Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 518 Minefield

The gravitational chaos field caused by the gravity bomb lasted for more than two hours, and the sensors and target ships arranged in the void test site had been completely wiped out.

However, they also completed their original mission and brought countless valuable data to the people of the Gravity Research Institute.

An Shitong carefully looked through the data and images one by one, and then compared them with the original data of Soth civilization.

Wang Wenhua on the side is also doing the same work. Although he is a Sothian, he also knows little about gravity bombs. After all, after nearly 20,000 years of wandering, they are no longer the Sothians in the Zion era.

The researchers were whispering to each other from time to time, and they were communicating with each other about gravity bombs.

"The data is similar to the situation in our Soth civilization database, but this time we feel that we can observe the gravitational chaos more intuitively." Wang Wenhua turned his head and said to An Shitong.

"From the perspective of gravitational chaos, there are local enhancements and shoulder weakening. Our current goal is to study the mechanism of gravitational chaos as soon as possible, especially to distinguish the conditions for the generation of strong gravity and weak gravity. If we can distinguish With these two forces, it will be just around the corner for us to develop a gravitational wave engine." An Shitong said, pointing to a holographic simulation animation.

Judging from this holographic simulation animation, the changes in gravity in this spherical gravitational chaos field are very strange. Different changes occur in every time period and every position.

Especially in the core area of ​​the gravitational chaos field, the gravitational fluctuations are very scary. The sudden increase and decrease of gravity is very destructive to normal matter. It causes a situation like glass suddenly getting hot and cold. In this situation Under this condition, normal matter will become extremely fragile and collapse on itself.

Even the atomic state cannot be maintained. Through the results of spectral analysis, An Shitong discovered that in the gravitational chaos field, atomic disintegration occurred in many areas, and widespread nuclear fusion and nuclear fission occurred, and some extreme areas even The sub-bodies all appeared.

"It's not that simple. We must correctly understand the mechanism of gravitational chaos. The gravitational technology extended from the anti-gravity of the floating mechanical beast has brought us convenient gravitational technology, but we only know its related applications. For in-depth But the principle is half-understood." Wang Wenhua said helplessly.

This is because it is too easy to obtain, resulting in a weak foundation. Now it has been unable to go further. It is like a building that can withstand a 10-story foundation. If you want to build higher, you can only strengthen the foundation.

"Let's analyze the data first, and then detonate a gravity bomb in a few days." An Shitong thought for a while and said.

Wang Wenhua nodded: "I agree."

the other side.

High Command.

"What do you think of this successful gravity bomb test?" Alexander Vasily asked straight to the point.

"Judging from the detonation situation, the Experiment 1 we produced can cover a radius of about 2 billion kilometers. This thing can be used as a strategic deterrent weapon." Li Wentao said.

"This thing is more than enough to deal with the second-level civilization. As for the third-level civilization, it's hard to say." Wang Tiejun touched his chin and said.

"It is now certain that the Triangular Civilization poses little threat to us, and the main target we need to defend against is the Dark Beast Civilization. They have been developing in the Polar Star area for so long, and there is no guarantee that they will have a technological explosion. Just in case, I propose Deploy gravity mines in the area between the solar system and the Polaris region." Li Wentao suggested.

Huang Zhong, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "Not only does the North Pole Star District need to be arranged, but the Four Zodiac Zones and the South Pole Star Zone also need to be arranged. Moreover, the universe is three-dimensional, and we are not sure whether the enemy will take a detour."

"I agree." Alexander Vasily nodded.

"What is the approximate scope of the minefield? What is the power of the gravity mine?" Wang Tiejun asked.

Li Wentao stopped the pen in his hand and said: "The killing radius of the gravity bomb experiment No. 3 can theoretically reach about 24 billion kilometers, but it is too powerful. I am afraid it will spread to the solar system, so we have to look at the next two gravity bombs. Experimental situation.”

"Wen Tao is right. We must act carefully to avoid affecting the solar system." Alexander Vasily nodded.

"In fact, it is very necessary to deploy some relatively weak gravity bombs. If the opponent does not invade on a large scale, we do not need to use a large number of gravity bombs." Huang Zhong reminded.

Others agreed with Huang Zhong's reminder. After all, a gravity bomb with a killing radius of 14 astronomical units costs 5.7 billion, while a gravity bomb with a killing radius of 160 astronomical units like Experiment 3 costs more than 90 billion.

Although the cost can be reduced a lot after mass production in the future, if this thing continues to drop like this, at least 20 to 30 billion will be needed, and to arrange the North Pole Star Zone, the Four Zodiac Zones, and the South Pole Star Zone, at least ten or twenty will be needed.

If the enemy is just a small fleet or the like, using a large number of gravity bombs would be like overkill. Therefore, gravity bombs of various sizes must be equipped to deal with various enemies.

While the Supreme Command was having a meeting, they contacted the Gravity Research Institute and asked them to test the power characteristics of the gravity bomb as soon as possible, and then gave them five levels of killing radius, which are [1 astronomical unit level] [5 astronomical unit level] [On the order of 20 astronomical units] [On the order of 100 astronomical units] [On the order of 1 light year].

"The Supreme Command is trying to force someone to do something difficult! One light-year is equivalent to 63,241 astronomical units. This power can destroy dozens of solar systems." An Shitong smiled bitterly.

"Let's do our best!" Wang Wenhua on the side could only spread his hands. He did not expect that the Blue Star people were crazier than the Sos people. This was not to blow up the star system, but to blow up the rhythm of the Milky Way.

"This is an old problem left over from the Era. They have always liked to use powerful saturation attacks." An Shitong certainly knows which franchise country this old problem comes from.

Captain Cliff, who was in the cockpit, floated over: "Captain An, the target ship and sensors at the void test site have been arranged."

"Then let's conduct the second test!" After An Shitong finished speaking, he floated towards the cockpit with Wang Wenhua and Cliff.

This time the gravity bomb was larger than the one detonated the first time. Their estimated killing radius reached 80 astronomical units. So for safety, they desperately retreated in the opposite direction at full speed. After all, they were affected by the gravity bomb. That was really There is no cure, no matter how powerful the body is, it cannot withstand the ravages of gravitational fluctuations.

Five days later, the two sides had retreated to about 21 billion kilometers away from success.

It was almost the same situation as the first time. After a burst of shining light, a terrifying gravitational chaotic field began to appear, but this time the instrument detected something different.

"Super light phenomenon actually occurred?" An Shitong looked at the detection data and was a little shocked. Gravitational waves travel at the speed of light, but now some super light phenomena have appeared.

"It may be that the mutation of the gravitational field causes superluminal phenomena. After all, the constant speed of light only applies when the gravitational field is stable. If the gravitational field is unstable, both superluminal and low-light speeds are possible." Wang Wenhua thought. After thinking about it, he said.

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