Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 991: Secret Realm Stone Spirit (Part 2)

The red paper fan was overjoyed, hurriedly stepped forward, and lifted his spring-like fingers to wake up the sleeping mysterious Shi Ling.

Shi Ling woke up, turned from lying down to upright, extremely tall, it asked in a deep voice, "What do you have to exchange with me?"

The red paper fan took out his golden hairpin.

Yu Yue glanced aside, and saw that the golden hairpin was not only made of pure gold, but the hairpin was also decorated with jade and gemstones, shining brightly in the sky.

Yu Yue nodded secretly. Although this hairpin is not a treasure, it is exquisite in materials, exquisite workmanship, and valuable.

Seeing the shining treasure hairpin, this mysterious stone spirit was also completely drowsy, stretched out a big stone hand, held the treasure hairpin in his hand, and played with it carefully, as if he couldn't put it down.

The red paper fan didn't urge, and stood by and looked at it with a smile.

"I want this thing!" Shi Ling said after a while.

"Then what kind of treasure are you going to change with me?" The red paper fan suddenly felt refreshed when he heard this.

Shi Ling gave birth to a big mouth out of thin air, threw Baochai into his mouth, shaking his body like a huge jelly, and took out a stone box for a moment.

The red paper fan looked at Yu Yue and wanted to ask for his opinion, but Yu Yue had already walked back to her daughter.

The red paper fan reached out to take the stone box, and Shi Ling said, "The transaction is complete."

After speaking, the boulder fell down and fell asleep again.

The red paper fan opened the stone box and looked at it, and was stunned.

She just glanced into the stone box, and she stood there blankly.

Although she was wearing a mask and could not see her expression, everyone could clearly feel the change in her breath.

The atmosphere of peace and tranquility was completely messed up, like a calm and mirror-like lake falling into countless rocks, like a clear sky and instant rain and wind.

After a while, the red paper fan closed the stone box, and the breath calmed down.

She walked up to Yu Yue and said, "Thank you, Mr. Yu."

This time he didn't mean to act like a baby at all, he was completely solemn.

Full of curiosity, Mai Juncheng leaned forward to spy out: "I wonder what baby Hong Fan-sama got, is it convenient to disclose?"

The red paper fan gave him a cold look, and took the stone box away without answering.

——There seems to be a storage-type space treasure in her body.

Mai Juncheng himself was boring and embarrassed.

The red paper fan ignored him, and it was even harder for him to ask Yu Yue for help, so he could only choose Shi Ling with his companions.

Fortunately, they put together all the gold and silver jewelry and even someone's gold teeth, and they still exchanged for the same treasure.

That is a stone staff.

Shi Ling told them: "Using a stone rod can double the effect of the spell."

In order to **** the stone staff, Mai Juncheng and his companions fought so hard that even Ge, who had already been injured, was not spared.

The others ignored them.

The red paper fan stood there squeezed in a daze, wondering what he was thinking.

Nina also wanted Yu Yue to help herself choose Shi Ling.

Yu Yue asked: "If I help you, what benefits can I get?"

Nina said: "I am an apprentice in your alchemy workshop. Isn't it good for you to become a stronger apprentice?"

Yu Yue shook his head: "This doesn't count, this reason cannot convince me."

Nina asked: "Then...what do you want?"

Yu Yue held up three fingers and said, "If you want me to choose for you, then you have to work in my alchemy workshop for three more years, and you won't earn any money."

Nina opened her mouth wide, and her beautiful face showed a look of horror: "What, three more years of work? are too cruel, right? You just said let me be your slave..."

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