Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 206 A near miss

Time passed by minute by minute.

Everyone in the laboratory became more and more nervous.

After all, as long as one virus is not eliminated, the danger in Huang Junjie's body cannot be eliminated.


"Hoo ho... Good news! Among all the samples, the virus content is zero!" The researcher in charge of the test ran in and shouted ecstatically.

"Very good!"

"Long live……"

call! Chang Yanji breathed a sigh of relief. The pressure of the past few days had made him feel a little dazed.

"Ahem, don't be happy yet. From now on, samples will be taken and tested every hour. One-third of the people will be left on duty, and the remaining people will rest for five hours and then take turns."


"I'll stay!"

"Changsuo, go and take a rest."

"Okay, I'll take a nap in the lounge nearby. If anything happens, let me know immediately."

After arranging the watch, the remaining researchers quickly went to the lounge to rest.

Huang Junjie in the life-saving warehouse has heard Chang Yanji's report that no virus has been found in his body for the time being.

However, this was not discovered yet, so he had to stay in the life-sustaining warehouse and continue to observe for about five days to make sure nothing went wrong.

After putting on his diving goggles, he took a waterproof tablet.

It has been more than two days since he had the surgery. Although Huang Haojie often stays in the research institute in Galaxy Technology, problems may arise if he does not deal with things for too long.

Through the tablet computer, he quickly processed some important things.

Then he ordered Xiao Zhen to carry out comprehensive biochemical disinfection of Fantastic Villa and Galaxy Technology Enterprises.

In the secret laboratory, Zhong is responsible for disinfection.

the other side.

The Life Research Institute is also studying the mutated HIV virus. If the virus is not studied clearly, Huang Junjie will not have to see anyone in the future.

After all, this method that can use the human body as a media and then spread through the air is really difficult to prevent.

There is only one who can commit a thief in a thousand days, but there is no one who can guard against a thief in a thousand days.

So he had to figure out what was happening with mutated HIV.

In addition, Huang Junjie has decided to solve this problem from the source. Only by eliminating the culprit will he feel at ease.

[Loyalty, make the investigation of Rockefeller's virus laboratory your first task and execute it immediately. ]

[yes. ]

Countless information floods quickly invaded the Rockefeller Foundation.

All the information about the company, research institutes, laboratories, and relevant personnel were dug out one by one.

Even if their actions deliberately avoid the Internet, in today's society, everyone will have more or less traces on the Internet. Even if they leave no traces, a lot of information is entered indirectly.

For example, various public surveillance networks, people around you using Internet devices, etc.

What's more, the Rockefeller Foundation is a modern enterprise, and many things are inseparable from Internet equipment.

If we were to manually integrate this vast amount of information, we might not be able to sort out any clues until the end of the year.

But in the face of powerful artificial intelligence, especially combat-assisted artificial intelligence like Zhong, these seemingly messy information are built up into a complete context bit by bit.

Countless secrets were unearthed, and all the details of a large consortium that had been inherited for more than a hundred years were mapped out bit by bit.

A secret virus laboratory, no matter how they hide it, there are always clues that can be found.

Such as engineering materials, instruments and equipment for studying viruses, and virus researchers.

Huang Junjie did not believe that the location of the virus laboratory would not be found if the Rockefeller Foundation was turned upside down.

Unless they can really isolate themselves from the rest of the world, the question is how can they conduct scientific research in isolation? Can they even provide their own daily necessities?

Or rabbits could achieve isolation decades ago, but no one can do it now.

Although Xiao Zhen was puzzled by Huang Haojie's order, his habit of obeying orders made him carry out the order without hesitation.

The security company's biochemical prevention department quickly took action. They had practiced biochemical prevention work many times before, and this time it was equivalent to a practical drill.

Galaxy Technology's actions on the other side cannot hide from the attention of interested people.

Regarding Galaxy Security's sudden biochemical drill, Fang Dongliang suddenly started thinking about it. Coupled with Huang Junjie's weirdness in the past two days, he had to think deeply.

At the same time across the ocean.

Inside the Rockefeller Estate in Michigan.

call! A puff of cigar smoke slowly exhaled from Rockefeller's throat.

"Galaxy Technology is currently conducting a biochemical defense drill. The other person has not appeared outside for two days. It can be initially determined that the other person has been infected with the virus." A blond man with a hooked nose reported meticulously.

"Very good! Clean your hands and feet."

"That reporter has been dealt with, and the other two insiders will soon leave this world unexpectedly." The blond man said coldly with a hooked nose.

"Yes! There are always many surprises in this world! Continue to observe Galaxy Technology and that person's situation."

"Our people have been paying close attention." The blond replied with a hooked nose.

"By the way, give our Dr. Durant two good ebony products, and let him enjoy them to his heart's content this time." Rockefeller took a puff of his cigar and ordered.

"As you wish!" The blond man with a hooked nose said and left respectfully.

But what he didn't know was that when the two were talking just now, the blond and hook-nosed Xue Li activated the recording function on his phone.

Then a recording file was uploaded to a special network, and all traces on the phone were wiped clean.

[Dr. Durant] Zhong quickly searched for all information related to it.

The keywords are [Dr. Durant] [Rockefeller Group] [Biological Virus]. Once these three important pieces of information are determined, this so-called Dr. Durant really has nothing to hide.

Sure enough, how could a virus scientist of this level not be able to find it?

Soon a person's information was found out.

[Justin Durant was born on May 12, 1976 in Mili's Texas... graduated from Harvard University, PhD in virology, genetics, genetics... In 2003, he was sentenced to three years in prison for indecency... 2004 He was released from prison on bail in 2011 and was later invited by the Rockefeller Foundation to go to Black Africa and serve as the leader of the foundation’s humanitarian medical team until now...]

Huang Junjie looked at the information on the tablet and couldn't help but sneered. Through Dr. Durant's information, he quickly followed the clues to find the virus laboratory hidden in southern Africa.

After invading their virus laboratory, countless heinous virus experiment records appeared on Huang Junjie's tablet.

Through Zhong's investigation, the Rockefeller Foundation's five biochemical laboratories in black Africa, two biochemical laboratories in Southeast Asia, and three biochemical laboratories in South America were all exposed to Huang Haojie's eyes.

Various virus experiments, human experiments, genetically modified experiments, and immortality plans.

The vast majority of these studies are unacceptable.

The murderous intention in Huang Junjie's heart was already boiling. If he didn't kill the other party, he might have trouble sleeping and eating.

But this is not far away, how to deal with these ghosts, if some mutated viruses accidentally leak out, it will be a big trouble.

It seems that we need to think about it in the long term.

The average order exceeded 1,500! Thank you for your support! Adding another chapter today! mwah! (ω`)

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