Game: Check In From Prison

Chapter 162 Please Be My Think Tank! [Fifth Update! Please Customize! 】

Lu Ze stepped into the hotel.

There are people coming and going in the hall, and they are all well-dressed and seemingly extraordinary successful people.

Lu Ze knew which room Plante lived in without even asking the front desk.

How can the president of the United States live in the presidential suite?

There are four presidential suites in the hotel, all on the top floor.

But the elevator must swipe the card to press the floor.

And you can only go to the floor where your room is located.

But how could this kind of thing be able to stump Lu Ze.

His eyes looked at the service staff who were in charge of delivering the luggage for the guests in the lobby.

Seeing that a service staff is preparing to enter the elevator and help the guests send their luggage up.

Lu Ze quietly passed by his side.

The skill of touching gold hands activates "Seven Nine Three".

He quietly took the elevator card used by the staff into his hand.

Then he turned around and entered another elevator not far away, and pressed down on the top floor.

There are only four suites on this entire floor.

Lu Ze walked over in small steps, carefully sticking Qingqiu to the door.

An empty room.

The people living in the two rooms are from the Chinese Federation.

The remaining room was full of people, all of whom spoke American Federal.

Lu Ze identified his goal at once.

He tidied up his appearance and knocked on the door.

The door opened a crack, and a tall bodyguard glanced at Lu Ze through the crack.

"Who are you?"

The bodyguard asked warily.

"I've come to give Mr Plant a good idea.

With a faint smile on his face, Lu Ze spoke extremely fluent American Federal.

The bodyguard looked Lu Ze several times back and forth, hesitating whether to report to Plant.

"You tell him that I am helping him to solve the trade issue between the two sides."

Lu Ze saw the hesitation and vigilance in the other party's eyes, and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the bodyguard nodded and told Lu Ze to wait a while, then left quickly.

After a while, the door entered again.


The bodyguard bent and gestured.

Lu Ze walked into the suite.

The house is very big, at least 300 square meters, decorated luxuriously and elegantly, with a strong American style.

Prandtl was sitting on the sofa, when he saw Lu Ze approaching, he quickly stood up and shook hands with him.

Prandtl looked to be in his early forties, with submissive, thinning blond hair stuck to his forehead.

"Please sit down!"

Plante greeted warmly.

"What is your name, sir, and how did you know about it?"

Prandtl looked at Lu Ze, there was still a trace of wariness in his eyes.

It is still a secret that the two sides jointly negotiated to restart the trade relationship, and ordinary people have nowhere to know.

Lu Ze smiled, then spoke slowly.

"My name is Lu Yi, and I am the think tank of a federal noble who died in the explosion."

Lu Ze introduced himself in fluent American Federal, then pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and tightened his suit.

His rhetoric, coupled with his image, virtually gave people a great degree of convincing.

Prandtl looked at Lu Ze seriously, and then nodded slightly.

He can now confirm that Lu Ze does know some news that is only spread at the top of the Chinese Federation.

"Sir is from the Chinese Federation, why do you want to advise me?"

Plante asked again.

He was still worried about whether Lu Ze had other plans.

"My boss has passed away, and the entire Chinese Federation is in chaos right now. Now the higher authorities are fighting for power, and I just want a stable working and living environment."

Lu Ze opened his mouth to explain.

Plante nodded.

The situation in the Chinese Federation is indeed chaotic, to the point where even the American Federation is unwilling to step into this muddy water.

"Then can you tell me, do you have any good ideas?"

The vigilance in Prandtl's eyes has almost dissipated.

"Under the current situation, it may take a long time to resume trade relations with the Chinese Federation."

"So, we're going to start somewhere else..."

Lu Ze slowly opened his mouth to guide Prandtl's thoughts.

"What's the meaning?"

Prandtl looked dazed and didn't understand at all.

Lu Ze sighed in his heart.

Why is this guy so stupid, far worse than Wei Jingqing!

"Harbor City."

Lu Ze spat out a place name.

Prandtl showed a look of sudden realization, and nodded hastily.

But then he frowned again.

"Although we still have trade relations between the American Federation and the Hong Kong City and the autonomous region of the Chinese Federation, Hong Kong City is the territory of the Chinese Federation. If we wantonly dump goods from the American Federation to Hong Kong City, the nobles of the Chinese Federation will definitely take action. Are you boycotting sanctions?"

Prandt thought of this and asked.

Lu Ze sneered.

"Aristocrats? How can there be nobility now?"

"Is the noble lying in the hospital or in the morgue?"

"Now the Chinese Federation is in a power vacuum, and there is chaos. People fighting for power and profit are fighting each other. It is a great time for you to seek benefits!"

Lu Ze said.

Plante's eyes lit up!

Yes! This is indeed the truth!

"The people above persuaded me to end my visit and return to China, but I think this is a rare and great opportunity!"

Prandtl held Lu Ze's hand, feeling like a hero sees and agrees 3.6.

"This time the matter is done! Presumably the people above will definitely look at me highly, my re-election as president is definitely guaranteed!"

Prandtl was so excited that his saliva was about to fly out.

Lu Ze looked at Plante and nodded with a smile on his face.

There was a sneer in his heart.

He knew that regardless of whether this matter was accomplished this time, President Plante's re-election would be blown.

The above people in Plante's mouth are naturally the nobles of the American Federation.

What the nobles need is an obedient dog, not a person with personal thoughts.

Lu Ze was laughing at Plante in his heart, but Plante suddenly spoke with excitement.

"Mr. Lu, I want to invite you to be a member of my think tank!".

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