Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 163: Bringing up the young with the big, and dragging the old with the new.

At this National Star meeting, in addition to the press desk, reporters from various news websites were also present.

Tianyou basically welcomes all comers, but what’s interesting is that originally this was an exhibition for players and users, but now it has become an exhibition for industry peers.

The player group has become a bystander and a witness to this historical process.

Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun sat together, and their status tablets were placed on the table in front of the stage.

Feng Shuyun——President of National Star.

Lin Yuan——Vice President of Guoxing.

Li Lin and others were in the audience, and the others sitting there were the bosses and actual persons in charge of each manufacturer.

The leaders from the Goose Factory and the Pig Factory are sitting in the audience. They are not members of the National Star, so naturally they will not sit on the stage.

At this moment, it was 12 o'clock at noon. In the preparation stage of the meeting, the media reporters in the audience had also started live broadcast.


In Mengcheng, Lin Chunzhi was grabbing the back of an old man. The air conditioner was on and Lin Chunzhi was sitting in the living room watching the news.

As he gets older, there will be fewer daily entertainment activities, and watching the news is how Lin Chunzhi has fun. Lin Chunzhi watches the news in the living room, while Xu Minqing cooks in the kitchen.

The noon news started, Lin Chunzhi opened a channel and took a few glances. Well, okay, this celebrity gossip is not what he likes.

Lin Chunzhi prefers realistic stories about family stories, and because of this, he changed channels one after another.

Until the channel was changed, Lin Chunzhi subconsciously wanted to change the channel again, but a round face on the stage made Lin Chunzhi stop pressing the button.


With a slight sigh, Lin Chunzhi looked at the scene as if he was in a meeting. The girl sitting in the middle had a round oval face, grand features, and light makeup. She looked energetic and capable, and her beautiful face was straight. With a cold expression of despair.

Wife, wife! Lin Chunzhi looked at that face and shouted immediately.

You're calling the soul! Xu Minqing walked out of the kitchen with a spatula in hand and shouted with an unhappy look on his face: dinner will be served in a moment, I won't starve you to death!

No, honey, come and watch! Xiao Shu is on TV!

Xiao Shu? My daughter-in-law? Xu Minqing came over immediately without taking off her apron.

She also looked at the TV and saw her daughter-in-law sitting in the middle on the big TV that Nian Xiaoyuan had changed when he came back.

Ouch! This is a big channel. What did Shu Yun do? Xu Minqing sat down next to Lin Chunzhi.

Lin Chunzhi put his arms around Xu Minqing and said with a smile on his face: I don't know either. Look, our gangster is here too!

This must be a conference! Oh, that's really impressive. Why do you think these two kids are so outstanding? Lin Chunzhi said excitedly and proudly.

Xu Minqing couldn't hide his excitement. He put the spatula on the coffee table in front of him, wiped his hands on his body, took out his mobile phone, opened WeChat and started shooting a video. While shooting the video and sending it to the family group, he said loudly: Oh, look, my brat and my dear daughter-in-law are on TV!

From time to time, the old Lin family group became lively.

This is much more exciting than directly telling how much money Xiaoyuan earns. You must know that the older generation is very sensitive to news and so on.

Because of this, many children of the same age in the old Lin family were criticized because of Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun.

But they are also aggrieved!

They were wronged too!

Why should you compare me with Brother Yuan? What kind of virtues do I have compared to Brother Yuan?

Brother Renyuan's current income per day is higher than what I earn per year. How can I compare with him? The group of people that Brother Yuan is currently targeting are all big figures in the industry, and they are all the older generation in their thirties and fifties!

In other words, Lin Yuan has no problem treating them as their elder!


Same shit!

And situations like this don't just happen to Lin Chunzhi and Xu Minqing.

Similarly, the old Feng family also encountered the same thing.

Old Feng looked at the person in charge of Pig Goose sitting in the center on the TV, sitting underneath him. That was a big shot that he had never even met, but what about now?

These big shots are waiting in the audience to hear what their daughters have to say.

Old Fengtou was deeply moved. His daughter not only beat herself to death on the beach.

In Shuimu High School——

Lin Shushu was going to the cafeteria to eat with her dorm mates.

Before, everyone liked to go together in Lin Shushu's car, but with too many people sitting in the back, the novelty was almost gone. When we got to the canteen, we had to find a place to park, which was very troublesome. It was not as convenient as riding a small electric donkey. !

Therefore, Lin Shushu and her dorm mates took the school bus.

At this moment, in the cafeteria, Lin Shushu, who had just returned to her seat after finishing her meal, saw Yun Fen pointing at the TV with excitement.

Shu Shu, your brother is on TV. Yun Fen said excitedly.

Now this literary girl in Lin Shushu's dormitory has already regarded Lin Yuan as her idol.


She sold her Pikachu for a lot of money. Although Yunfen's family was not bad, her Pikachu was numbered 001. She sold it for 40W in cash and got a small Audi.

How could she not be grateful to Lin Yuan?

Just because you have a Jingye household registration doesn’t mean you can spend hundreds of thousands at will!

Because of this, Yun Fen admired Lin Yuan extremely.

No, not only Yun Fen, it should be said that the girls in the dormitory all admired Lin Yuan.

Because Lin Shushu is Lin Yuan's sister, they naturally pay attention to Lin Yuan, and the more attention they pay, the more they admire him.

Hey. Why don’t you admire your senior Li Lin?

Hmm. Who knows?

As Lin Shushu watched the TV, she saw her brother standing up and looking at the camera that kept flashing with a smile on his face. He looked calm and suddenly felt proud.

Hmm. My brother is really awesome.

My brother bought me a sports car worth more than 2 million yuan. My brother only has one sister: me. He is so rich and powerful now. In fact, I can do it if I don’t work hard, right?

I can just be a rich little salted fish woman or something, and that should be fine, right?

Lin Shushu suddenly thought of it.

I don’t want to work hard!

You have a brother like Lin Yuan, so why bother trying so hard!

At this moment, there were many students in the cafeteria looking at Lin Shushu.

Well, this is already a common thing.

Lin Shushu also felt quite speechless.

These people don't look at themselves because of how well they study. After all, Lin Shushu is a genius among ordinary people, but looking at Shuimuli, there are many people who study better than her.

It's not because of her looks. Although Lin Shushu is very good-looking, carefree and neat, and has a sense of being a man and woman, there are also many beauties and handsome men in Shuimu.

Who says top-ranked colleges and universities must be filled with nerds? Are people who have better academic performance than you worse than you in dressing up?

Therefore, these people look at her because of her identity as Lin Yuan's sister.

Well, thanks to my brother, I am quite famous in Shuimuli.

What can Nationstar do? This is definitely the most curious thing for everyone. Here, I will speak on behalf of the president to introduce to you what Nationstar can do and how it will help and develop the gaming industry in the future. .”

On the TV, after Lin Yuan spoke, Feng Shuyun on the side nodded lightly, with a look on his face - I am very cold.

Shu Shu, didn't you say that your sister-in-law is easy to talk to? Why does she look so cold?

Yes, the Internet also said that Sister Feng Shuyun is a funny girl, but her aura looks so cold. Why doesn't this match up with funny girls?

Listening to the sisters' curious questions, Lin Shushu thought for a while and said, Because my sister-in-law has violated the social security system.

Social fear?

Yes, she is my sister-in-law.

When Lin Shushu finished speaking, she suddenly looked at Yunfen and the curious Huang Shanshan, and said, Don't ask what you shouldn't ask!



Magic City——

The scene of the National Star Gaming Association meeting,

Lin Yuan stood up, first glanced at the person in charge of the goose factory and the person in charge of the pig farm, who looked calm, then looked at the camera, and then said calmly: What are the benefits of joining National Star?

Everyone joins National Star, of course, not just for the vain name, but definitely wants to gain benefits. Regarding this, we at Nanxing have reached an agreement with Tianyou, and we have also reached an agreement with the members of National Star. .

Nowadays, the game market is getting better and better. More and more players are willing to support genuine games and are willing to pay. This is not only due to our Nanxing, but also because major game manufacturers have changed their previous attitudes towards making games and are more attentive to games. With everyone’s efforts, the market is getting bigger and bigger.”

Below, some game manufacturers who have not joined NationStar showed complicated expressions.

Change your attitude towards playing games?

Isn’t this forced by your Nanxing? !

In the past, everyone just lay down and played games, and the whole reskinned game could earn players' money, but what about now? Now we have to make games seriously, and we have to get rid of the bad habit of perfunctory players.

So why do they have complicated expressions?

Logically speaking, shouldn't they hate Nanxing?


Although Nanxing prevented them from making money by playing matryoshka doll games like before, it did give Shen Ji a new lease of life in the dying game market.

In the past two years, independent games have become more and more accepted by the public. Players no longer focus on whether the game is produced by a major manufacturer, but instead look at the quality of the game itself. There are indeed more and more players willing to play genuine games.

Surprisingly many.

In the past, game manufacturers could euthanize.

But now, Nanxing won't let them die.

Because of this, they both hate and love Nan Xing.

Therefore, there is endless money to be made. Our Nanxing only produces two to three games every year. Players only need a few days, a week, or half a month to finish them. So what about the rest of the time? Therefore, Nanxing is willing to bring Let’s all make money together, that’s why Nation Star was established.”

“Here, we at Nanxing will assure you that we will not charge any membership fees or any game commissions. We only hope that everyone can make better and better games and make the game market better and better together. .”

Lin Yuan paused and then said:

First of all, Nanxing Club and Tianyou have reached a cooperation and will launch seasonal activities. Nanxing's games and games from various manufacturers will be packaged and sold at discounts. In order to avoid misunderstandings between players and manufacturers, all games selected for the event will be sold in a discounted package. , all must be games released more than one year ago.

The activity is based on the big and the small, the new and the old. To make a simple analogy, if Stardew Valley under Nanxing participates in the activity, then a work will be selected as an add-on to Stardew Valley. After the number of sales, Tianyou will evaluate the work. The company provides a share, or a certain manufacturer releases a new work, and can use Stardew Valley as an accessory to increase the sales of its own game. Of course, Nanxing will also take a share of the share.

Everyone, after two or three years after the release of some games, it is basically difficult for new players to buy them, because players’ time is limited. If players miss some works, it will be difficult for them to spend more time and spend the same amount of money on them. Buy old games at a reasonable price, because if you have that time and money, why not spend it on new games?

Rather than letting it sit and gather dust, it is better to sell it at a discount. Tianyou's traffic and Nanxing's traffic will definitely provide a lot of help to everyone.

Below, the faces of the two factories, Pig and Goose, became a little strange.

What does it mean?

Nanxing, is this really the big brother leading the younger brother to make money?

No, when they heard about the establishment of Nation Star before, they really didn’t think that Nan Star would be kind enough to help those mid- and lower-tier manufacturers make money.

But now, according to Lin Yuanyi, this plan is indeed feasible.

And at first glance, Nanxing seems to be losing money, because Nanxing's games are all popular works, and they are sold in bundles with other works. Isn't this just feeding traffic into its mouth?

But at the same time, they felt that Nan Xing was really bold

If this is done well, it is indeed possible to tie all the mid-stream and downstream manufacturers to Nanxing's warship, but is the division of interests really possible to be so clear?

Is there really no problem?

And will players really be willing to buy old games?

Hey, don't mention it, many players like to watch their inventory increase. Many players even have hundreds of games in their inventory, but only a dozen of them have played them seriously. Most of them play for a few hours and then put them away. Eat ashes.

So this wave of operations by Nanxing is really feasible.

With bundled sales, discounts, and the guarantee of a masterpiece that won’t be a hardship, players have no reason not to buy it!

Even if you don’t play it, just buy it and let it go. Isn’t this the basic operation in the gaming industry?

For a moment, everyone in the Pig and Goose factories was in a daze.

And Lin Yuan continued to talk.

In terms of revenue sharing, Tianyou is a trustworthy party. With them serving as supervisors, domestic manufacturers will not worry.

Therefore, although the division of interests cannot be open and transparent externally, there will definitely be no secret operations internally.

Therefore, this is also the reason why members of the National Star Gaming Association signed the contract.

It's exactly what Lin Yuan said.

Various manufacturers have many games that no one cares about because they are outdated, but now they can be put out for secondary sale, and they can also get traffic support from Nanxing and Tianyou, so why not do it?

As for how much you can earn?

Earning less is better than not earning at all!

Can it appreciate in value just by leaving it alone?

It’s not like they don’t have discount sales! At the most exaggerated time, there were 40% off discounts on Tianyou, but didn’t they sell a few copies?

Because it's just like what Lin Yuan said.

Players' energy and money are limited, and they can hardly play new games. Old games are still sold at the same price as new games. Are they buying it for a fool? Buy after discount? You won’t buy it even after the discount. It’s not a game worth collecting. Why buy it?

But this time it’s different. If one of the games in the package is a classic, you won’t suffer any loss if it comes with a bonus.

It's like Stardew Valley. It's on sale at a reduced price. You can get it for thirty yuan, and it comes with a game you've never played before, so why not buy it?

Because of this, after Lin Yuan finished speaking.

Below, manufacturers who have not joined NationStar

Suddenly, I suddenly felt a little regretful.

Damn it.

Goose Factory has never taken the initiative to allocate traffic to them!

Their game is on Goose Factory's platform, and they want to give Goose Factory a lot of money!

And now?

Tianyou’s share is already lower than that of Goose Factory, and now Nanxing is helping to support traffic.

Damn it

Did you follow the wrong big brother?

For a time, many game manufacturers thought so.

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