Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 989: Secret Realm Stone Spirit (Part 1)

Ge Ge grabbed the big golden chain on his chest and said reluctantly: "No, this is given to me by my girlfriend!"

My companions all persuaded: "In case you exchange the invincible secret treasure, you will start a sect, do you want a few girlfriends?"

Ge Ge was actually moved, and under the instigation of his companions, he held the big golden chain and was eager to try.

Mai Juncheng asked on his behalf: "Yu...Mr. Yu, are the treasures given by Shi Ling different?"

Yu Yue nodded and said concisely: "That's right."

Mai Juncheng, Ge Ge and others walked to the rocky beach and looked at the huge rocks piled up randomly. They didn't know which one to choose, because there were too many boulders on the rocky beach, and each one looked the same. They simply Can't see the difference.

The companions said to Ge Ge: "Choose any one, just take a chance."

Ge Ge had no other way, so he closed his eyes and touched a boulder casually, knocking on the door like a knock.

The next moment, the boulder moved, like a giant jelly trembling, and spit out people's words: "What's the matter?"

Mai Juncheng, Ge Ge and others were taken aback. A big rock without eyes, ears, mouth, and nose can actually speak!

Obviously, this Shi Ling was very upset, being awakened by someone in a deep sleep, it would be upset for anyone to change it.

Ge Ge did not see the big stone in front of him with eyes, but he felt that the other person was staring at him, and then heard the other person say uncomfortably: "Boy, if you are not here to trade, be careful I crush you into meatloaf!"

Ge Ge was so scared that his tongue was knotted: "I...I...I..."

He dressed up as a rapper, but at this time he couldn't even speak well.

Mr. Mai Juncheng was relatively calm, and said: "He wants to change to another good fortune."

Ge Ge repeatedly nodded: "Yes, I want to change to another good fortune..."

As he said, he held up the big golden chain in his hand.

As soon as he saw the big golden chain in front of him, the stone spirit jumped a few times, causing the faces of Mai Juncheng, Ge Ge and others to turn white.

However, Shi Ling seemed very excited, and Yu Yue was right. Shi Ling in the secret realm really liked gold.

Shi Ling gave birth to a big stone hand out of thin air, grabbed the big golden chain and squeezed it, and suddenly said in a questioning tone: "Huh??"

Then he opened a big mouth out of thin air and threw the big golden chain into his mouth.

Ge Ge looked dumbfounded: "My... my necklace..."

Shi Ling suddenly "pooh", spit out a pile of powder, and cursed: "Liar, this is a fake!"

Ge Ge excitedly said: "This is impossible! This is given to me by my girlfriend, how could it be a fake? return my necklace..."

While shouting, he actually rushed towards Shi Ling.

With a big wave of his hand, Shi Ling slapped Ge Ge out, and fell into the big lake again. A small piece of lake water was stained with blood, and he was seriously injured.

Shi Ling murmured, "I'm so impatient that I dare to lie to me with fakes..."

The tone was quite annoyed and impatient.

Muttered into a deep sleep.

Mai Juncheng and others fished Ge Ge from the lake. Ge Ge had a bruised nose, swollen nose, **** mouth, and three to five broken ribs.

They took medicine to help Ge Ge stop bleeding and heal his injuries.

Ge Ge was embarrassed, did not dare to directly question, only dared to look at Yu Yue frequently, full of doubts.

Yu Yue said indifferently: "Fake Shi Ling with fakes, it's a blessing not to die."

Ge Ge said with difficulty: "No...impossible..."

He still refuses to believe that the big golden chain his girlfriend gave him is actually a fake.

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