Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 127 Do you like my real-life Pokémon?

As Li Lin said, all the universities in Beijing agreed to Nanxing's experiment. After all, Nanxing is now a well-known company with a brand name, and many schools also hope to throw their computer students into Nanxing.

Therefore, in just one afternoon, Li Lin and Lin Yuan visited seven colleges and universities in the capital. When they heard that Shuibei agreed to participate, of course the other colleges would not refuse.

Could these two universities in Shuibei still harm them?

On the Internet, Lin Yuan's incidents in various colleges and universities in Beijing were also photographed by meddling students and posted on the Internet, causing a heated discussion among netizens.

Lin Ce actually came to our school! I know, Lin Ce is so handsome! I love him so much!

The male ketone upstairs is also from Mizuki?

No, I'm from the technical college.

Our teacher said that Lin Ce is here to discuss business. It seems like a campus trip or something?

Crazy, a good game company in Nanxing. Why is it going to a university to conduct campus tours? It's obviously for recruitment.

No problem. Nanxing is a company that likes to recruit fresh college students. Maybe we really want to recruit new employees from Nanxing in advance?

Everyone, we are really doing an experiment. It seems that we are going to make a map or something. My teacher has already said that we can use our student ID to get an account and earn money by walking around and taking photos every day. Let's all do it well. Prepare.

Really or not? Is Nanxing doing something?

My inside information is not about making maps, but about Nanxing's games. I won't be able to tell you more. Everyone knows about it.

I think

Many photos were taken of Lin Yuan in and out of the university, and some Nanxing fans even followed the route and planned to catch Lin Yuan offline. However, Lin Yuan and Li Lin basically went straight to the principal's office when they arrived at the school. After discussing business, they immediately took a taxi to the next store. , not staying at school at all.

Because of this, fans gradually began to predict Lin Yuan's route in advance, but as a result, Lin Yuan stopped going to the university in the evening and went directly back to the hotel to rest.

During dinner, Lin Shushu also arrived. In a restaurant, Lin Yuan, Li Lin, Lin Shushu and the legal team had a sumptuous dinner together.

How could Lin Yuan treat him badly when he was on a business trip?

Do you understand public-funded travel?

Brother, how long will you stay in the capital this time?

I'll leave tomorrow. I'll book a flight to Shanghai tomorrow afternoon, Lin Yuan said.

Oh Lin Shushu nodded.

Then he lowered his head and started eating.

Lin Yuan looked at Lin Shushu chewing the pig's trotters, and said somewhat speechlessly: You heard that I was leaving tomorrow, why didn't you try to keep me here?

No, I have classes tomorrow morning. Lin Shushu shook his head, and then said: Besides, you are not here to play. If you are, then I will ask for leave tomorrow to take you to visit the capital, brother. Is this your first time in the capital? Let me tell you, there are a lot of places to visit here, but don’t count on the food, the special food here is not very suitable to our taste.

Isn't it said on the Internet that Braised Pork is delicious? I see videos of eating Braised Pork on the website every day. Xiao Zhang from the legal department said.

Most people are not used to braised and braised food. The three specialties of Beijing are not suitable for tourists. Fried liver, fried tripe and braised pork are not suitable. Li Lin studied in Beijing for four years at University. I am very familiar with this place. Of course there is no delicacy in Beijing, but the special delicacies are relatively heavy. Those who like it will like it very much, and those who don't like it will feel like a punishment even if they taste it.

Such as bean juice!

These famous delicacies in the capital have become foods that are difficult for the public to enjoy. This has also led to people often describing the capital as a food desert. But how could it be a food desert under the emperor's feet?

The food in the capital is not desert, but carefree.

There are also dishes that are suitable for tourists to taste. Li Lin took the opportunity to give a few examples: But the roast duck is very delicious, especially the store in the Forbidden City Sijifu. The crispy duck skin is dipped in white sugar, and there are sheep scorpions. Sweet cheese and meatloaf are all foods that are very suitable for public tastes.”

Lin Yuan felt a little greedy when he heard it, and quickly changed the subject: Let's come back to eat delicious food when we have the opportunity next time. We will fly to the Magic City tomorrow, and we have to fly to Lin'an the day after tomorrow.

Well, the hotel company has already booked it in advance. Li Lin said with a smile.

There is indeed a lot of business on my shoulders now. After arranging all these things this week, Pokémon Go can start conducting campus experiments.

In the first batch of experimental places, Lin Yuan chose three places, namely Beijing, Magic City, and Lin'an. There are reasons for choosing these places, because most domestic game manufacturers are based in these places, and games in several cities The community culture is relatively strong, and it is a very suitable place to cultivate Pokémon Go.

Can I participate in the new game?

Before leaving, Lin Shushu asked while burping with her hands behind her back.

She also had a few packing boxes in her hand, which she brought for her roommate. Lin Yuan and others had not touched them, but Lin Shushu specially ordered them.

To be honest, it's a little expensive.

The food in this restaurant is very exquisite. It is said to be some kind of palace cuisine. The taste is good. Lin Yuan feels good about it, but the price is really not very good. A meal for six people costs more than 3,000. Lin Shushu's package is worth it. About four hundred yuan. You know, one or two hundred yuan a week is enough for college students, right?

Therefore, as long as Lin Yuan is here, Lin Yuan paid for it, otherwise Lin Shushu would not order it.

Just kidding, four hundred yuan is enough for her to eat barbecue at a street stall three times! And you can still feel very full!

You can play it if you want. There are no hard requirements for the new game. You can play it if you have a mobile phone. The only thing players need to do is. Does the game require a lot of activity?

A lot of activity? Lin Shushu couldn't understand for a while.

Pokémon GO is a secret of the game department. Because of the difficulty of passing the review, Lin Yuan did not let everyone in the company know about the existence of Pokémon GO. Li Lin's team also produced it secretly. The whole company only knew that Minister Li was working on new products. project, but I don’t know what the new project that Minister Li is responsible for is.

Wait, brother, I don't understand. How can you still have a lot of activity while playing a game? Oh, you mean there are a lot of activities in the game? Will the new game be very exciting to play? After Feng Shuyun's training , Lin Shushu, who has gradually moved closer to the path of an Internet addicted girl, asked curiously.

No, I mean it literally, that is, the amount of activity is relatively large, um, physically. Lin Yuan said with a smile.

After saying that, he reached out and patted Lin Shushu's back and said, Get in the car, Brother Li and I are leaving too.

Goodbye Shu Shu~ Li Lin waved.

Lin Shushu said tsk.

When she got into the car, she was still thinking about what kind of games could lead to a lot of activity.

When I returned to the dormitory, I was still thinking about why the game was so active.

Lin Shushu didn't come back to her senses until Huang Shanshan got off the bed with a strange cry, reached out and grabbed the bag in her hand, and the remaining two women gathered around her.

Shu Shu, are you bringing this for us?!

Well, it's untouched. I packed it specially for you. How about it? I'll do it, okay?

Okay! Huang Shanshan clapped her hands and said happily.

Yun Fen moved her nose, smelling the scent of snacks, and then turned to look at Lin Shushu: Shu Shu, will your brother come to school tomorrow?

If you don't come, what's wrong?

There are a few seniors in the department who want to know your brother, so why don't they recommend themselves? Well, they are also game makers, and they jointly produced a game in Tianyou. I think they want to get to know your brother from your level, and then enter Nanxing? Yun Fen He spoke.

If you want to get into Nanxing, go through recruitment. If you want to take shortcuts, you have no chance~ Huang Shanshan said while eating.

By the way, Shu Shu, the teacher issued a notice today that Nanxing's activities will be held on campus in a while. Students who want to participate can now sign up with the teacher and use their student ID to activate their account. Do you think we should do it?

Do it! Why not do it?

Oh, but I have no interest in games. I don't really like games.

Oh, it doesn't cost you anything to register an account anyway, just think of it as supporting my brother. Lin Shushu looked at Huang Shanshan, thought for a while and then said: And what you are eating now is the food that my brother paid for. .”

Okay, okay, you have short hands to take people, but short mouth to eat people. Huang Shanshan nodded.

That night, Lin Shushu was still thinking - what game would make players more active?


In three days, Lin Yuan and Li Lin visited three cities. The first day's trip to the capital was uneventful, but starting from the evening of the second day, Lin Yuan began to feel tired.

Li Lin is used to traveling on business. He has been on a plane for 30 hours before, so he has adapted to the several hours of flying and traveling.

But Lin Yuan can't do it

In the past two years, I have been staying in a small office with Feng Shuyun every day. The biggest amount of activity is to participate in an offline exhibition. The amount of daily activities may not even amount to 2,000 steps.

Suddenly walking 20,000 steps a day and flying everywhere by plane, Lin Yuan naturally couldn't adapt.

But fortunately, on the third day, Lin Yuan, who was tired, after talking with several universities in Lin'an, the project was officially completed and he was completely liberated.

That night, Lin Yuan and his party got on the plane back to Los Angeles.

It is expected to arrive in Los Angeles in two and a half hours.

After being out for three days, Lin Yuan missed his little bed very much.

He is a person who is a bit uncomfortable with beds. No matter how soft and big the hotel bed is, it is not comfortable to sleep on.

Lin Ce, let's go back tonight and make preparations tomorrow morning. The first batch of players will be able to try it out in the afternoon. Li Lin said excitedly on the plane.

The creativity of Pokémon Go is definitely ahead of its time. This mobile game focuses on real-life interactive capture and development, and emphasizes social interaction. It is definitely the first one on the market. Plus, with the addition of Pokémon’s IP, this mobile game Once the game is made, there is no reason why it cannot become a milestone.

This will be another phenomenal game from Nanxing, and Li Lin also appears in this game.

With more and more games, Li Lin's name is written in the main program column, and Li Lin's name is also included in the planning. His status in the domestic game circle is now getting higher and higher.

Let's put it this way, if Li Lin wants to go out and work alone now, he can choose from game manufacturers across the country, and his position will start at the level of director.

If Lin Yuan is a god-level game producer, then Li Lin is now a genius game producer.


The next day, Huang Shanshan got up from bed after lunch break.

There was no one in the dormitory. Huang Shanshan rubbed her head, put her hair behind her back, and then picked up her phone.

Accompanied by Lin Shushu in the morning, Huang Shanshan had received her account password, downloaded the software from the school bar, and registered her own account.

But she didn't understand what this software did.

Shu Shu said this is a game, but a magnifying glass. What does a ball in the magnifying glass mean?

It was a name with unknown meaning. When I asked Shu Shu, Shu Shu said it was a trial version, so she didn’t know.

Huang Shanshan was completely confused.

Picking up the phone, Huang Shanshan opened the software. If she couldn't log in to the software in the morning, she could log in in the afternoon.

After logging in, Huang Shanshan looked at the information in the software.

character map

Hey, is this really a game?

But this map

Is it our school?

Huang Shanshan tapped her lips with her right hand and began to study. After a moment, she suddenly raised her head.

Is this Squirtle next to me?!

Looking down, on the phone screen, Huang Shanshan is in the dormitory building. You can zoom in and out. After zooming out, it is Huang Shanshan's perspective. From her perspective, at this moment, there is a Jenny with its back to her on her phone. turtle.

Just..., hiss, it's really real!

It was like a living Squirtle appeared in front of Huang Shanshan.

It was so real that Huang Shanshan reached out to touch it, but the result was that Squirtle did not react. Her hand also passed through Squirtle's body on the screen. But just when Huang Shanshan was confused, the Squirtle suddenly Turned around.

Jenny Jenny!

The cute Squirtle lay beside her bed, sitting on the thin sky blue quilt, staring at her with a pair of big moist eyes.


Huang Shanshan looked at the elf ball on her phone. She clicked the elf ball and the ball followed her finger. She shook her hand and Squirtle leaned back in fear and started dancing on the quilt.

Genijini's voice also fluctuated.

Huang Shanshan loosened her fingers and saw the elf ball flying to Squirtle's body.

Afterwards, the elf ball absorbed Squirtle, and with a few sounds of Squirtle, the screen showed that Squirtle had been successfully recovered.

Moreover, a novice task introduction also popped up.

Huang Shanshan studied it and found that there are two perspectives. The first is the perspective she just used, and there is a God's perspective, which allows you to directly look at the map's plan and see the nearby elves and trainers from the big map.

The moment Huang Shanshan turned on her phone.

Around the dormitory building where she is located.

Densely packed, all are trainers!

After careful calculation, there are about four to five hundred?

There are four to five hundred people playing this game within two kilometers of the surrounding area? !

No. No, maybe there are still trainers that haven’t been refreshed? !

In an instant, Huang Shanshan got up from the bed, rolled over and walked out of the dormitory in slippers.

Arriving downstairs in the dormitory, the scene Huang Shanshan saw——

They were walking in a group, taking pictures with their cellphones, and Mizuki Gakusukemen with excitement on their faces.

“Pokémon will be spawned over in the cafeteria, and there will be Pokémon over there in the pond!”

Who knows where Ibrahimovic is caught?!!

How to catch Pikachu? Why doesn't any player have Pikachu yet?


Huang Shanshan: .

The same thing happened in several universities.

As the trainers uploaded the screen recordings on their mobile phones to the Internet.

Everyone who watched Pokémon went crazy.

what is this! ! !

Pokémon has appeared in the real world!

Nanxing: Do you like my real-life Pokémon?

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