Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 121 This summer, it’s getting hotter.

Luo City, South Star.

Li Lin wandered around in the new office building of Nanxing. The floor was specially prepared for Overwatch. Both sides were covered with paintings of heroes in the game, as well as some large-scale figures specially customized by Nanxing. Through the crowded crowd, Li Lin When he arrived at the computer room, he said loudly.

Are the server nodes ready?

OK, servers in key provincial capitals across the country are ready.

There must be no accidents. Players cannot enter the game, or the game freezes!

After Li Lin finished speaking to the person in charge, he looked to the other side and shouted loudly: Over there, we are always ready for temporary maintenance, and the rented cloud servers are all fully loaded!

How many players will come to play Overwatch?

Li Lin didn't know either, but he knew that if Nanxing didn't make complete preparations, there would definitely be a group of players who would cry on the Internet and complain that they couldn't enter the game.

This is not okay. The purpose of Nanxing is to serve players. It is not easy to make the first large-scale online game. If the server is full, players cannot squeeze in. What is that?

Regarding Overwatch, the more Li Lin worked on it, the more he realized how powerful this game was. Lin Ce was indeed a genius. How was this game designed?

Although the technical funding is not as good as that of 2077, is the game just as expensive as it is fun? If it’s fun if it’s expensive, then why the hell do I need to do it? Wouldn't it be nice to directly compete with who has the most game development funds? When the time comes to award awards, it will depend on how much funding is spent on research and development. Shouldn’t it be enough to directly award awards to those who develop big games?

So, Li Lin also has to say that Overwatch is really damn fun!

At the same time, in the small office——

Lin Yuan drank hot tea, looked at Feng Shuyun sitting in front of the computer, waiting for the game to be launched, and smiled helplessly.

What is it like to have a girlfriend who is a severe internet addict?

Maybe it’s the experience of watching her play games every day, and it’s not difficult to be intimate with her, right?

It's not like they didn't make out, kiss, etc. The two of them had done it before. Except for the last step before the time was up, Lin Yuan also touched the ball. It was soft and hard, which was how Lin Yuan felt.

But he still wants to have more intimacy with Feng Shuyun!

Woohoo, why do you always focus on games? Can't you look at me more?

You were playing games when I hugged you, and you were still playing games when I attacked you and ate the tofu!

Just when Lin Yuan wanted to cry and felt that it was impossible to fall in love with a girl who was severely addicted to the Internet and have a sweet love, Feng Shuyun over there stuck out his head, hammered the table angrily, and said loudly: Lin Yuan, why hasn’t the server started yet?”

There are still a few minutes, and Li Lin is perfecting the final preparations. Lin Yuan gave up his helplessness and said with an angry smile.

Look, I’m still thinking about playing games right now!

This internet addicted girl!

Feng Shuyun just said Oh, and then turned to look at the computer screen that opened the Overwatch interface and logged into it.

She is now an obsessive Overwatch player!

Feng Shuyun has joined the game since the first beta. He spends more than eight hours online every day. His best hero is DVA, and his second favorite is playing Sledgehammer.

Yes, Feng Shuyun likes to play with a sledgehammer, because this hero does not need marksmanship. He can swing a hammer, use a shield to protect teammates, and just don't charge randomly.

The first situation of this game is that in a game, because everyone likes to play Genji, what often happens is that 9 Genji throw darts to each other, two Hanzo feed each other, and a Widowmaker fires off cannons as an atmosphere group.

But as players become more familiar with the game, everyone will take the initiative to divide the work, instead of liking a few relatively famous heroes just because of the promotional videos.

It’s not about winning or losing, but other games are also very interesting.

Back to the present, Feng Shuyun looked at the interface.

The game interface is in the usual style of Nanxing. The background is full of blue, and the whole is simple and clean. Tracer, who is holding a gun and smiling at the corner of his mouth, is the spokesperson. On the other side is standing wearing tactical goggles and raising a submachine gun with one hand. Soldier 76.

Below is the server node, which is divided into north and south. But it does not mean that after selecting a node, you have to upgrade your account again when you go to a new node. This node is just a tool for players to choose a server close to them and simplify the network burden. .

Of course Lin Yuan would not do that in a big district or something.

Although setting up large zones can reduce the load on the server, the problem is that it also reduces interaction between players.

At 2:05, Feng Shuyun suddenly shouted.

Wuhu! The server is finally open!

Lin Yuan, Lin Yuan, get on the line quickly, get on the line quickly, I'll be your bodyguard!

Lin Yuan looked at Feng Shuyun, who was waving excitedly, and shook his head helplessly. Then when he raised his head, he walked towards Feng Shuyun with a big smile.

Give me your seat, baby, your butt is too big.

You have a big ass!

You play nanny, nurse me well, I want to be a charging sledgehammer! There are new players in the server, I will definitely kill them!


“Didn’t you give me a bodyguard???”

Why can't Sledgehammer protect you?



Coming, coming, hurry up, hurry up!!!

Don't scream, I'll skip class to play with you, and I'll always take roll call in the afternoon. If Dongzi didn't help us, we would have suffered a lot.

Don't bark, stinky dog. When you asked me if I really want to go back to the dormitory, you already had the answer in your mind! Zheng Jiehao, a college student, turned his head and looked at his dormmate who was sitting in his seat with an excited look on his face.

He also had the same excitement on his face.

Their dormitory is a four-person dormitory. Because the other two love to study and are timid, they don't dare to skip classes. The school controls them strictly.

But to put it bluntly, the two hanging people did not get good grades, so they were just improvising.

For Zheng Jiehao, what are the consequences of skipping classes in college?

will be very happy.

So, he is very happy now!

If you don’t listen carefully in class, don’t work hard when you should work hard, what’s the use of improvising? Although Zheng Jiehao often skips classes, his grades are actually very good. Therefore, even if the teacher really knows, he will just say a few words to him, and there will be no burden at all.

Zheng Jiehao logged in to his account. When he saw that he could enter the game, the guy laughed and said, Son, log in, log in!

Draft, I'm on it!

Is this you?

Hey, it's so user-friendly. Is the friend column divided into platform friends and game friends? Zheng Jiehao said while looking at the friend column.

There are two types of friends in the game, one is the friends added by following the Nanxing platform, and the other is the friends applied to be added in the game.

The two of them first looked at the game interface separately and clicked on the mall. There were draws, skins and accessories purchased with tokens, and some high-end skins that required money to buy.

And a 79 yuan pass.

Without saying a word, both Zheng Jiehao and his friend bought passes.

Buy it, of course you have to buy it!

Zheng Jiehao took a quick look and realized that he could earn money by buying a blood horse on this pass!

There are a total of 60 levels, and more than 20 skins are given away. The last one is Genji’s mythical skin, which is super handsome.

Just for this skin, Zheng Jiehao has to top up his money!

Afterwards, the two formed a team and quickly started the battle mode.

Once you enter, there are only two battle modes at this stage, one is matching and the other is competitive. However, competitive is gray and is not allowed to be played. There is also a red exclamation mark below to indicate the reason - the restricted level is greater than level 20.

Just after matching, in just one second, windows popped up in front of their computers at the same time.

Fuck, it's so fast!

Haha, regardless of whether it's a working day or afternoon, I dare say there are definitely more than a million people playing now! said my friend loudly.

The two clicked to prepare. After a few seconds, everyone prepared successfully and the game started.

In just a blink of an eye, Zheng Jiehao's lineup was determined.

He and his roommate picked Genji at the same time. Both guys planned to play Genji, while one of his teammates picked Widowmaker, and the other picked Sledgehammer and Torbjörn. Only the last one's avatar next to Sledgehammer was empty. of.

Then, the empty avatar chose an angel.

Hey, someone is actually willing to take the initiative to play with Sledgehammer and Angel?

Zheng Jiehao said with some surprise.

When playing games, of course everyone wants to play handsome, and Genji is definitely the most handsome hero in the game, and Hanzo is the second most handsome!

Torbjorn's words are that the game experience is the best. Just set up the small turret and hit the turret while hiding. At the critical moment, use the big move, Molten Core!

Sledgehammer and Angel are heroes and tanks. When Zheng Jiehao watched the live broadcast, he really didn’t see many players willing to take the initiative to play, so the first time he saw him, he met teammates who were willing to take the initiative to play with heroes and tanks. , Zheng Jiehao was still quite surprised.

Enter the game and the map is King's Road.

Zheng Jiehao is the one who pushes the cart. Because he often watches live broadcasts, he and his teammates are very familiar with the map. There is a feeling that although they have never played it, they are very familiar with it.

While waiting for time, he, who was climbing the wall like a monkey, also reached the high window, and everyone was pushing the cart forward!

As a result, as soon as he controlled Genji to fly out, Widowmaker, who had previously twisted his butt next to him, fired.


A red line of smoke appeared from Zheng Jiehao's screen, followed by the kill display

Before Zheng Jiehao could react, the Widowmaker player fired a second shot.


A precise headshot directly killed the opponent Genji.

Damn it, son, we have experts here!

This Lily is so fierce!

If you're not my son, what are you doing? I've already reached the front, why are you still at home?

As one of the most mobile heroes in Overwatch, Genji's flexibility is exaggerated. He can instantly sprint, double jump, climb walls, etc. It can be said that Genji is one of the heroes who can reach the point the fastest. .

And his son is still at home?

Zheng Jiehao turned his head and glanced at his son's screen, and saw that the bastard was squatting and looking at Widowmaker's butt.

What the hell-

As soon as he said the words What the hell, his own sledgehammer surrendered and charged.

What surprised Zheng Jiehao was that the angel followed up with the sledgehammer and flew over instantly. The milk stick in his hand turned from yellow to blue and flew in the air.

Damn it, Angel is a master too! He can keep flying!

Zheng Jiehao said in shock.

True or false?

There are actually two masters here?

As a regular viewer of live broadcasts, Zheng Jiehao certainly knows how the masters of Overwatch are divided.

To distinguish whether an angel can play, it depends on whether he can keep flying without landing. If he is a free-range chicken, then he is 100% useless.

Just when Zheng Jiehao was thinking this, his sledgehammer had already hit the wall. From his perspective, he saw the sledgehammer jump, swing the hammer, and kill a Genji on the face with two blows.

In the face of the enemy's long-range damage, after knocking Genji to death, he would still move and raise his shield, plus there was a master angel next to him!

No, Widowmaker is still calling the names!

For a moment, the cart was destroyed, and Tobjörn, who jumped on the cart, also placed the turret on the roof of the cart, holding a spray gun there.

Angels are very powerful. I'll switch to a French chicken. You want to try with me?

In the team voice, Widowmaker's profile picture lights up.

Zheng Jiehao was startled when he heard this voice.

His roommate who was looking at Lily's butt was also shocked.

What the hell?

Son, this person?

Son, it's yjj!

true and false?

His voice is so recognizable, how can it be fake? This must be yjj!

Zheng Jiehao tentatively pressed the voice button and asked in a low voice: Is it Bubble?

Ah, it's me, it's me.

It's really you!

Hey, are you a fan? By the way, French Chicken, you haven't said whether you want to follow me or not.

Then, the lower left corner lit up.

Angel chuckled and said, No, my girlfriend won't let me.

Huh? Sledgehammer is a female player?

Brother, your girlfriend is really good at playing with a sledgehammer. yjj said in surprise.

After releasing the voice button, he opened the mirror and clicked on Genji, who was just resurrected and jumping around on the opposite side. He said with a smile: This Angel and Sledgehammer must also be beta testers. This Angel's skills are very strong.

Don't believe it, Angel and Sledgehammer are 100% beta players and 100% masters. Although there are reasons why the opponent doesn't know how to play, you can tell from Sledgehammer's position. He is very good at using walls. Protect yourself physically.

yjj said in the live broadcast room.

Then, Tobjörn, who had been knocking on the turret and pushing the cart, suddenly made a sound.

It's a female voice, a nice, gentle female voice.

Hey, please, is this Lin Ce?

yjj: !!!

Live broadcast room barrage:

【? ? ? 】

【66What is she talking about? 】

【ah? No, this voice does sound very familiar! 】

[My Cao, when you say this, this voice really sounds like Lin Ce! 】

[Does Lin Ce also play Overwatch? 】

[He must be playing it. Is it possible that he doesn’t play the games he makes? 】

And in the next second, the angel spoke.

Ah, you recognized me.

Wait a minute, yjj, you're not live broadcasting, are you?

yjj was stunned for a moment, and then said subconsciously: Yes, it's live broadcast.


Don't you all know that?

what do you know?

Shut up, Bubbles. 66 said loudly.

When my wife spoke, yjj immediately shut up.

In his live broadcast room, the barrage was already boiling.

[Holy shit, are the CPs I drank really together? 】

[I have long said that Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun are a couple! 】

[Family members who solved the case, the reason Lin Ce was not poached by a big company is because he is the boss’s man! 】

Zheng Jiehao was completely speechless.

What is this?

On the opening day of the server, when more than millions of people were online, he played a game with his friends. In the first game, he met yjj, a well-known anchor in the test, and he even met Lin Ce?

No, it’s not just Lin Ce. According to the previous and previous conversations, this sledgehammer is Feng Shuyun, right?

It must be the mascot boss, right?

It's broken, it's broken, why are you broadcasting live? Lin Yuan said with a headache.

Ah ah ah, Lin Yuan, you are so good to me, what are you doing!

Oh, boss, here I come!

Zheng Jiehao took his hands off the keyboard.

Sure enough, I hit it!

The game was over quickly.

With YJJ, one of the top ten players in the closed beta, and Lin Ce and Little Mascot Boss, two powerful players, the newcomers on the opposite side couldn't resist at all and were directly pushed flat.

And after the game is over, in the office.

Lin Yuan said with a headache, Is it okay?


He is live broadcasting, and there are tens of thousands of people in his live broadcast room.

What's the point? Our falling in love isn't something anyone should be ashamed of. Feng Shuyun realized what Lin Yuan was worried about, rolled his eyes, and continued: Besides, they always thought we were in love. What’s the state of Weibo’s super chat CP building?”

Quick, quick, one more move, this one I'll play DVA to protect you!

what about me?

Angel, I will take you to fly together.


Well, don’t get me wrong, it’s a real physical double flight.


eight pm,

In Zheng Jiehao's dormitory.

The evening breeze of early summer blew through the dormitory building, and the shouts of the boys came from dormitory 401: Damn it, you're so good at me!!! Why can't you be a DJ and still not get enough milk?

No, if you need milk, can you come to me?!!

Hey, hey, why don't we try four Roadhogs? Roadhogs are super fierce!

If you play Hanzo again, I will hide your hand. Can you build an empire?

Haha, don't bark, I'll play Hanzo!!!

The same thing happened in 402, 403, and every boy's dormitory that went down in turn.

For a time, the university was extremely lively and full of people.

this summer.

It's getting hot.

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