Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 988: The Realm of No Secrets (Part 2)

"This...what is this place?" Mai Juncheng was still a little dazed looking at the big lake in front of him that had turned himself and the others into a mess.

"Secret realm, the core area of ​​the secret realm of Stonehenge." Yu Yue sat down and touched Yu You's little head and said leisurely, "Entering the secret realm of Stonehenge, if you ride the blood cloud correctly, you will have a place to stay. A good place to stay is. Not necessarily bad, but as long as you can get out of your footing, you can enter the core area of ​​the secret realm."

"Core area?" Red Paper Fan couldn't help but asked curiously, "What does the secret area core area look like?"

Others are equally curious.

Yu Yue glanced at her and said: "The core area of ​​the Secret Realm of Stonehenge is composed of countless space bubbles. Each space bubble is relatively independent. If you are lucky and jump to the right place, you may be able to get great luck; if you are not lucky Well, if you jump to the wrong place, you may be trapped forever, or you may die. Therefore, for those who enter the secrets of Stonehenge, choosing a place to stay is very important."

Everyone looked up, and saw that the sky seemed to be covered with a bright "film", that was the barrier between them, and the entire space really seemed to be shrouded in a bubble.

Red Paper Fan has huge doubts in his heart. Why does this mystery seem to him without any secrets?

But she didn't ask, she just asked: "What should we do now? How can we get the so-called good fortune?"

"Good luck? Good luck is right in front of you, you can choose by yourself." Yu Yue smiled slightly, and threw Yu You up high, and then caught it.

Every time the high throw was over ten and eight meters, Yu Youyou was very happy.

Everyone stayed, good luck is in front of them? What does it mean?

Yu Yue caught Yu You with one hand, and the other hand lazily pointed at the messy boulders on the rocky beach on the lakeshore: "Those are the stone spirits of Stonehenge. They are the things left by the ancient gods. You can choose among them. One or two of them will trade with them. If you have prepared enough trade items, you can also choose more."

Everyone was taken aback, this... this turned out to be Shi Ling?

They looked at the huge boulders on the rocky beach, and they only felt that it was very similar to the huge stone formed by the Suo Stonehenge outside the secret realm, which was regarded as a scenic spot.

Are they really leftovers from ancient gods?

Red Paper Fan asked if she didn’t understand, she was not ashamed to ask a more professional person of insight: "How to trade? What trade?"

Yu Yue said: "Choose a stone spirit, awaken it, and exchange things with it, and you can get something. As for what you can get, it depends on luck. It is all your own good fortune. What is exchanged for, of course, cannot be modern currency. They don’t need modern currency. They like yellow, shiny silver, or shiny things, such as gold, silver, or jade crystals."

Hearing this, the red paper fan, Mai Juncheng and others were speechless. Gold, silver, jade, crystal and other things are precious things. If there is no special need, who would be a normal person to carry these things with them?

Oh, yes, gold and silver jewelry, jade bracelets and diamond rings, right?

One of Mai Juncheng’s companions is Ge Ge, dressed in hip-hop style, with a big T-shirt, fat pants, and sneakers, a towel on his head and a large gold chain on his neck.

Mai Juncheng and his companions looked at Ge's chest together and asked, "Gai, are you real gold?"

Ge Ge said: "Of course it is real gold!"

Someone said, "Why don't you try to exchange it?"

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