Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 524 Energy Devouring Tribe

The Explorer was shaking violently. Although the condensed matter shield resisted the impact of the high-energy particle flow, this sudden movement of thousands of kilometers caused violent shaking inside the Explorer's cabin.

Especially those items and crew members that were not fixed were thrown to pieces, and the inside of the battleship was in a mess.

"Calm down, the enemy cannot break through our defenses, prepare to counterattack." Ma Wu stood calmly in the cockpit and shouted loudly.

"Captain, there are 11 lines or pipelines damaged on the Explorer."

"A mining spacecraft collided with the ship's bulkhead..."

"Zhengyi, you are responsible for the internal damage management of the Explorer." Ma Wu turned around and ordered.

"Yes." Masayoshi Kobayashi saluted immediately and then went into the damage management work.

Ma Wu was about to say something...

[Alert, the exploration satellite KT02 was destroyed... the exploration satellite KT06 was destroyed...]

"Captain, these are the remaining 6 exploration satellites. The data they just sent back. The thing that attacked us just now is this damn thing." Fang Haibo said quickly.

Ma Wu and Zhang Handong looked at the partially enlarged image on the holographic star map and were a little stunned. This thing looked a bit like a millipede, but it was very large. According to the data, the length was more than 16 kilometers and the width was at least about 0.8 kilometers.

However, Ma Wu and others have not seen such large creatures before. They are much larger than the two mobile fortress beasts on Mars.

But what surprised Ma Wu and others was the energy. This alien millipede can actually burst out a huge energy of 1.24 million charges, and direct the energy to attack the Explorer. This shows that this monster not only has high energy , and has certain intelligence.

"Captain, what should we do now? Direct attack?" Fang Haibo asked.

Ma Wu shook his head and ordered: "Hai Bo operates the Explorer. We will retreat to a distance of 30,000 kilometers from Zhuyin Star, and then we will make a long-term plan."

"Okay." Fang Haibo and a group of pilots immediately operated the Explorer to retreat. Masayoshi Kobayashi on the other side was also quickly repairing and sorting out the damage inside the Explorer.

Ma Wu continued to look at the holographic star map while operating the remaining exploration satellites, focusing on the situation of alien millipedes. Zhang Handong was also helping analyze the data.

"This millipede seems to have a symbiotic relationship with the alien jellyfish." Zhang Handong pointed to some partially enlarged images and said.

In the image, there were many holes in the huge body of the Millipede Beast, and countless alien jellyfish were moving in and out, but the Millipede Beast had no feeling for these alien jellyfish.

In this case, only a parasitic or symbiotic relationship can explain it.

"After the millipede beast launched a high-energy particle attack, its body's energy response level dropped a lot. It is currently only about 20,000 to 40,000 charges." Ma Wu touched his chin and said.

"Judging from the analysis results, this millipede beast should have the ability to absorb the energy of the earth's core." Zhang Handong pointed at the millipede beast rolling in the magma and said.

Ma Wu nodded: "The creatures on this planet seem to have the ability to absorb energy. I am sitting in the cockpit. Commissioner Zhang, please go and take a look at the situation at the scientific research team."

"No problem, leave it to me." Zhang Handong turned around and floated towards the cabin where the scientific research team was located.

As a warship, although the Explorer occupies a large space for weapons and equipment, as a warship, the Explorer is also a long-distance scientific research ship, equipped with all scientific research equipment.

As soon as Zhang Handong walked into the scientific research cabin, Meeks, Toyoda Ashikaga, and Li Heng were discussing alien jellyfish and millipede beasts.

"Three doctors, do you have any clues about these alien creatures?" Zhang Handong asked.

Meeks thought for a while and replied: "I have figured out some situations, mainly about alien jellyfish. As for the situation of millipedes, we can only make preliminary analysis based on the data we collected."

"There is no doubt about the phagocytosis of alien jellyfish. They are a typical silicon-based organism and are from the same biological system as mechanical beasts. We will call them for the time being..." Li Heng said while calling up the hologram projection.

[Silicon-based system - Energy-eating family - Red-striped jellyfish]

[Silicon-Based System—Energy Devouring Tribe—Lava Millipede]

"Silicon-based biology?" Zhang Handong looked at the analysis report carefully.

Li Heng pointed to the information on the holographic projection and explained: "That's right, it's silicon-based organisms. Silicon-based organisms are different from carbon-based organisms. They have three major special features. First, the gene chain is a quadruple helix; second, high Metal content, generally the metal content in the body is between 20 and 70; third, there is an intelligent core and an energy core."

"Since they are silicon-based organisms, can the mechanical beast control technology of the Soth civilization be used on red-striped jellyfish and lava millipedes?" Zhang Handong asked with an idea.

"Theoretically it is feasible, but this is the first time we have encountered this kind of wild silicon-based creature. We need to discuss how to conquer it with the Helic Republic." Li Heng nodded and replied.

Toyota Ashikaga drifted over: "I have just contacted the staff of the Scientific Research Department, and soon the scientific researchers of the Helic Republic will..."

[There is a holographic communication request from the Martian Territory of the Lik Republic. ]

"Connected." Toyoda Ashikaga agreed.

The holographic projections of several Sothian researchers appeared in front of everyone.

"Hello everyone, I'm Leili. We have checked the information you sent us, and we didn't expect you to have discovered a new group of silicon-based organisms." Leili, the leading Sothian researcher, was very excited.

"I don't know, can we control the two silicon-based creatures we just discovered by controlling mechanical beasts?" Li Heng asked straight to the point.

Reilly explained: "It depends on the situation. We have been studying the mechanical beasts for a long time before we can figure out the control situation, and the energy-devouring tribe has just been discovered. We need to obtain enough data, and it is best to obtain genetic samples, so that we The characteristics of silicon-based organisms can be reversely analyzed.”

"Okay, we will arrange for personnel to obtain genetic samples as soon as possible." Li Heng nodded.

After a group of people discussed for half an hour, they dispersed to prepare.

Zhang Handong quickly told Ma Wu about capturing live red-striped jellyfish and extracting genes from lava millipedes. Ma Wu turned around and picked up the communicator: "Sgt. Lin Zhiqiu, your first combat team is ready to go to Zhuyin Star. Capture a live red-striped jellyfish and find a chance to obtain genetic samples from lava millipedes.”


The first combat team took a Sun-class destroyer and headed for Candle Yin. In view of the certain intelligence of the lava millipedes, the Sun-class destroyer did not land directly in the A8A9 area of ​​Candle Yin. Instead, it chose to take a detour to Candle Yin. Area A2 on the back.

Of course, even on the back side of the detour, Lin Zhiqiu did not take it lightly. After all, they did not know how many strange creatures there were in Zhuyin Star.

In addition, the Explorer, which is 30,000 kilometers away from Candle Yin Star, has also increased its alert. If there is a problem with the first combat team that landed, they will immediately go to the rescue as quickly as possible.

The Sun-class destroyer glided around the front of the Candle Yin Star, dropped 6 exploration satellites to supplement it, and then prepared to land in the A2 area of ​​the Candle Yin Star.

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