Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 128 Does Nan Xing have any hobbies?

Huang Shanshan, Huang Shanshan?

Huang Shanshan!

Huang! Shan! Shan!

In a cafeteria in Shuimu, Yun Fen was holding a book, with anger on his delicate face. A pair of almond-shaped eyes stared at Huang Shanshan who was sitting on a chair and staring at her mobile phone.

Okay, you said you don’t like games, why are you the one who is obsessed with playing games now?


When Yun Fan got started, Huang Shanshan turned around, pulled her attention away from her phone, and turned to look at Yun Fan in confusion.

Let's go back to the dormitory!

Wait a minute, wait a minute, I'm watching them fight! Huang Shanshan said immediately.


That's right! There is a gym here in the cafeteria, and there are a lot of people fighting for the gym here! Huang Shanshan said excitedly to Yun Fen, and even pulled Yun Fen to look at her mobile phone. Yun Fen lowered her head to look at it. See the densely packed names displayed on the phone, as well as a gym that can be opened and closed, and two user names competing for the gym, with a scene of Poke Balls colliding in the middle.

Although Yun Fen doesn't like playing games and is a literary girl, even if she doesn't pay much attention to games, she still understands that this is a PK scene.

After all, in the Internet age, college students like them cannot completely lose touch with games.

People around him, the occasional videos he saw, and the relevant messages that appeared from time to time on Weibo were all ways to let Yun Fen know about the game.

Therefore, even if he does not play games, Yunfen still knows a little bit about games.

So she looked up at Huang Shanshan and said suspiciously, That's it?

Isn't it a word game if it's not Nanxing's new game?

Can such a game attract you Huang Shanshan like this? !

What do you think of this? Just read the text description? If that's the case, why don't you just read the novel?

Yes, but I haven't clicked it. You can see the picture by clicking it. Look. Huang Shanshan reached out and clicked on it. Her finger touched the horizontal bar, and a window Watch the Battle/View Information popped up.

Huang Shanshan clicked to watch the battle.

Then, Yun Fen saw the battle scene.

It’s a picture of a cute Squirtle fighting against Bulbasaur.

How can water elves defeat grass elves? I understand this.

That's not the point. The point is for you to watch the game! Huang Shanshan said speechlessly.

anything else?

There is also the possibility of positioning and collecting Pokémon. Do you know what I thought when I saw the cute Pokémon elves in reality with my mobile phone? I want to take off and fly directly to Brother Shushu. Give her brother a deep French kiss!”

. Yun Fan looked at Huang Shanshan with disdain.

What a look. The point is not to kiss him, the point is that I want to express my gratitude to him!

Huang Shanshan and Yun Fen began to reason.

But halfway through the explanation, a male voice suddenly shouted from the side.

Wow! It's refreshed, it's refreshed! A bunch of green caterpillars have been refreshed at the north gate! Quick, quick, quick, Lao Dong, let's go quickly!

You idiot! What are you yelling at? We all know it now! A group of boys ran out of the cafeteria beside Yun Fan and Huang Shanshan.

From here to the North Gate, it takes about thirty minutes to run, right?

It takes about ten minutes by car.

These boys are crazy. Green caterpillars are obviously not something that can be caught on our campus. The key is to be smart and wait until the evening to see if there will be ducks refreshed on the other side of the pond. Huang Shanshan said carefully.

I won't tell you anymore, Renren, I'm going to catch the elves with Shushu and the others!

After saying that, Huang Shanshan, who was just about to reason with Yun Fan, also ran out holding up her cell phone.

Yun Fen stayed where she was, looking around. At this moment, she was like an alien.

Everyone seems to be playing Pokémon Go, right?

Is this game really that fun?

Yunfen was a little hesitant. She also liked Pokémon. Who wouldn't like the cute Pikachu?

And this feeling of being isolated is really uncomfortable!

She also helped register an account because of Lin Shushu, and she acted as a supportive brother to her best friend. However, Yun Fen really had no interest in games, unlike Huang Shanshan, a person who was dissatisfied with her integrity. Therefore, She went to class honestly in the afternoon.

But that kind of scene where there are just a few students sitting in a classroom. After looking at the few people in the classroom, the teacher came in and shouted about independent study, and then walked out with his mobile phone. That was really strange. Hey, wait a minute. , isn’t the teacher also playing Pokémon Go?

You must know that the teacher in her class is about ten years older than them!

Ah ah ah ah ah!

Am I really the only one on the entire campus who is not playing?

Yun Fen took out his mobile phone and looked at the download software shared in the post bar, biting his fingers and hesitated.

It's easy for students to follow trends, especially with this kind of popularity. Now in the school, Yun Fen is probably the only student who doesn't play Pokémon!

Therefore, after hesitating for a moment, Yunfen also chose to download the game.

After downloading the software, Yunfen registered an account.

After selecting the gender of the character, simply pinching his face, and entering his username, Yunfen tentatively raised his phone and used the software's rear camera. Under the camera's camera, a realistic scene appeared on the phone. , and some weird areas.

There was a Pokémon spawning location dozens of meters away from the cafeteria, but there were a lot of people there. Well, when Yun Fen looked up, he could see a group of people chatting there.

And there is an arrow indicator at a few kilometers away. How many kilometers away is there a Pokémon spawning location?

Yun Fen held up her cell phone and walked forward. She didn't see a single Pokémon along the way, which made her feel confused.

Logically speaking, newcomers should be given a Pokémon as a gift, right?

Shanshan's Squirtle was given by the newbie, as was Shu Shu's Charmander.

The player's first Pokémon seems to be the Gossip? Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur appear in one of three, but what about mine?

Where is my Pokémon?

Although he doesn't like games very much, Yun Fen is still a little angry at the moment.

Is it because I registered late that the benefits for newcomers are gone?

Damn it!

This won't work!

I also wanted to see what my first Pokémon was. When I walked into the dormitory building, Yunfen was still confused. I was going to download the software and go to the post forum to ask the alumni what was going on, and just pretended to be a software user of Yunfenqie. At that moment, the phone rang.



Yunfen quickly switched off the software and then raised his phone.

At the top of the stairs, he saw a furry yellow creature looking at him curiously.

Yes. I'm really looking at myself.

At that moment, Yun Fan abandoned the idea of ​​what's so fun about games? and was filled with thoughts - Ah, this is a living Pikachu!!!

Catch, catch, how to catch the elf!

By the way, Poke Ball, Poke Ball.

The sense of reality brought by the mobile phone and the fact that the sneaky yellow-skinned mouse really appeared in front of him made Yun Fen subconsciously touch his pocket, but naturally he couldn't touch anything.

The next moment, the top Mizuki student just wanted to give himself a slap. After reacting, Yun Fen took a few steps forward, and officially captured the picture of Pikachu on his phone, and at the same time, a Poké Ball appeared below.

It is also a Poké Ball that comes with newbies.

Throwing the elf ball out, Yun Fan felt that his heart hung up just like the ball.

Pika? Pikapi!


Before Pikachu finished speaking, he was sucked into the elf ball. The ball shook a few times on the cement floor, and then a white light appeared, the elf ball broke open, and Pikachu jumped out of the ball.

Then, the yellow-skinned mouse jumped up in two or three steps, jumped back and forth on the spot, and punched Yun Fen.



Yunfen decisively lost the ball again.

This time, the sphere shook a few times on the ground, then fell silent.

She successfully captured Pikachu!

After studying back and forth on the phone, Yunfen found a way to release the elf after a while, released Pikachu, and showed his Pikachu squatting on the cement floor on the phone, rubbing his head with one small paw, as if Wondering what just happened.

Ahhhhhhhhh, so cute!!!

Yun Fen held his phone in one hand and his face in the other.


Isn't this the time to show off?

Thinking of this, Yun Fen quickly made a phone call.

Hello? Are you swollen?

Shanshan, are you and Shu Shu together?

Well, we were reading by the lake, and the duck has not been refreshed yet. Huang Shanshan said.

I-I-I'm telling you, I caught a Pikachu!


Ah?!!! This was Lin Shushu's voice.

Yun Fen pulled the phone away, listened to his roommate's voice, put his hands on his hips and laughed.

I asked you not to play with me, now okay, I caught Pikachu!

Then, Yun Fen returned to the dormitory, and she was going to take screenshots and send them to the school bar to show off.

This should be something to show off, right?

After all, no one seems to have caught Pikachu right now!


Southern Star.

Lin Yuan, Li Lin and the technical department were discussing in the small conference room.

The refresh probability and time of rare elves will be expanded in the future. It is still an experiment at the moment, so we still need to do research on whether the refresh of the elves map is accurate and whether players can like it.

“The rewards for the gym are also for experiments, so the rewards are generous right now. The first batch of users to participate in the experiment will receive prop rewards during the public beta, as well as the right to retain an elf. Of course, the cultivated elf will be reset to zero. Li Lin said seriously.

At present, Pokémon Go has just begun to be implemented in several schools, and it has brought a huge impact to the Internet.

The server was opened in the afternoon, but it was not yet evening. In just a few hours, the public opinion on the Internet was almost overwhelming Lin Yuan.

In just a few hours, Lin Yuan's private Weibo and Nanxing official blog received hundreds of thousands of private messages.

Well, they all ask questions like why Pokémon aren’t being experimented on in their school, and why they can’t play with Pokémon.

How can I answer this? This is simply impossible to answer!

The hot search for Pokémon Go also topped the list on Weibo, with overwhelming popularity.

Directly crushing the second place, the popularity of a variety show.

And now even some bloggers from the entertainment industry have come to share the traffic, and some self-media college bloggers have shared their Pokémon on Weibo.

When the cute Pokémon in the animation really appear in reality, and people can really become Pokémon trainers in the three-dimensional world, the impact this will have on players is far beyond Lin Yuan's imagination!

After all, Pokémon Go has not been officially launched in China in its previous life. Even if it can be played, it can only be played in a few cities on the northern border. Therefore, although it was very popular at the time and reached the top overseas, it was not accessible to Chinese people because of the reason. , it did not cause phenomenal feedback in China.

But it's different now.

The largest game market, Nanxing has brought new gameplay that can cause changes in the game industry, and the turmoil this will naturally cause will not be small.

Not only among players, but also among game manufacturers.

Lin Ce, we have to speed up. First of all, in terms of positioning, there can't be any problems with Pokémon's refresh positioning. This is the gameplay that affects the player experience the most, and it is also our core gameplay. We encourage players to go out and exercise. To play games and interact with reality, precise positioning must be done well.”

We have already negotiated with Qiandu. He heard that Qiandu can be promoted overseas and strongly supports us. He will provide half of the research and development funds for this aspect. At the same time, he will also prepare overseas maps. The partners will go to Let’s talk.” Li Lin said seriously.

The popularity of Pokémon Go has far exceeded everyone’s imagination in Southern Star.

In other words, Feng Shuyun, the stupid boss, doesn't care, he just thinks about how to have fun.

This girl can take Fang Qingchan back to Lin'an's alma mater at this time, just to enjoy Pokémon and register an account with her old student ID. Well, Lin Yuan really can't complain about this.

Well, you should work harder and follow up on the progress. When there are no problems with Qiandu and the Luo Bureau can pass, then we will officially put Pokémon Go on the shelves. Lin Yuan nodded and said.

At this moment, an employee opened the door of the conference room, came in, looked at Lin Yuan, and said, Lin Ce, Weibo is blowing up again. Um, there's something wrong with our reputation review.

After hearing this, Lin Yuan picked up his phone and opened Weibo.


I haven’t looked at it for a while, but the top three most searched topics on Weibo are all related to Nanxing.

1: Pokémon Go

2: Does Nan Xing have any strange fetish for college students?

3: The first Pikachu appears at Shuimu University!

Li Lin looked over and looked at it. When he saw the third entry, he smiled and said, The first Pikachu has been spawned. It belongs to our Mizuki. It's great.

Is the probability of Pikachu refreshing very low? Lin Yuan looked at Li Lin.

It's very low, the probability of 0.0001 will be refreshed, and only new users may encounter it, but at the same time, it also removes the right to choose the three small animals of water, grass and fire. Li Lin said with a smile.

This person who has Pikachu is really lucky.

As the Pokémon card spirit, Lin Yuan initially wanted Pikachu to be a Pokémon that every trainer could have, but after thinking about it, Lin Yuan chose to make Pikachu a rare Pokémon, even though Pikachu is not actually a Pokémon. Very rare.

The Pikachu from Pallas is an exception. How many Pikachus can you find that are capable of being a mythical beast?

But that's what it means.

And the second entry, well

He was complaining about Nan Xing.

Complaints about Nanxing’s recruitment of college students. The average age of the entire company is 27 years old. This is really shocking in the gaming industry. And now, Pokémon Go is being tested in universities.

Doesn’t this favor college students?

Or is it that the southern star Lin Ce never went to college, so that’s why he pays so much attention to college students?

That’s not right. Lin Yuan’s background information has been thoroughly dug up. He graduated in computer science!

Li Lin looked at it and said with a smile: But Lin Ce, I also want to know this question. From the beginning to now, do you have any strange obsession with college students?

Yes, yes, I am very obsessed with college students.

Because college students are cheap, obedient and easy to use, okay?

Lin Yuan rolled his eyes.

How could a topic like this be the second most searched topic?


It turns out that the working dogs are jealous that they can’t play Pokémon, and the coveted college students can play Pokémon.

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