Game: Check In From Prison

Chapter 163 Before Departure! New Check-In Task! [First Update! Please Customize! ! 】

"My pleasure!"

Lu Ze got up and held the hand deep in Prandtl, smiled lightly, and a sly look flashed in his eyes.

In fact, according to his original idea, his original purpose of joining Danghua Company and becoming a super bodyguard was to become a member of Prandtl's bodyguards, and then leave China Federation.

But he didn't expect that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and he was cut off by Wei Jingqing halfway, so he let the flow take its course and cleverly completed his revenge plan through Wei Jingqing.

Originally, his escape plan was to follow Plante to the United States as a bodyguard.

But now, he had to use another method to approach the other party and complete his escape plan.

Although the port city is not the most ideal destination for Lu Ze, but there, he will be under much less pressure than in Jingping City.

Lu Ze and Prandtl shook hands tightly.

In this way, Lu Ze joined Prandtl's 18 subordinates.

Plant did not report to his superiors, and changed the route and destination privately after talking to the Hualian Airlines department.

At noon tomorrow they will depart for Hong Kong City.

After the negotiation between the two parties, Prandtl personally sent Lu Ze to the gate of the hotel.

Seeing Lu Ze's back going away, the smile on Prandtl's face stagnated.

He hooked his fingers and called the big black bodyguard behind him.

"Jack, pay more attention to him, wait until his value is squeezed out..."

Plant paused, raised his right hand to his neck, and made a throat-cutting motion.


There was no wave on Jack's face, he just nodded mechanically.

Although Plant is not smart, he is not stupid, otherwise he would not be in his current position.

Lu Ze is indeed of great value to him, but he is a foreigner after all, and his details are unknown, so how dare he use it casually?

He is just using and extracting value from Lu Ze. Once Lu Ze is useless to him in the end, then it is time for him to turn his face and deny anyone.

This is the way Prandtl has always done things.

Fierce! Ruthless!

In the pursuit team's office.

Investigation activities are still in full swing.

After adjusting their emotions, the six people in the office actively devoted themselves to their work.

Everyone's goal now is to bring Lu Ze to justice as soon as possible.

After a lot of investigation, everyone started with the fake Lu Ze who handed things over to Fan Biao, and through repeated investigations, the identity of the other party was found out.

Liu Hao!

This is not the first time they have met this Lu Ze fanatic.

Before filming, it was because of Liu Hao's assistance that Lu Ze was able to feel like a duck to water.

Unexpectedly, Liu Hao didn't learn his lesson after being arrested by the pursuit team once, and now he even dares to participate in this kind of thing.

Everyone in the pursuit team immediately brought Liu Hao for interrogation.

They want to pry some clues about Lu Ze from his mouth.

But this time Liu Hao was extremely firm.

No matter how intimidating and intimidating the chasing team was, he didn't open his mouth.

Because Lu Ze had already told him in advance, the pursuit team did not have any substantive evidence to convict him!

After staying in the interrogation room for 24 hours, the pursuit team released Liu Hao helplessly.

The investigation of Lu Ze has not made any substantial progress until now.

Ten o'clock the next day.

Lu Ze came to Plante's suite.

Originally it was agreed that they would meet at the airport, but the cautious Lu Ze, in case of any accident, came to Plante ahead of time, preparing to enter the airport with the large army.

At eleven o'clock, after everyone packed their things, a group of people drove to the airport.

The three cars were driving smoothly on the road, Plante's car was in the middle, and Lu Ze was lucky to sit beside Plante.

Prandtl, who was leaning back in his chair, looked a little relaxed, and he kept asking Lu Ze about the situation in the Chinese Federation.

He even kept using words to confuse and spy on some confidential information of the Chinese Federation.

However, when Lu Ze answered, he basically stopped abruptly after revealing a little bit of news clues to him.

Lu Ze naturally knew what Plante was thinking.

Seeing that he couldn't get anything useful from Lu Ze, Prandt simply put down this idea for the time being.

Anyway, the person in front of him is now under his control.

When he returned to the United States, and returned to his own territory, he could handle it however he wanted!

"That's right! 953, do you know that you are a Lu Ze?"

Prandtl changed the subject and suddenly asked Lu Ze.

Lu Ze nodded, slightly startled, but his expression remained unchanged.

"I heard that he turned the entire Chinese Federation upside down!"

Prandtl smiled.

"He's really good!"

Lu Ze praised him sincerely.

"Just a clown."

Jack, who was driving in front, snorted and mocked.

"If this happened in our United States, he would be arrested and imprisoned in minutes."

Jack said proudly.

Jack is not only Prandtl's bodyguard, but also a senior US federal FBI agent.

Lu Ze chuckled inwardly.

The person who couldn't even catch Gu Shaonan even blatantly said that he could be caught.

Really ignorant and fearless!

He was too lazy to argue with the other party, just smiled and nodded, then turned his head to look at the scenery.

[Ding! A new check-in task is open, may the host accept it?]

The mechanical sound of the system suddenly came to mind inappropriately.

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