Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 990: Secret Realm Stone Spirit (middle)

Nina stepped forward and judged the pile of powder, and said: "Pyrite, also known as'Fool's Gold'. I am an alchemist, so I won't look away."

Ge Ge showed a painful expression and cursed: "I'm dead, I'm so miserable..."

He completely forgot that he himself chose to exchange the gift from his girlfriend for the treasure.

Seeing Ge's tragic situation, Mai Juncheng and others hesitated, some were afraid to try to trade their gold and silver jewelry with Shi Ling.

At this time, the red paper fan took off the golden hairpin on his head, and let the blue silk drape down.

The green silk is like a waterfall, making her temperament change abruptly, as if she has changed herself. Although she still wears a mask, she has a more graceful and feminine style.

The red paper fan held the golden hairpin in his hand, looking at so many Shi Ling in front of him, I really didn't know how to choose.

After she watched for a while, she couldn't help but narrowed her eyes and turned to look at Yu Yue.

Yu Yue also glanced at her.

The red paper fan opened the mouth and said, "Mr. Yu, you have a torch and a clear eye, can you please choose one for me?"

She has crooked eyebrows, and although she is wearing a mask, she has a three-pointer look.

If there are people from the Cyan Red Club present, they will definitely drop their chins. Have they ever seen the shrewd, ghostly, so wise and nearly demon-savvy Red Paper Fan adulterous to others like this? This is simply something they never dreamed of.

Even Mai Juncheng and others looked in a daze.

I only heard Yu Yue say without enthusiasm: "Are we familiar, why do we help you? I haven't seen your true face, and I don't even know your name."

The Red Paper Fan didn't feel embarrassed. He smiled and said, "The little girl has no surname, and her single name is Hong. You can call me Xiaohong or Ahong, Mr. Yu.

"As for the true face, the little woman made a vow. The first man in the world to see the face under my mask will either kill the other person or commit suicide. Otherwise, she can only agree with her personally. There is no fourth choice."

Hearing this, Mai Juncheng and others couldn't help but wonder, why did she make such a weird vow on the red paper fan of the dignified Qinghong Association? Is she extremely beautiful, or extremely ugly?

Yu Yue said, "So, Red Girl, if I help you, what benefit can I get?"

The red paper fan stood up quite full of breasts, and confidently said: "You can get my trust. If Mr. Yu, you helped me get a good fortune this time, then when you need help, the little girl should do everything. Full effort."

She is slender and thin, wearing an ancient red dress, which means she is pure and handsome.

Yu Yue smiled and said: "You have confidence in yourself, but the benefits you promised are too abstract."

The red paper fan said: "Because I know that the beauty of money can't impress Mr. Yu, and the ordinary treasures, Mr. Yu, must not be eye-catching.

"For me, the best thing is myself. In other words, I hope I have the ability or potential to be used by Mr. Yu. I hope that I am valuable to Mr. Yu."

Such a posture seemed very low, which made Mai Juncheng and others unimaginable.

But such words contain unique self-confidence.

Yu Yue looked at her for a while, then nodded and said, "I will choose one for you."

The eyelashes of the red paper fan were curving, and his eyes blinked, and he said to Yu Yue, half happy, half coquettish, "Thank you, Mr. Yu, Mr. Yu, you are so kind!"

Yu Yue waved his hand and walked to the rocky beach. After looking at it for a while, he pointed to an ordinary boulder and said to the red paper fan: "Just it."

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