Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 162 Rest? No, let’s make a big move first!

Will Link really not save the princess?

No, there are still Zelda players who like to follow the main plot and save the princess.

Just like this year's Nanxing, just when everyone thought that Nanxing had made The Legend of Zelda this year and was about to rest as usual, Nanxing changed its previous operations and gave everyone a big surprise. of.

What? Do you think you can predict Nan Xing's next behavior?


We Nanxing people don’t even know what we are going to do next. In the entire Nanxing, except for Lin Yuan who gave us the direction, the rest of us didn’t know what we should do when it was time to rest!

This time, Nanxing also changed his previous operation. He did not choose to make a game to reward himself for half a year's rest and recuperate. Instead, he made a big move openly and openly.

On July 25, after experiencing the storm of The Legend of Zelda, Nanxing suddenly joined forces with Tianyou to issue an announcement. In this announcement, Nanxing and Tianyou will reach a cooperation and jointly establish Guoxing. The Game Association also called on many game manufacturers to join.

Among them, there are games from some manufacturers that are very popular, such as Dream Age, Objective Lens, Miracle Lengleng, Duoduotong Fun and other mobile games. There are also many manufacturers that have made well-known works in online games and stand-alone games. .

Players who have been playing in the industry for a long time can basically recognize these game companies.

Therefore, this move was directly dubbed by the netizens as the establishment of the National Star Game Association.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is not just for fun among netizens, but most of the domestic mid-range and lower manufacturers are basically in the association. It can be said that Nanxing and Tianyou have directly won over half of the domestic game companies with this move.

Originally, Nanxing was enough to compete with the two companies, Zhugoose, but now it has involved so many game companies. Naturally, in terms of size, it has already surpassed Zhugoose alone. What I mean here is surpassing, of course, it only refers to the game industry. .

After all, the two factories of Pig and Goose also have monopoly momentum in other industries. Although Nanxing also has interests in Chinese comics, music, two-dimensional, etc., but

Let’s put it this way——

Nowadays, the well-known domestic video website includes Penguin’s website.

Currently, the music platforms with the most users in China include Zhuchang’s Village Music and Goosechang’s Q Music.

Currently, Gouchang alone owns two of the largest social software in China, and its WeChat and QQ are used by people across the country.

Therefore, the comparison of size can really only be done in the gaming industry.

But even so, when this scene actually happened, it made domestic netizens feel weird.

Do you think this is a Hahaha person?

It took nearly thirty years for the Penguin Dynasty to be established!

What about the Southern Star Dynasty?

Three years!

In three years, the world of gaming has changed!

And the reason why this situation occurs.

Well, we have to start with Zuo Xuan and Luoyang.

Two days ago, Luoyang came back to attend a meeting. After the meeting, he told Feng Shuyun that Zuo Xuan Tianyou planned to set up a mid-year game exhibition, and this time because Nanxing's branch is in Magic City, Tianyou wanted to hold one big.

It would be best to call on a large number of game manufacturers from other provinces to come and hold an unprecedented game exhibition, because before this, domestic comic exhibitions were more powerful than game exhibitions.

The gaming industry has developed rapidly in the past two years. Tianyou has also established its position as the number one gaming platform in the country because of Nanxing. Even the game platform independently developed by Goose Factory has been crushed. Therefore, Tianyou itself The purpose of holding an exhibition for the first time is to show off muscles.

After Luoyang and Feng Shuyun finished speaking, Boss Feng pondered for more than a few seconds and immediately agreed.

Anyway, Nanxing has nothing to do next. Isn’t holding exhibitions something to expand the circle?

Only as the circle gets better and better, the cake will become more and more delicious.

If you are worried that more people will eat the cake when the cake gets bigger, then such a mentality is completely unable to hold the position of leader, and Nanxing happens to have no concern at all about whether more people will eat the cake when the cake gets bigger.

On the contrary, Nanxing is worried that no one will come to eat the cake when it gets bigger.

Capital needs monopoly to earn more money, but Feng Shuyun is not capital. She does not need to monopolize. The money she earns now is enough for her next life.

Another thing is that since she was a child, because of Lao Fengtou, although Feng Shuyun looks carefree and carefree, in fact, she is not stupid. If she were stupid, she wouldn't be able to get into a good university, right?

He has been influenced by Old Fengtou since he was a child. Although Feng Shuyun doesn't like shopping malls, he knows a thing or two. What Nanxing needs to worry about now is not that the company under him comes to share the cake, but that the big hands from the outside world can't help it in the end. Heading towards the Southern Star.

Nanxing has not been listed on the market, so the leadership is naturally firmly in Feng Shuyun's hands, but in matters of capital. Guys who are red-eyed because of profit, who can imagine what they can do?

Therefore, instead of resisting sharing the cake with others, it is better to make them your own, bring them together, tie these game manufacturers together, and share the game market together.

Making money together is much more secure than making money alone.

So Feng Shuyun took the initiative to go to Zuo Xuan and proposed that Tianyou want to cooperate and participate together.

Lin Yuan looked speechless. She belonged to Feng Shuyun, so she could do whatever she wanted.

Anyway, even if you lose money, how much can you lose? At worst, if I take out that game myself, I can easily earn back my money for Xiao Feng.

Therefore, Lin Yuan said nothing.

As for Tianyou, Zuo Xuan immediately reported it to the board of directors after learning about it. Tianyou's senior management attached great importance to it and held an impromptu high-level management meeting that day to analyze Feng Shuyun's proposal for cooperation.

Finally, the two sides reached friendly cooperation.

Tianyou is the organizer, and Nanxing is the sponsor. Nanxing will sponsor the game festival and sponsor independent game producers at the exhibition festival. The bonuses are divided into ten levels, ranging from 50,000, 100,000, to 500,000.

How much investment will it receive from Nanxing?

Tianyou is not sure, because there is also an activity to fund independent game producers on the Tianyou platform, but the bonuses are several thousand yuan, the highest is 10,000 to 20,000, and people like Nanxing start from 50,000 yuan

Guys, what do independent game producers lack most?

The biggest shortage is initial capital. Independent games are often small and exquisite, and the producer does not even have a relevant professional background. He may be a delivery rider, an architect, or a migrant worker. He just came to make games because he has a good impression of games. .

Several popular independent games in the past have proven this. Anyone can make games. As long as he is willing to learn and come back, he can build his own world for players to play.

Therefore, for most independent game producers, this money will allow them to have enough time to put down their work and concentrate on making games.

Of course, the games that can get this bonus must be games that Tianyou and Nanxing like, and games that are just fake will definitely not be selected.

After the news spread that Tianyou Nanxing would sponsor independent game producers and game studios, all the manufacturers who had been waiting and watching couldn't hold it anymore.

It’s not that they came here for the money. Although 500,000 is still a huge amount of money, the real purpose of each manufacturer is to match up!

If you can catch up with Nanxing, are you worried that you won't be able to make money?

Ma Xiaofei’s example is the most typical!

Ma Xiaofei is now making enough money to become a saint!

While making money and attracting traffic, it is rated as the most conscientious peripheral store by users.

conscience? How many of these damn peripheral shops have any conscience?


It’s not Nanxing who made netizens take the wrong look!

Ma Xiaofei is really unlucky!

Ma Xiaofei’s incident told everyone,

If you catch up with Nanxing, your future will be bright.

And if the gaming industry can catch up, the benefits it can earn will be even more obvious.

After all, Nanxing is now considered a big brother industry. Let's put it this way, if you can put your games on Nanxing's game platform, then do you still have to worry about traffic and exposure?

How high is the daily traffic of Nanxing’s gaming platform now?

Play Stardew Valley, Pokémon, Street Fighter, Overwatch, 2077, The Legend of Zelda.

Excluding repeat users, the total number is reduced by half, but then there must be over 100 million daily active users, right?

You have to put your own game on it. If only one person out of 1,000 people sees it, wouldn't it explode?

Therefore, after a large number of manufacturers learned that Nanxing was a sponsor, they signed up with Tianyou to participate in the exhibition without saying a word and took the application form.

Me, me, me, choose me, Tianyou!

As more people participated, the Tianyou Game Exhibition gradually became a major domestic game manufacturer exhibition. After thinking about it, Tianyou simply proposed to set up a game mutual aid association.

Nan Xing is the leader, and Tianyou is the supervisor of the platform.

This proposal was immediately approved. Those companies had only one demand - would Nanxing join? If Nan Xing joins me, I will come!

Feng Shuyun naturally had no reason to disagree. He joined the association to be the president, not to be a subordinate!

Originally, Nan Xing wanted to bring everyone together to make money. If you are willing to let Nan Xing be the talker, then let’s do it!

Although she was submissive to others, Feng Shuyun was still very useful to her for showing off, so of course she agreed.

After the gaming association was officially established, establishing a name became a problem.

Directly take the Southern Star Game Association?

That was so overbearing. Feng Shuyun still wanted to show his face. Everyone came together to participate. Even though they chose this name directly, they did not dare to have any objections, but they had to do a lot of face-saving work, right?

So in the end, we simply formed the National Star Game Association, which includes game manufacturers from all over the country regardless of province.

After its establishment, Feng Shuyun was the first president, and Lin Yuan was the vice president of the Game Association.

Tianyou is the supervisory party.

Among the game manufacturers that have joined the association, there are 17 mid-range game manufacturers, small game manufacturers, and mobile game manufacturers totaling 34.

Most of the game manufacturers that can be named on the market have participated in the association.

After this news was announced, the establishment of National Star directly broke the defense of Goose Factory.

It’s not that Goose Factory has not established an association, and Goose Factory’s association has also gathered major game manufacturers, but the problem is that it is difficult for Goose Factory to be the leader, not to mention that Goose Factory is still the Yangcheng Game Association, which is the provincial association. .

Let’s talk about a few well-known manufacturers - Goose Factory, Pig Bed, Photosynthetic Games, Shanjin, and Duoqu.

These are all well-known large manufacturers in the country.

But the problem is, the members of the Provincial Game Association fight every day, such as the Pig and Goose Factory. How do you expect them to really sit down at the same table and talk to each other?


And what about Nanxing?

Is this fucking national in nature?

Can Nan Xing eat it? !

No one knows whether Nanxing can eat it now.

But the establishment of National Star is indeed unstoppable.

At the end of July, the season is coming to the end of summer.

Feng Shuyun and Lin Yuan wore formal suits and took a plane to the Magic City. Accompanied by Li Lin, Xu Xiao and other senior executives from Nanxing, as well as Zuo Xuanluo Feng, the person in charge of Tianyou's exhibition, senior Tianyou executives, and various manufacturers , walked into the restaurant together.

Lin Yuan followed Feng Shuyun closely, fearing that the girl club might have committed a crime. This was a live broadcast. The headquarters of the National Star Game Association was established in the Magic City and received strong support from the Magic City government. There were reporters here today.

Because of this, it would be really embarrassing if Feng Shuyun suddenly fell seriously ill.

And Feng Shuyun also had a cold face, wearing a small suit and high heels, dressed very maturely. This outfit made her look capable, but her childish baby face made her look cute.

Have a strange feeling like a child pretending to be an adult?

But because she is surrounded by insiders who all wear black suits and have strong auras, Feng Shuyun, who is admired by thousands of stars, really has the aura of a queen.

Fang Qingchan taught her the cold face trick.

Just keep a cold face, don't say anything, just sit there and act like the decoration president.

Well, Feng Shuyun has already done so.

On the Internet, there was also a stir about Nanxing's establishment of a gaming association.

Many netizens have begun to look forward to it.

Nanxing is going to rectify the gaming industry again!

After this time, how many fun and interesting games will appear?

Therefore, it is obviously a commercial live broadcast and business news, but the number of users watching the live broadcast exceeds the official imagination.

This made the deputy mayor of Magic City smile from ear to ear.

The heat came so unexpectedly!

Support, you must support it fiercely!

Is there anything more important than getting the attention of young people?


Because of this, the National Star Gaming Association’s certificates were smooth all the way without any obstacles.

At 11 o'clock at noon, Nationstar's first public press conference was officially launched.

What does National Star want to do? What is the purpose of National Star's establishment? As the president, what role can Feng Shuyun play in National Star? What changes can the emergence of this association bring to the circle?

These are the themes of this meeting.

The people who came were not only members of the association and journalists, but also various small studios and famous independent game producers.

Some major domestic game companies that are not in the association have also received invitations to participate.


This big move by Nanxing and Tianyou.

Directly turning the game exhibition into a manufacturer exhibition

Is this a big move big enough? !

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