Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 987: The Realm of No Secrets (Middle)




Seeing that Mai Juncheng and others are about to fall into meatloaf, it is also serious if they are not dead. The red paper fan shot again, the big fan came out, a gust of wind swept through, blowing all the Mai Juncheng and others into a deviation, blowing towards A large lake next to it.

Plop - plop - plop -

Several people fell into the water, but finally did not fall into meatloaf.

Just when Mai Juncheng and the others got out of the water and each spit out a spit of lake water, they only heard someone screaming and approaching. At first glance, it turned out that Nina hadn't controlled the fire-breathing furnace, so it sprayed crookedly. The big lake is coming!

Mai Juncheng and the others were so scared that they hurried to dodge, the black copper furnace poured into the water, and huge splashes were splashed, pushing Mai Gongzi and his comrades to each other.

Because the black copper furnace is hollow, it barely floats on the lake.

Nina got out of the water, spit out water, climbed up the furnace strenuously, patted her chest and panted, seemingly shocked.

Mai Juncheng and others couldn't help but stare at it, this girl, absolutely!

Before, they were busy with the red paper fan and didn't pay much attention to other people. Now that Nina got wet, they realized that this girl's figure was simply attractive.

The wet hair sticks to the cheeks, and the unique short pink hair is tender.

Fair skin becomes whiter to glow when exposed to water.

With a small hand patted, his full chest rippling, sparkling with the lake below him.

A pair of fleshy legs on the lower body are round, plump and fleshy, with full sexual tension, especially those short hot pants that are soaked and tightened, and the trousers cut the thighs and the fleshy overflows, the scenery, So beautiful.

The beauty is wet and embarrassed is not embarrassing, but a charming style.

Nina knew that she was embarrassed, panting for her breath, and quickly released the alchemy style to the black copper furnace under her body, turning the furnace into a living thing, with three furnace legs paddling the water like a three-legged old turtle. Nina swam to the shore.

Mai Juncheng and others recovered, and quickly swam back to the shore.

After landing, they immediately thanked the red paper fan for their life-saving grace.

The red paper fan just nodded faintly and didn't care. She looked at the surrounding scenery and couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

There is a big lake in front of me, the lake is rippling with blue waves, it looks like a piece of jasper, and the breeze is coming, making people extremely refreshing.

On the shore of this big lake, there are a lot of rocks, one after another, piled up in a mess to form a huge rocky beach.

Seeing the sight in front of me, one can't help but suspect that he was not in a dangerous secret, but came to a lake resort in Ouzhou.

Everyone sighed inwardly, it feels good to be down to earth.

Everyone was in a daze, and the scene in this secret realm was completely different from what he had imagined.

It was so dangerous at the beginning, one step at a time, and one step at a time, but now it seems to have come to a paradise, a resort.

But there are also unusual places. Outside the secret realm is clearly dark, inside the secret realm is day, the red moon disappears, and there is no sun in the sky, but the sky is as bright as day.

Everyone looked up at the sky, and saw the sky gleaming. At this time, they knew that the "film" they had just hit was the barrier in the sky.

They fell from another realm, crashed into the enchantment, and fell into this realm.

Outside the enchantment, flying spells and magic weapons of the air cannot be used.

Within the enchantment, you can use flying spells and magic treasures from the air.

Yu Yue told them not to move in the "trapped realm" before, so that they should not uselessly waste their true energy and mana.

Some people struggled desperately in the "no-fly zone", exhausting the true essence of mana, and ended up being thrown into meat sauce after entering the real secret realm.

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