Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 120 Overwatch closed beta, the hero returns!

If there is a game company in the world that dares to say that it does not make games to make money, then half of the players will sneer at it, curse loudly, and directly let this game company have a taste of what it is like to be violent.

In the adult world, what can we talk about if we don’t talk about interests? Is it about feelings?


Such things as feelings have long been exhausted by domestic game companies. When game companies try every means to make cheating games to make money from players' pockets, players' feelings for supporting domestic games have long since disappeared. .

Have you ever heard the saying You can cheat my feelings, but you can never cheat my money?

I love you, but I won’t let you use my money. This is how most players think about games now. Although there are still many players who pay money to play online games.


If the company that said this was Nanxing, would there be any changes?

Everyone, I want to ask a question. Can Nanxing and the others really make money by making games like this?

You seem to have made a lot of money, right? The mascots are now young and talented entrepreneurs.

It must be profitable. Nanxing has bought land in Los Angeles, and Nanxing is now a company with more than 500 people. How can it expand if it doesn't make money?

If you don't make money, will you use your money to do it in 2077?

It's profitable, but it's certain that the little mascot won't be able to save any money. Every time Nanxing plays a game, it's a big move.

Can anyone in the industry tell me how much the CG of Nanxing cost?

SsangYong's CG for a few minutes is definitely worth tens of millions. The special effects are too awesome. Can domestic animations learn from them?

Nan Xing: I am really a serious game company.

Nanxing really cares about the players!

If Nan Xing really said that making games is not about making money, then many players might even suggest donating money to raise funds. Although this may be illegal, that's what it means.

Nanxing is really like a white moonlight in the minds of domestic players right now.

And such Nanxing's sudden entry into online games has also made many domestic online games become wary.

After all, unlike the stand-alone market, users in the online game market need to be grabbed. Therefore, several major domestic online game companies have focused their attention on Nanxing.

Expect Overwatch to be an upset.

In April, it was the end of spring again. Nanxing conducted another round of recruitment in March this year. Because of the Overwatch department, Lin Yuan planned to tentatively designate it as a team of 100 people. Note that the team of 100 people here does not refer to The game production team, Li Lin's team withdrew after finishing the game, which refers to the game's operation team.

Customer service, operations, procedures, maintenance, accounting and other departments, Overwatch needs to be independent.

Do you only make money by watching online games and not spend money by watching online games?

For example, it's like Blizzard in later generations. Well, Lin Yuan doesn't know why he caught Blizzard and whipped the corpse again. It's probably because Lin Yuan completely treated Blizzard after taking over Overwatch. All good feelings are gone?

In short, after the peaceful breakup of Blizzard in later generations with Pig Factory, Blizzard lost its huge domestic market. As for Hearthstone, Blizzard's domestic profit accounted for 50% of the game, after it left the Chinese server market, Blizzard lost profits. , and Blizzard actually made a big outrageous operation under such public opinion.

That is, Blizzard actually raised the prices in Argentina, forcing Chinese server players who fled to servers in Argentina to make high purchases.

As soon as this outrageous leek-cutting operation came out, a large number of Hearthstone players started scolding them. No, why are you giving money to Blizzard just for this? Cheap or not?

Too cheap!

As a result, a large number of old players who had been reluctant to circumvent the wall to play decisively quit the game. This resulted in Blizzard not even being able to make money from Xiaomi, and Blizzard directly cut off its employees.

The card designers of Hearthstone were reduced to ten, and even veteran employees who had worked for Hearthstone for eighteen years were fired.

But even so, the number of employees in the department is still very large. It can be seen that the number of team members for online games, especially popular games, is really huge.

Therefore, the initial department of Overwatch was set to have 100 people. If there were fewer, we would add more, and if there were more, we would move them.

The main thing is casualness.

Today is also the day that Li Lin's team completed the work and officially handed over the finished product of Overwatch to Lin Yuan. This game that has received the 2077 popularity bonus and became a hit all over the country as soon as cg was released can finally be released.

At the moment, Lin Yuan and Li Lin are talking about Overwatch.

In the office, Li Lin sat on the sofa, looked at Lin Yuan with a cup in his hand and said, Lin Ce, how should we solve the problem of plug-ins?

Li Lin added: Many games, especially FPS games, are killed by cheaters.

Lin Yuan wore glasses, pushed up his glasses, and said: It can't be prevented, but we don't expect Overwatch to help the company make much money. As long as it doesn't make a loss, it will make a profit, so let's make the ban stronger. , in the early stage, manual detection was used, and if the first time was caught, the account would be banned for thirty days, and the second time, the account would be permanently banned.”

Li Lin nodded and said, I understand.

Being smart, he quickly understood what Lin Yuan meant.

Nanxing's account is one ID card, one number. Minors can also register, but they can only register once. The difficulty of retrieval is not very high. Account retrieval can be done with the help of email, mobile phone number and friends, but It absolutely limits the possibility of e-commerce selling accounts.

The direct permanent ban of the game not only restricts players from playing the game, but also allows cheating players to be killed by the electronic society.

After all, there is a one-account-one-number system, so you must have friends on this account, right? Maybe they are real friends. There must be some friends who don’t like playing cheats, right? When a cheater is permanently banned, a red ban sign will appear on the community platform. It would be embarrassing for friends to find out, right?

As for whether you will be scolded by players for doing this?

Of course they will be scolded, because looking around the world, there is no game that has been permanently banned after cheating for the second time, and then it is still a one-person-one-number system. Players who are banned for cheating will definitely be scolded.

But in this world, are there more cheating players or players who play games normally?

This problem is self-evident. For players who love a game, players who destroy the game environment are definitely public enemies.

So don’t worry about public opinion.

When the time comes, if a player really dares to scold him, Lin Yuan would dare to imagine the scene of him being violently attacked online.

Are you still fucking reasonable with your cheating?

Turn on technology and play games, and how many of you are capable of killing netizens if you call for green support?

Another thing is that Lin Yuan really doesn’t expect Overwatch to make much money for Nanxing, because the main project for Nanxing to make money now is Pokémon.

Everyone, can you believe that all Pokémon peripherals have been sold to India?

From cities to rural areas, from clothes to schoolbags, Pokémon has become a household name there.

Therefore, neither Feng Shuyun nor Lin Yuan are worried about the loss of games at all, because even if a game loses money and loses a billion dollars, Nanxing will not be depressed because of this.

Nanxing is so rich!

With Pokémon to protect her, Nanxing really has nothing to fear. What’s more, neither Feng Shuyun nor Lin Yuan are materialistic people. Give Feng Shuyun a computer, prepare water and food, and she can stay away from home for half a year. What do you expect? How much money can she spend on a daily basis?

So Feng Shuyun really doesn't care about the money.

Therefore, under such conditions, Lin Yuan dared to make such a decision.

If you dare to cheat, then I will ban you.

Give it a try?

Therefore, Nanxing's anti-cheat strategy is not to improve the technology of anti-cheat programs, but to directly eliminate players who know how to open cheats.

You can't defend yourself against something special, you can only kill it cleanly!

This is Lin Yuan’s anti-cheating tactics!

By the way, are you ready for the closed beta?

Of course, register a Nanxing account to draw the qualifications for the internal test. I will control the number of the first batch of internal test players to 3,000. The second round of internal testing will be conducted half a month later, and the number will be controlled to around 50,000. Li Linxiao Then he spoke.

The total duration of Overwatch's two rounds of internal testing is one month. Normally, the shortest time for a game's internal testing is one month. During the first test, the number of people will be controlled to avoid the spread of problems caused by the internal testing due to excessive scope. go out.

But Nanxing doesn't need to do this, because Overwatch is so smooth. Not only is the plan given by Lin Yuan clear and awesome, but also the technology of Li Lin's team is really strong now.

Anyway, Li Lin didn’t think there would be any bugs when playing Overwatch.

Games like 2077 have been made, so is Overwatch still difficult to make?

Therefore, the closed beta is just a formality. After all, it is an online game. Conducting a closed beta before release is already a basic operation.

South Star is not immune either.

Then let's start drawing qualifications for the closed beta today. The server will start at four o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Lin Yuan said to Li Lin.

Okay, I'll make arrangements. Li Lin nodded.

Li Lin stood up and was about to leave when he stopped again and said, Lin Ce, do you need to prepare some quotas for the anchor?

The lottery quota of 3,000 people remains unchanged. Then invite some anchors who are good at playing FPS games and ask them if they are willing to participate in the internal beta of Overwatch for free. The number of anchors will be controlled to about 30 people. Lin Yuan thought for a while. Said later.

If they don't want to come if they don't want to participate for free, they will be turned down. Anyway, Nanxing won't spend money to invite them.

Overwatch's two CG promotional videos have already made online game players across the country aware of Overwatch. Do they still need anchors to help promote it?

No need!

Looking at it now, the anchor should spend money to buy the qualifications for the closed beta!

It's not that Lin Yuan is arrogant, but that the game Overwatch is the first group of people to eat up traffic. Lin Yuan is confident that they will become popular anchors because of this wave of traffic.

So you pay them to come, feed them traffic, help them become big anchors and so on, haha, does Lin Yuan look like a fool? Or is Feng Shuyun a fool?

Nanxing is not a nanny!

After Li Lin returned, Overwatch's official account also issued a closed beta announcement.

Players who have been waiting hard for several months thought that they would be able to play it directly in April, but they did not expect that there would be a closed beta.

Damn Nanxing!

For a while, there was a lot of complaints on the Internet, but the players complained, and there were many players who registered accounts to participate in the lottery.

Nanxing's platform is very simple and clean. To put it bluntly, it is a bit crude. On a white page, there is only one game on the big platform, and that game has a gray pattern, and even the download qualifications are not available. No - Overwatch.

In the first round of the lottery, all 3,000 qualifications were drawn within five minutes, and there was no qualification to participate. Instead, Nanxing would directly activate the player's game qualifications from its backend, that is, light up the gray Overwatch icon.

What made Lin Yuan a little speechless was that when he was lying on the bed at home playing with his mobile phone at night, Feng Shuyun suddenly ran to his room, opened the door and handed his mobile phone to Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan took it over and took a look, oh.

The one above is charging 5,000 yuan to qualify for the Overwatch closed beta.

Sold? Lin Yuan looked at Feng Shuyun.

That's for sure.

A game trial license sells for 5,000. Most players should be able to sell it, right?

On April 4th, Overwatch’s closed beta begins.

Players who qualified for the closed beta also poured into Overwatch.

This time the closed beta lasts for half a month, which is good news for the majority of players who are not qualified to participate and can only cry and complain about the unfairness of Southern Star. At least it proves that the second closed beta will arrive soon, and they still have There's a chance, right?

For the first internal beta, Nanxing did not allow players to live broadcast or publish game-related videos. Every player who received the internal beta signed an electronic confidentiality agreement. Therefore, although the number of people in the first internal beta was 3,000 , which lasted for half a month, but from April 4 to April 19, no relevant video content of Overwatch appeared online.

But according to players who participated in the closed beta test, this game is toxic!

This game is so damn toxic!

Addiction is the most mentioned word!

Fun, super fun, blood mother is fun, these are also words that have been mentioned a lot!

There were 3,500 players who participated in the closed beta test. Since they were the only ones who lit up the game, they gave the game a rating of 9.9!

In the game communities of Tieba, Hupu, Tianyou, and even the Nanxing platform, these players who participated in the closed beta also used a lot of words to describe the content of the Overwatch game in their own way.

The moment I pulled out the knife, I was at a loss!

Every time I yelled about a fag pulling my pants, a Reinhardt would get in my face and whine.

Friendly reminder to beta testers, newbies, please do not play Hanzo. I have played Hanzo for 200 hours, and I still can't hit anyone. It's not that random arrows can't kill people. It's common to use a big move once in a game. yes.

Real men only play with sledgehammers!

Internal beta strategy, the defender plays six Torbjorn and wins directly!

When the best moment I see is Widowmaker's butt, I know another Torbjörn is in the best shot.

It's fun, it's so damn fun! Overwatch is the best in the world!

I used to scold Nan Xing, thinking that no matter how fun the stand-alone game is, it's just a piece of shit, but now I have to say, Nan Xing is my dad!

At ten o'clock in the evening on April 19, the Overwatch official account, which has 410,000 followers on Weibo and 970,000 followers on Station B, once again issued new qualifications for internal testing.

This time, the number of closed beta players is 50,000.

At the same time, Nanxing allows players to upload game videos and anchors to live stream games.

For a time, the majority of players who had read the text description for 15 days finally understood what the closed beta players meant!

Six Torbjörn, number one in the world!

Tracer who dodges herself to death with a dodge!

Genji, who can only throw darts from a distance but cannot draw a sword!

The two brothers climbed the wall after being electrocuted by the orangutan and flying dozens of meters high!

Cute and beautiful Miss DVA!

The real single-point killer who holds an ice gun and cutely shouts not to move!

Every time he shouts that it's noon, he's like a cowboy man planting a flag!

For a time, Overwatch’s game video content completely lit up the world.

It also made those online game companies who imagined that Nanxing’s online games would become popular were speechless for a while.

Are you saying this is a fps game?

Those who draw swords, those who swing hammers, those who shoot arrows, those who discharge electricity, those who hold milk sticks, all kinds of different skills, is this an FPS? Isn’t this a moba?

No, who the hell can beat Nan Xing’s idea?

During the second closed beta, Overwatch's popularity reached its peak. All players who had played Overwatch said one thing - this game is poisonous!

Now I don’t want to play anything but Overwatch!

Players who are not qualified for the closed beta and can only watch can also express their feelings in one sentence - woo woo let me play, just one!

Every day, Bilibili refreshes a large number of Overwatch videos.

Every day, new anchors broadcasting Overwatch will appear on the live broadcast platform.

This situation lasted until the beginning of May.

This time, it was not a promotion posted by Overwatch’s official blog, but by South Star.

At ten o'clock in the morning on May 1st

Nanxing's official blog posted a Weibo. The Weibo was extremely short, but the content was so concise that it was fucking ridiculous!

It's a new cg!

A. Video CG about 76!

Speaking of the hero 76, most players like it because of its stable trajectory, fast movement speed, and built-in milk. Although the damage is not high, if the marksmanship is good and the pressure is strong, a series of ding-ding-ding can be very satisfying!

For this reason, 76 is a popular hero in Overwatch, and among male heroes, he is only less popular than the Shimada brothers.

As for comparing with female heroes, well, except for Genji who can compete for position, the female heroes in Overwatch are more beautiful than the other, and they are all different in beauty!

The beautiful mother is gentle and plump, Widowmaker is sexy and charming, Tracer is cute and full of energy, DVA is a big beauty who can control Nengluo, the angel sister Kochi is warm and lovely, and Zarya is full of security!

How do you compare with the heroines?

In terms of aesthetics, Nanxing is the best!

No, I'm off topic!

Anyway, the title of 76’s promotional video is The Return of the Hero.

The accompanying text on Nanxing’s official blog is – This summer, the world needs more heroes! May 8th, assemble, heroes!

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