Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 523 Suddenly

The condensed matter shield exploded in an instant and bounced away all the alien jellyfish adsorbed on the condensed matter shield.

Many alien jellyfish were instantly ionized by neutrons, and part of their bodies were ionized. Electric light was sputtered everywhere, and those alien jellyfish hit by neutron ionization were scattered all over the ground.

However, there were still many alien jellyfish that continued to pounce on the condensed matter shield without fear of death. Huang Yaozu pressed the switch to retract the shield. When the alien jellyfish were attached to the shield again, he pressed the attack mode fiercely to activate it. state.


Once again, these alien jellyfish were knocked away. After several rounds, the alien jellyfish near the mining spacecraft were cleared away, and countless plasmas were flowing around.

Looking at the messy scene, Huang Yaozu finally breathed a sigh of relief when the alien jellyfish finally did not appear. They all felt a lot of pressure when facing this unknown alien jellyfish before.

"Finally got rid of these damn jellyfish."

"It was really scary just now."

Several people started to discuss it.

"No, those jellyfish seem to be repairing themselves." Suddenly a soldier exclaimed.

Huang Yaozu immediately opened the surveillance screen and zoomed in. Sure enough, a large number of alien jellyfish were slowly repairing their bodies, especially the first batch of alien jellyfish that were hit, which had already recovered to a certain extent.

"Retreat immediately." Huang Yaozu ordered immediately.

"Yes." The pilot immediately started the ion engine and pushed the mining spacecraft into space.

Many alien jellyfish actually followed the tail flame of the spacecraft, as if they had encountered something that attracted them.

"More power."

"Maximum power already."

Those alien jellyfish inhaled suddenly, and then erupted all at once, increasing their speed to very fast. They actually broke through the sound barrier in an instant and reached a top speed of 1.6 kilometers per second. Since the ion engine starts slowly in the early stages of acceleration, these alien jellyfish are about to catch up.

Hiss... Puff puff... A series of condensed matter neutron ionization attacks swept away a dozen alien jellyfish.

"You return to the Explorer first, and leave the rest to us."

When Huang Yaozu heard the voice of the first combat team, he immediately felt relieved. While commanding the mining spacecraft to return to the Explorer, he replied to the first combat team:

"Be careful. Those alien jellyfish will absorb energy. Lasers cannot kill them. Exciting condensed matter can only severely damage them. They have very powerful self-repair capabilities."

"Roger that, thanks."

The five Xingtian mechas were chopping melons and vegetables, beating the alien jellyfish that were recovering one after another to death again.

Lin Zhiqiu, captain of the first combat team, looked at the situation: "Get into defensive formation and be careful. I will try to attack these alien jellyfish."


Lin Zhiqiu turned on the laser cannon and shot at a half-dead alien jellyfish. After one shot, the alien jellyfish not only did not aggravate the injury, but also repaired it faster.

Damn it, Lin Zhiqiu cursed secretly, switched to a condensed matter rifle, and shot the alien jellyfish three times in a row. The alien jellyfish had just been repaired, and it lay dead again.

However, soon one after another alien jellyfish recovered and moved towards the first combat team Mayfly in mid-air.

Lin Zhiqiu was operating the Xingtian Mecha, with five Killer Bee micro-missiles at his disposal.

Boom, boom, boom... The missiles washed the ground, and the ground, which was already a mess, was blown up beyond recognition in an instant. Shock waves and debris splashed everywhere, and flames broke out one by one.

Although the missile was powerful, the effect was not satisfactory, and the alien jellyfish were still not completely destroyed.

Lin Zhiqiu boldly and carefully operated the Xingtian mecha to land on the ground, pulled out the condensed matter sword, picked up an alien jellyfish, cut off a small piece and kept it in a freezer container.

Then he carefully observed these alien jellyfish, and soon Lin Zhiqiu discovered something. These alien jellyfish were not immortal, nor could they repair themselves infinitely. They also had life limits. If they really couldn't be killed, they would have been killed long ago. It’s time to dominate the universe.

Some alien jellyfish that were blown to pieces by missiles were unable to repair themselves, and he also discovered another thing. These alien jellyfish can quickly restore themselves by devouring the remains of their own kind.

Aboard the Explorer.

Everyone on vacation was mobilized, and everyone was on standby, preparing for possible alien civilizations while analyzing the situation of these alien jellyfish.

"Judging from the current situation, these alien jellyfish have some characteristics: first, they eat light, heat, electricity, and energy; second, they can self-repair, but there are limits to self-repair; third, they have the ability to devour each other of the same kind. The fourth is that the intelligence should not be high." Meeks, a scientist accompanying the army, said.

Toyoda Ashikaga, who was watching the real-time monitoring screen of the first combat team, raised his head and said: "To add on, alien jellyfish should not be immune to physical attacks. Captain Lin's condensed matter sword can easily chop up these alien jellyfish."

Ma Wu calmly analyzed the situation. The alien jellyfish on Zhuyin Planet had very strange characteristics. He could not guarantee whether there were other dangerous alien creatures inside.

He turned on the communication system: "Senior Sergeant Lin Zhiqiu, we have obtained the sample and will return to the Explorer."


Ma Wu turned his head and ordered Fang Haibo: "Haibo, please focus on the situation around the Explorer."

"No problem." Fang Haibo nodded.

The first combat team in Area A9 of Candle Yin Star quickly evacuated the battlefield, and soon they retreated to the Explorer.

However, Lin Zhiqiu and the others did not know that within 15 minutes of their withdrawal from Zhuyin Star, the volcanic belt near Area A9 suddenly erupted continuously without warning.

Inside the Explorer's cockpit.

[A violent energy reaction was detected, with energy exceeding 100,000 charges (an internal unit of the Human Revolution Union, 1 charge is equivalent to 100 million kilowatt-hours of electrical energy). The energy reaction occurred in the A9 geologically active zone. ]

"With such a powerful energy reaction, could it be that the power of the volcanic eruption has reached this level?" Ma Wu couldn't help but be surprised. The energy of 100,000 kilowatts is equivalent to about 10 billion tons. This energy is almost the national electricity consumption of Dongtang in 2019. 83%.

"Something's wrong, the location of this energy reaction is moving." Toyoda Ashikaga shouted while looking at the situation on the holographic simulation planet.

"Will the volcano move when it erupts?" Meeks looked puzzled.

[alarm! A high-energy particle reaction occurred in the A8 area of ​​Zhuyin Star, with an energy level of 120,000 charges... 150,000 charges... 340,000 charges...]

The entire cockpit suddenly sounded a shrill alarm. Ma Wu patted the handle of the seat and loudly ordered: "Activate the condensed matter shield! Full power!"

"Yes." The pilots were nervous and quickly activated the condensed matter shield to wrap the Explorer.

As for the energy detection system, the energy level detected is still rising rapidly. In less than 60 seconds, the energy reaction level in the A8 area of ​​Zhuyin Star has exceeded the 1 million charge mark.

Ma Wu stared at the holographic simulation star map with a solemn expression.

Suddenly, the energy reaction in the A8 area of ​​Zhuyin Star suddenly erupted towards the Explorer. Like a beam of light reaching into the sky, countless high-energy particle streams hit the Explorer without any deviation.

The particle flow carried huge energy, and it actually pushed the Explorer for thousands of kilometers.

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