Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 129 The streets are empty, Nanxing trend!

How much money did you make today?

I had a lot of classes today and didn't go out much, but I also earned 48 yuan. I've already earned the food expenses for the day tomorrow.

Damn, there is a sophomore student at the Academy of Fine Arts who plays photography. He can earn 300 from Nanxing every day. This month, he has earned 10,000 yuan, playing games and taking photos. He happens to be outside every day. It’s great for people walking around, isn’t it more comfortable than white-collar workers?”

If you were willing to exercise, wouldn't you earn that much?

Go out for a walk more often. It's only for this period of time. After a while, the activities will disappear after the public beta. This is Lin Ce's gift to us college students.

Okay, then let's go to the West Campus to catch elves tonight?

Don't play football?

You're still kicking a silly ball! Catching elves is important!

# Pokémon GO has led to a campus craze. After many colleges and universities, Nanxing then tried the Pokémon GO program in many colleges and universities. Now the number of closed beta players has exceeded 40,000!

# Someone paid 30,000 cash to buy the first Pikachu. Pokémon Go may become the most profitable work of Nanxing!

# Pikachu’s trainer does not accept the trade. What is the probability of Pikachu being refreshed?

# South Star Pokémon GO chief programmer Li Lin explained that the game will be launched as soon as possible and will be implemented in every county and village in every city!

# Will Pokémon Go become China’s first mobile real-life interactive game for users around the world?

According to online reports and campus forums, during the period when Pokémon Go was being tested in major universities, it caused a huge amount of discussion, which also put Nan Xing under rare pressure.

Ever since Stardew Valley, Nan Xing has been under no pressure, but now, Nan Xing is under pressure again.

After overseas users learned that China has a real version of Pokémon to play, they already like to socialize, and with the IP address of Pokémon, not to mention how much they like it, they are also noisy now. The South Star fans who want Nan Xing to quickly make Pokémon Go and make it available on the shelves in their country.

Especially the City of Freedom. Some time ago, there was a state gubernatorial campaign, and his campaign speech included Pokémon. He said that he would communicate with Nanxing to have Pokémon Go on local shelves as soon as possible. As soon as he said this, young people Definitely vote for him.

Isn't it so casual? This is an election for the position of governor!

But when I think of the free America, every day there are gun battles, and even dogs can become mayors in the local area. Dogs become mayors, and their owners say that they will run for president in the future.

Damn it. This kind of thing can happen, so it doesn’t seem too magical that Pokémon Go can be put on local shelves as a campaign speech or something?

It would be weird if it wasn’t magical!

I really don’t understand what the American people think!

As for what happened overseas during this period, Nanxing has not yet reacted, but Qiandu Map over there is already happy.

In the past, they were very careful when collecting foreign maps, and dared to collect only those within a general range. However, they were very careful about small ones, especially those involving some local confidential places, for fear of causing disputes with the locals. But now it is different. Now I am cooperating with a local company and collecting maps is so refreshing!

The overseas city map from a few years ago received a major update, and even small alleyways can be updated.

In this regard, Qiandu only has one thing to say, and that is - Nanxing, yyds!

And when all over the world, domestic Pokémon users are focusing on Nanxing, Nanxing is now the real Alexander.

First of all, although Pokémon GO does not have many ways to play, and the software is not big, because the game is essentially a collection and social game. Battles, gyms, etc., these gameplays will not put much burden on Nanxing. The biggest burden now is that Nanxing wants to accurately locate the elves in the game, so that players can clearly follow the instructions to find the elves, and the server The burden is enormous.

As a social game, Pokémon Go players across the country must be placed on the same server. If possible, Lin Yuan even wants to tie the entire Asia together to make the game closer to reality and enhance interaction. The effect, and if possible, if professional players really appear in Pokémon Go in the future, Lin Yuan would be excited to think about subsequent inter-continent competitions!

However, that is definitely something that cannot be done.

After all, Nanxing already has a headache if it wants to bring players from all over the country together, let alone players from all over the world.

I want to eat shit!

As for Nanxing, they are constantly burning money to expand servers. Fortunately, Feng Shuyun and Lin Yuan are both rich. The combined money of the two of them means that the current liquidity has exceeded 5 billion, which is very scary. thing.

You must know that the combined age of the two of them is only fifty, and except for a few Internet giants, you really can’t find many people who can really have one billion in liquid cash in China. Cash management in China is very strict. Yes, some companies have tens of billions of assets, but their cash flow is only about a billion.

This is where the Internet industry is powerful, and as the most popular game company in the country, it is not surprising that Nanxing has this ability.

Therefore, when it comes to server issues, Nanxing has to fight a tough battle of time and technology instead of worrying about money.

Time also passes little by little on days like this.

Soon, the time came to August.

A lot of things happened during August.

First of all, Feng Shuyun finally returned to the company. After playing for a while, Feng Shuyun remembered her position. Well, she came back to be her mascot.

And Lin Yuan finally no longer had to call her at night and be criticized by her for delaying her hunt for elves, and he no longer had to stay alone in an empty house.

During this period, after two months of back and forth, Overwatch was officially launched overseas, and Overwatch was officially handed over to Xu Xiao.

He was promoted from the sixth floor to the eighth floor and became the most senior executive of the Overwatch department. Luoyang also took over the business that Xu Xiao was originally responsible for and became a star of Stardew Valley, Pokémon, Street Fighter and other games. person in charge.

The operation of Overwatch will be a protracted battle. Xu Xiao will no longer be responsible for any games of Nanxing in the future, but will only be responsible for operating Overwatch.

Therefore, no matter how difficult Pokémon GO encounters, Lin Yuan will not pull down the employees on the eighth floor to work. He would rather find an outsourcing team and spend more money instead of doing this kind of picking up sesame seeds and throwing away watermelons. thing.

Overwatch's profitability is actually not very high. As a game that earns money from passes, the future direction of making money for this game is not games. After the passes pay employees' wages, there won't be much left for losses, etc.

Where Overwatch makes money is through royalties, endorsement fees, and local competitions.

Make money from the game itself?

Unless Lin Yuan also sells games like Blizzard, for 199 or something, then the sales of the game can directly recoup the cost and make a lot of money. But Lin Yuan did not do that. The Overwatch in his hand was a Free games.

Hehe. Passes, can they be sold for 200 million in a year in China?

It’s difficult, but broadcasting rights can easily sell for over 100 million. This is the way competitive games should make money.

While Overwatch was opening servers in various regions, Li Lin finally perfected Pokémon Go.

Finally, Li Lin gave the report to Lin Yuan, and Lin Yuan thought about it and decided to choose the release date of Pokémon on August 6th. During the summer vacation, it just satisfied most of the students and they could have enough food. time to play games.

As for office workers, of course they can also play. After all, office workers control their own time after get off work. Can't they all play Pokémon Go on their way to work, on their way home, and occasionally during their leisure time?

As a mobile game, collecting and cultivating social interaction, its main attribute is of course leisure. If playing Pokémon Go requires you to be as tired as going to work and spend a lot of time playing every day, then it is Nanxing's problem.

That was obviously a problem caused by Lin Yuan, the chief planner, which caused a major crisis in the operation of the game.

Because Chinese people really don’t have that much time to play games. The so-called nine to five is just a dream.

In China, except for Nanxing, which can get off work steadily, other companies in the same industry can get off work at 9 pm, which is considered early, working 9 to 5? Oh, nine to nine is real!

Unlike foreign countries, players in developed countries have more time. Office workers and students have plenty of time to play, so they can finish their daily games, but this is not possible in China.

More routines in a short period of time can bring fun to players, but if they are repeated too much and there is less time to play, players will gradually become bored and feel bored.

The same is true for students. The heavy academic load means that high school students do not have so much time to spend on games. Therefore, Nanxing’s Pokémon Go reduces the burden on players and only takes half an hour a day to play. Complete daily tasks, go out for a walk, and take a look and you will be able to complete daily tasks. As for activities, naturally I will try my best to carry them out during holidays.

Of course, there will be no shortage of activities. Large-scale activities, small-scale activities, social activities, regional activities, and various activities. Lin Yuan has already thought about it. If no activities bring excitement to players, then what is the point of just collecting and cultivating them? Yes, players will gradually get tired of it.

Gyms, trainer alliances, and even Lin Yuan, a family alliance that was not in the original work, have been created. Hey, Chinese people like this very much, and regional family alliances are also linked to team competitions and so on.

These are the modifications Lin Yuan made to Pokémon Go.

Let Pokémon GO become a Pokémon GO that is more suitable for the physique of Chinese babies!

As for foreign players, of course they have to adapt to the game, not Nanxing to cater to their preferences.

Of course Lin Yuan focuses on the views of the Chinese people!

On August 2, Nanxing also started promoting Pokémon Go.

In the afternoon of the same day, the promotional video carefully produced and shot by Nanxing was also officially released.

The name of the video is - Pokémon: Go, come and become a real Pokémon trainer! 》

In this video, Nanxing uses a lot of AR technology to make a large number of handsome or cute Pokémon appear in the real world.

The areas that appear in the video include mountains and forests, cities, villages, streets, shopping malls, and universities.

One of the scenes showed a huge Pokémon flying over the square. Its figure covered the sky and the sun, and the shadow covered everyone in the square. And the next moment, countless white lights flashed, and that was in the square. Countless trainers raised their elf balls, and the reflected white light illuminated the square. The scene was extremely spectacular.

This video is not long, concise and clear, and the human characters that appear in the video include white-collar workers in suits and ties, primary school students wearing red scarves, a girl with glasses holding a book in college, and a designer returning home in the evening holding a computer. Off-duty commuters sitting on the bus.

And the font that appears along with it - whether you are a student, a chef, a white-collar worker, or an employee, you can become a trainer.

In the end, the elf ball crossed the sky, flying over various cities. Finally, it landed on the palm of a man. The camera moved up. Lin Yuan appeared grabbing the elf ball and waved his arm. The camera stretched back. Lin Yuan's whole body was photographed, and then he reached forward and covered his face with the elf ball. With the white light of the elf ball flashing, Nanxing's logo appeared, and everything turned into darkness.

That’s what this video is all about.

As soon as this video was released, netizens who were waiting for Pokémon Go went crazy.

It's coming, it's finally here!

Damn it, I guard college students every fucking day, follow them and watch them play. Now I can finally play by myself?

Wu Yanzu, the number one in Hexi, is asking for treasure friends. Let's catch Pokémon together then!

Can the refresh probability of Pikachu be increased? It has been in closed beta for more than a month and almost two months, and out of tens of thousands of closed beta players, only one player has Pikachu? Isn't this probability too high?

Woooo, I just want to see the real Skin God. I beg you, Nan Xing, increase the probability of the Skin God appearing!

The shooting is great. Even though I don't play games very much, I want to play it!

Ah, there are only four days left. I'm going to die if I can't play Pokémon Go!

The past four days have been really painful. Why do you have to let me see the promotional video now?!

On August 3, Southern Star released the existing Pokémon Pokédex for Pokémon Go, as well as the special Pokémon unique to the northern and southern regions.

Players in the north and south will of course have their own local specialty Pokémon.

On August 4th, Nanxing released the first large-scale event of the open beta of Pokémon GO, the division alliance. The first player to own ten gyms and reach a level of over 20 will open the ladder list and become the leader of his or her region. trainer!

On August 5, Nanxing released the name, characteristics, refresh location, and refresh time of the rare Pokémon on Weibo.

August 6th.

Southern Star posted nothing today.

But today, something shocking happened across the country because of Nan Xing.

When games enter reality, when reality and games merge, what will happen?

——————The streets are empty!

It was obviously summer vacation, but on August 6th, the same situation occurred as if it were October 1st.

Streets, shopping malls, parks, university towns, scenic spots.

Crowds of people!

This is the trend brought by Nanxing!

Trainers, let’s go!

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