the blood cloud is not controlled by the warriors, strangers, and cultivators riding on it. No matter how strong or against the sky, you can't change the direction of the blood cloud.

Seeing these blood clouds scattered, the people on the clouds were going in different directions. At this time, the red paper fan vaguely understood why Yu Yue had chosen clouds so patiently.

She muttered to herself, but she seemed to be asking: "So this blood cloud doesn't float to the same place..."

At this time, there are no other blood clouds around them, only they are such a blood cloud drifting lonely in the vast void, just like a small boat drifting in the vast sea, people can't help but worry about it, worry about when there will be terror The unknown is like a huge wave.

"Of course it will not be the same place. Every blood cloud has a foothold, and every foothold is the beginning of a good fortune. There are good and bad beginnings, so choosing blood clouds is very important." He closed his eyes and said.

He closed his eyes as soon as he separated from the blood cloud, and did not open them at this time.

The red paper fan guessed that he was silently measuring the distance traveled by the blood cloud.

The red paper fan couldn't help asking: "Mr. Yu, how do you know how to choose a blood cloud, and how do you know which blood cloud will have a good foothold?"

However, Yu Yue closed his eyes, concentrated on it, and did not choose to answer.

He can't tell her: "This secret realm, I have been here in my previous life, and turned upside down. For me, this secret realm has no secrets at all."

They rode on the blood cloud and didn't know how long they floated. Suddenly, Yu Yue opened his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Get ready, get ready to jump down."

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