Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 207 Undercurrent

Fang Dongliang looked at the life-saving warehouse with a gloomy expression.

"Mr. Huang! Why don't you tell us?"

Huang Junjie sent a text message through his tablet computer.

[This virus cannot be solved by ordinary hospitals. If Galaxy Technology cannot do anything on its own, there is no need to go to others. ]

"But you..."

[Nothing but, the virus came too suddenly and was specially designed for my genes. I had no choice but to give it a try, and now I have survived it. ]

"..." Fang Dongliang was speechless. Although he disagreed with Huang Junjie's recklessness, the mutant HIV was indeed difficult to treat.

"I will report this matter to the superiors. Mr. Huang should not have contact with strangers in the future, and try not to participate in some activities."

Fang Dongliang could tell from the virus that only infected Huang Junjie that it was a targeted genetic virus and must have been artificially created.

In fact, the Institute of Life Studies has already figured out some things about mutated HIV.

For example, this virus can be airborne, but its survival time in the air is about 20 hours.

In addition to causing infection to Huang Junjie, it has no ability to infect other organisms.

Moreover, this virus has lost its ability to mutate again, which is very similar to SARS in 2002.

Targeting specific targets, having no ability to mutate, rapid infection speed, and lethality all indicate that this virus is a man-made product.

[I will not appear in public for the time being. In addition, I would like to borrow some of you to strengthen Galaxy Technology’s security capabilities. ]

After reading Huang Junjie's text message, Fang Dongliang nodded:

"Okay, I will tell the superiors as soon as possible. In addition, we will definitely investigate this matter clearly and give Mr. Huang an explanation."

Huang Junjie sneered in his heart: Investigation? Sometimes it doesn't matter whether the evidence is proved or not, but whether we have the ability to retaliate.

He knew that the higher authorities would definitely give Yingjiang some color for this kind of thing, but the intensity must be limited to just the right amount.

This is not enough! Huang Junjie wants to come back to take revenge personally. Otherwise, do you really think that Huang Junjie is a fool?

If you don't severely intimidate these guys, these things will definitely come to you one after another in the future.

"I will report this matter to the superiors now. Mr. Huang, please feel free to treat him. We are discussing other matters."

The higher-ups were shocked and furious at the fact that Huang Junjie was attacked by a targeted genetic virus.

Competition in today's world has become fierce, and talent has become the core of this competition.

As the curtain opens, the mysterious deaths of some scientists one after another cannot but arouse our attention and vigilance.

In 2008, mathematical genius Ren Wei died mysteriously in Mi Li's home in Chicago. The cause of death was unknown, and the timing was intriguing as he was preparing to return to China to serve.

However, this top scientist died inexplicably on the eve of returning to China, and the official explanation given by Yingjiang was suicide.

In 2009, an Air Gallic A330 mysteriously crashed en route from Rio de Janeiro, Samba, to Paris. There was no abnormality and no warning signal was issued on the way. The cause of the crash has not yet been identified.

However, it was later confirmed that one of the passengers on the plane was Xiao Xiang, a nuclear power scientist who was traveling to Samba for an exchange.

There is also the Niu Air incident in recent years, and the whereabouts of the plane are still unknown.

Also, Zhao Yongfang, leader of the Institute of Biology of the Academy of Sciences, and leader of the National Key Laboratory project, was a recipient of the Thousand Talents Program in 2013 and is mainly engaged in research on the relationship between membrane protein structure and function.

In 2016, after she finished studying at Mi Lijia's Columbia University, she declined her mentor and Ying Jiang's attempts to stay, and decided to return to China. That night, Zhao Yongfang rolled down the stairs at home and died after ineffective rescue efforts. She was 39 years old!

There is also Zhang Shousheng, a top scientist who won the Xizhou Physics Award in 2010, won all the heavyweight awards in the physics world in 2013, and won the Franklin Award in 2014!

This year, I was commissioned by Huawei Company to research chips and achieved a major breakthrough. The day before the Kirin 1000 chip technology conference, Zhang Shousheng jumped to his death at Mi Li's house. The other party's explanation was: suicide due to depression! 55 years old!

Situations like this happen one after another. So many scientists die mysteriously. If it is all a coincidence, it is really too much of a coincidence.

Could it be that the protons of the Trisolarans have already arrived at Blue Star? It can be seen that there is a ubiquitous black hand that is always eliminating dissidents all over the world.

Peace is not in this world, but in this country.

However, regarding Huang Junjie's attack by the targeted genetic virus, the higher authorities had reached the point where they could no longer tolerate it.

For a time, the international atmosphere became more and more solemn.

Ordinary people may not feel the chill of this approaching storm, but many upper-class figures have already felt the solemnity of the dark clouds over the city.

Especially on many sensitive issues, the two sides refuse to give in to each other and engage in tit-for-tat confrontation.

As this matter fermented, many things were involved. War of words on the surface and confrontations behind the scenes were everywhere.

October 22nd.

News suddenly spread on the international Internet that Huang Haojie, chairman of Galaxy Technology, was seriously ill.

Obviously this is a test.

Rockefeller was testing Galaxy Technology's response.

At this time, Huang Junjie had been in the life-sustaining warehouse for five days.

"Boss, your body is all normal and the virus has been completely eliminated." Chang Yanji happily reported to Huang Haojie.

They have been on tenterhooks these days, not only testing Huang Junjie's blood and body cells, but even extracting bone marrow stem cells for testing, for fear that the virus will remain.

Fortunately, no signs of the virus were found in Huang Junjie's body in the past five days.

As for the mutated viruses in the external environment, after these days of disinfection and the lifespan of the viruses themselves, there are no mutated viruses inside Galaxy Technology.

So he can leave the life-sustaining barn.

Deep underground in the Galaxy Tower 2017 building.

Huang Haojie summoned Li Jianhua and the presidents of various groups.

"Boss, are you really..." Wang Bosi looked at Huang Junjie and asked in confusion.

Indeed, Huang Junjie's current appearance has to make people imagine.

The bald head, pale face, and sick look are simply the symptoms after chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

"Well, I was indeed seriously ill before." The excessive current stimulation left Huang Haojie still feeling dizzy, weak, as well as memory loss and insomnia. These sequelae may take several months to subside.

"What?" Li Jianhua and all the CEOs were immediately shocked.

"As long as you know this, I was attacked by a targeted genetic virus on the day the Internet Conference ended, but now the virus has been eliminated by the Institute of Life." Huang Haojie explained with a gloomy expression.

"It must be the gangsters who crooked the nuts. They are really despicable. They can't defeat us in head-to-head competition, so they started to use such despicable means." Fang Shengjie said indignantly.

"that is……"

"Okay, I will get this situation back sooner or later. Now your task is to stabilize each group and don't give these crooked nuts any chance."

"We understand that we must ensure the stability of each group." Li Jianhua quickly assured.

"Well, please pay more attention. If you have any questions, just contact me through the Panda. I will not leave the scientific research area of ​​Galaxy Technology recently."


"We will definitely take care of the group's affairs."

"..." Everyone's hearts trembled. After all, this kind of genetic virus that is impossible to prevent is really hard to feel at ease.

After Huang Junjie arranged the affairs of Galaxy Technology, he went back to the secret research institute in the villa. Zhong had already prepared the things he needed.

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