Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 519 Explorer (1)

March 19th.

Gravity bomb experiment No. 3 was successfully detonated. After this detonation, the super strong gravitational chaos field was generated, and obvious gravitational waves were even detected in the Kuiper belt area.

The low-light phenomenon of hyperluminescence has also become more obvious and intuitive. The Gravity Research Institute will next integrate, compare and analyze all the data generated by these three tests.

These data have brought very valuable data to the Gravity Research Institute. At present, when studying gravity, the Gravity Research Institute generally uses anti-gravity generators for inversion. However, intuitive tests like gravity bombs are very rare. of.

The historical significance of this test is no less than the detonation of mankind's first mushroom egg. If gravity bombs and mushroom eggs are used as an analogy, then the gravity engine is equivalent to the meaning of a nuclear fusion reactor.

Huang Haojie is also paying attention to this aspect, but he has recently been conducting research and development work on knowledge chips. This knowledge chip is mainly prepared for the alliance's growing knowledge base.

This knowledge chip is a biological chip that can be integrated with the human brain. Once developed successfully, humans will be able to obtain most of human knowledge almost as soon as they are born. However, during the research and development process, Huang Haojie encountered some very difficult problems. Many biochip researchers are now solving these problems.

the other side.

The planet Helic is the headquarters of the Third Fleet of the Solar System and the headquarters of the Third Army of the Solar System.

With the increasing maturity of human body enhancement technology and genetic armor technology, humans can now fly freely in the solar system.

As one of the three major armies of the Alliance Army, the Third Army of the Solar System has the largest and widest jurisdiction and the heaviest defense mission. They must face alien civilizations that may invade the solar system from other star systems.

Especially in the direction of the Polar Star area in the direction of the Dark Beast Civilization, the Alliance Army is even more prepared. Countless monitoring satellites and space minefields are densely covered. Any force trying to invade the solar system must pass through the Third Army's defense zone.

At present, the Third Army has jurisdiction over the Third Fleet of the Solar System, the Pluto Defense Fleet, the Helician Planetary Defense Fleet, and the Kuiper Belt Defense Fleet; there are also 16 asteroid defense fortresses (6 have been built and 6 are under construction); the entire Third Army The Third Army has 4 million soldiers and is the largest among the three major armies.

Above the spaceport of Planet Helic, a new type of battleship that had just been built from the Blue Star Battleship Factory was floating in the docking area.

Lei Ke, the commander of the Helic Defense Fleet, and Fan Lijia, the commander-in-chief of the Third Army, were in the parking area.

"Colonel Ma Wu, please take care of yourself this time." Fan Lijia said, holding Ma Wu's hand.

"Commander-in-Chief, we will definitely complete the mission." Ma Wu and the more than 150 soldiers behind him saluted quickly.

"Be careful in everything. If you encounter an emergency, you must contact the headquarters in time." Fan Lijia gave serious instructions.

"Definitely." Ma Wu was also very serious.

"Let's go! I wish you a safe journey." Fan Lijia saluted all the soldiers.

"Let's go." Ma Wu waved his hand, and the soldiers immediately headed for the "Explorer" space cruiser.

This is a replica of the "Shadow Leopard-class" space cruiser human battleship. It is about the same size as the Shadow Leopard-class. Without external material supplies, it can last for more than 12 years at cruising speed. If supplies can be obtained midway, Then the battery life can be longer.

Ma Wu is the captain of the Explorer. Their mission is to explore the situation within a 3-light-year radius of the solar system. As a second-level civilization, the Human Revolutionary Alliance must know the situation near the solar system.

Don't think that the void between star systems is really nothingness. In fact, there is a lot of matter in the void, but it is just because the length and size are too large that it appears very empty.

In fact, with the development of the Human Revolutionary Alliance's astronomical observation technology, especially after absorbing the neutrino detection technology of the Anluo civilization and the gravitational wave detection technology of the Soth civilization, the Human Revolutionary Revolutionary Alliance has become more and more active in the Oort cloud region and the solar system. In the outer interstellar void, a lot of interstellar dust, ice crystals, asteroids, etc. were discovered.

These asteroids are unified under the codename "Ice God". The largest Ice God asteroid is "Ice God 143", which is located in the area between the Polaris region and the Western Zodiac region, about 5673 meters away from the sun. Astronomical units, the size of the planet is a little smaller than the moon.

During its wandering era, Planet Helicie encountered quite a few asteroids and interstellar dust. Relying on the supply of these materials, it barely escaped from 44 light-years away to the solar system.

The Explorer slowly left the planet Helic, and then headed toward the more distant interstellar space.

"Captain, we have entered cruising speed and are expected to encounter the first iconic asteroid 413 Ice God in 15 hours and 34 minutes."

"The battleship's defense status is normal."

"The stardust recovery system on the top of the battleship has begun operation. The current recovery efficiency is about 367 to 426 grams per second."

"The neutrino radar and gravitational wave radar were activated and began to scan the channel conditions."

"The quantum communication system is functioning normally."

Ma Wu sat upright in the cockpit and looked at the holographic star map, while the soldiers responsible for driving the battleship reported relevant situations to him from time to time.

"Captain, why don't you stay in Mars Territory or Jupiter Territory and become the district chief or district management committee member?" Political Commissar Zhang Handong suddenly asked in a low voice.

"Nothing, I just want to soar in the starry sky like an eagle. I don't want to be a rubber stamp in the office." Ma Wu replied with a smile.

"Haha, I heard that Qingsong is complaining a lot now. He is so busy with matters in Utopia City that he regrets staying in Mars Territory as a manager." Deputy Captain Fang Haibo joked.

"Commissioner Zhang, I heard that you worked in Xinjiang before? How did you join the Alliance Army?" Another deputy captain, Masayoshi Kobayashi, asked in surprise.

Zhang Handong smiled and replied: "It's nothing, it's just that decades of official work have been too boring. I plan to change my mentality and try another way of life."

"That's not bad." Masayoshi Kobayashi also knew that Zhang Handong was 57 years old. If it weren't for genetic enhancement, he would retire in a few years.

While several people were talking, the Explorer was flying at a cruising speed of 14.5% of the speed of light. From time to time, flickering lights appeared on the top shield of the battleship. This was a phenomenon caused by the collision of the high-speed battleship with stardust or asteroids along the way. .

If it is a relatively large asteroid, the warship must actively avoid it, otherwise the strong kinetic energy may put a heavy load on the condensed matter shield.

"1.6 astronomical units ahead, two asteroids with a diameter of more than 50 meters were discovered, and the directions are 14366.7631/79631.8437..."

"Roger, evading."

The supercomputer quickly provided an evasion route, and the Explorer immediately made evasive actions.

As the Explorers got further and further away from the edge of the solar system, the situations they encountered became increasingly unfamiliar. Ma Wu and others began to enter various data parameters into the system. This was one of their missions this time, exploration. Interstellar space conditions along the route.

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