As winter comes this year, Lin Yuan finally leads a nine-to-nine life. Well, this is very appropriate.

After all, which serious programmer can arrive at the company at 10:30 every day and leave at 5 p.m.?

Which serious programmer is not 996!

The reason why Lin Yuan did this was naturally for the Pokémon World that Nanxing was currently producing.

Lin Yuan just had to bring a sleeping bag to the company and make a bunk bed with Li Lin, Xu Xiao and others.

If it were not more comfortable to sleep with Feng Shuyun at home, then Lin Yuan would have made a floor with Li Lin and others in the company. After all, it is already winter, and it feels like having someone warm and fragrant to hold in his arms. It's really different.

Everyone who understands understands, and those who don’t understand will have a chance to understand in the future.


The two of them are sleeping in the same bed now?

Of course!

Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun have been in love for several years, right? !

Another thing is that both of them are running towards thirty now. What, is it possible that they are still playing the innocent tricks of high school students? Although the relationship between Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun is indeed very innocent, but

When love is deep, it will naturally become stronger. Is it understandable that the forbidden fruit has been broken?

I originally thought about lying on the bed again after marriage, and I would hug her and touch her when I hugged her. The touching and touching would naturally lead me to that step.

It just comes naturally, it's very natural!

Because of this, Lin Yuan would not stay in the company and sleep on the floor like Li Lin and Xu Xiao.

Haha, I, Lin Yuan, am not a single person!

Why bother yourself?

Back to business, at present, Pokémon lovers all over the world know that Nanxing is holding a big one, and how big this thing can be can be obtained from the gossip collected from Nanxing and the Internet. We know that the new game Nan Xing has created will be a masterpiece that changes the gaming industry.

Hey. How many times has this been said?

Forget it, I don’t know anymore.

But what can be known and determined is that with Lin Ce’s ability, Nanxing’s capital, and the great IP of Pokémon, these three things combined, it can be said that even Cyberpunk 2077 was not that good at the time. Much attention has been paid to it.

How many gamers are there in China now?

According to incorrect statistics, the current domestic game user group, including online game and stand-alone console users combined, exceeds 200 million people.

200 million people, what is this concept?

China is known as the largest game market, and this is not without reason.

Under such circumstances, Pokémon users far exceed game users. Yes, in this domestic environment alone, the number of people who know Pokémon has definitely exceeded 200 million.

Therefore, Pokémon World is really attracting attention right now. All players in the country are focusing on Nanxing, waiting for the birth of Pokémon World. Nanxing’s game has also made domestic players Game manufacturers are planning to follow suit and take advantage of the traffic.


Avoid the Southern Star?

It's not necessary.

Let’s not talk about the fact that Nanxing will produce a masterpiece every year. With Nanxing’s current strength, does it make sense to avoid them? The games produced by Nanxing are the most popular ones, and there are many phenomenal games. There is really no point in avoiding Nanxing, because domestic game manufacturers are not on the same track as Nanxing at the moment.

Therefore, these manufacturers have no intention of avoiding Pokémon World. Instead, some small companies plan to follow Pokémon World's behind-the-scenes games, hoping that after players buy the game, they will also buy their game.

While players and manufacturers are suffering, Nanxing finally released the first game trailer!

In February of the new year, Nanxing posted a 2-minute video on its official blog.

At the same time, Bilibili and various video websites are also updated simultaneously. The video is very short, but it reveals a lot of content in two minutes, making players who have watched the video say it is very enjoyable and enjoyable.

In the video, the first thing that appeared was the logo of Nanxing, followed by the IP of Pokémon, and a cute silhouette of Pikachu. Then, under the transition of the blue sky, a grassland appeared in the eyes of users watching the video.

On the grassland, a Squirtle was cutely running up to the tree, grabbing the fruit from the tree and trying to put it into his mouth. Not far from Squirtle, there was a Kentero eating grass. , after eating two mouthfuls of grass, Kentero looked up and mooed, and saw a human with a backpack appearing, in an anime style, with short black hair, and a shovel in his hand.

Then, the screen changed again and turned into the actual screen of the game? !

The barrage at this moment is mostly——

[Holy shit, is this real or fake? 】

[Is this a real-life screen? Why did Pokémon battle become like this! 】

[Holy shit, everything said online is true? Then can I really catch Pokémon and build a home together? 】

[Isn’t this Xiaozhi? Is that Bulbasaur behind him? 】

[What a cool vine attack! 】

[Nan Xing’s cock explodes. If this is really the actual picture, I will buy it for 300 yuan! 】

In the video, the perspective has changed to a third-person perspective, and the black-haired figure is seen rolling forward with a shovel, and at the same time throwing a Poké Ball in his hand.

A Bulbasaur appeared from the elf ball. It was very huge, even bigger than the characters next to it. When it landed, two huge vines were seen flying forward in the seed bag behind the Bulbasaur. Go and hit Kentero who was eating grass.

In the video at this moment, the grassland is still the same grassland, but the number of Pokémon has greatly increased. Kentero appears three at a time, and there are several crawling insect Pokémon not far away. , some sharp-eyed players even saw a flying Pokémon that only appeared in one frame.

Is it Bobo? !

Kentero counterattacked, and a health bar appeared on its body. The black-haired figure threw the elf ball, and then captured Kentero.

After conquering Kentero, the next scene that appeared made the players dumbfounded.

I saw the character in the video flipping over and riding Bulbasaur!

Damn it, can you ride it? !

【? ? ? 】

[Can Bulbasaur be used as a mount? 】

[Holy shit, Bulbasaur can be used as a mount, but what about Charizard, Gyarados, and Dragon Riding? ! 】

[Wait a minute, there are a lot of flying types in Pokémon, can you say they can all be ridden? 】

[No, Nanxing, what are you doing? 】

In the video, the actual scene changed again, and then a house on a hillside appeared. The house is a wooden house. It doesn't look very beautiful, but it looks very comfortable. What shocked the users who watched the video most was that there were a lot of Pokémon appearing around the wooden house!

The cute and cute Pikachu, the tall and powerful Blastoise, the Gyarados crawling in a small pond, and the Charizard flying in the air and spitting fire at a stove.

At this moment, a line of text also appeared - [In the game, you can build a home with your beloved Pokémon and grow together with the Pokémon]

[Pokémon is not a pet, but a companion and family member. 】

[Different Pokémon can also do different jobs. ] Accompanied by these words, the scene changed, showing the small fist stone carrying something, and Pikachu standing on all fours next to an iron ring pillar with glowing cheeks and an arched body.

[Strengthen yourself and challenge powerful Pokémon]

The screen changed again, and in a sealed space, a huge Gyarados sprayed water arrows into the air. In the direction where the Gyarados attacked, a Mewtwo's eyes glowed, and he stretched out his hand to face the player , the health bar that appears on the top of Chaomeng's head is extremely long, with more than 3,000 blood?

This is a boss!

[Or breed stronger Pokémon yourself. 】

Accompanying these words, a precise instrument appeared, and inside the instrument was a blue egg. With a flash of light, a hatched Pokémon appeared next to it.

[In the Pokémon Continent, you can freely decide the life you want. 】

With this line, the entire picture began to rise continuously, and the perspective also changed to a bird's-eye view.

From a bird's-eye view - what can be seen is the continuously enlarging map. First, the entire appearance of a camp stronghold. As the stronghold continues to become smaller, the image of the entire map is also revealed.

Forests, volcanoes, deserts, ice fields, mountains, broken cities, deep dark underground caves

[The Pokémon World is waiting for your arrival. 】

With the last sentence, the video also comes to an end.

2 minute video.

And those who watched the video immediately exploded!

No, this, how much has been revealed!

Is it really a free and open sandbox Pokémon world? !

You can really see all kinds of Pokémon!

[The gameplay is so complicated, but I can’t wait! 】

[Damn, I can make Gardevoir work! ! ! 】

[Gardevoir, hehe, I’m wearing Gardevoir. 】

[The lady in Taneda’s skirt is so cute, and she can also smile! 】

[No, when will the game be released? Can it be released this year? 】

【Can’t wait for everyone! I can't help but catch Pokémon to give me work. 】

[After counting, it seems that there are more than 20 Pokémon working in the camp! 】

[Pokémon can evolve, and the setting of hatching eggs is very interesting. Is there a breeding system? 】

[Mate, just mate. What kind of breeding is so civilized? 】

On Nanxing's official blog, the video has only been posted for two hours, but the number of replies has already exceeded 60,000.

And the first hot search on the hot search list is also - [South Star Pokémon World]

How could this sense of expectation not be fulfilled?

Nan Xing is obviously playing with fire!

When this trailer was released, it’s surprising that the players weren’t shocked!

Farming buildings are connected with Pokémon, and they can also make Pokémon work for him. Damn, how did Lin Yuan's brain grow? Just the fact that this Pokémon can work for players has completely hit the player’s point!

Especially for players who like planting and cultivation, sandbox construction games are fun at the beginning, but often become repetitive in the later stages, because the construction in the later stages of such games requires advanced materials, and the acquisition of advanced materials They are often made from low-grade materials, and therefore, the later this type of game gets, the greater the time cost of building something.

You need to collect a lot of low-level materials to make high-level items, which really consumes players' time.

However, the Pokémon World has obviously changed the tedious game settings of planting and cultivation, which can even be described as backward!

Pokémon can work in the player's camp and help players collect materials. Different Pokémon can do different things, and their existence can completely help collect low-level materials!

And when making things, Pokémon will also help!

There is a scene in the video where Gardevoir and several humanoid Pokémon are working in front of a long pillar!

This setting made players who like this type of game speak out and launch an attack on Lin Yuan's brain.

And so do colleagues.

After watching this video, each of them became numb.

Once again, he was defeated by Gou Nanxing and Gou Linyuan.

I literally passed out!

Looking at the actual footage in the video, a large number of game producers were silenced.

No, damn it. Are there any technical demonstrations of the game content in this live screen?

There must be some, but compared to 2077 and Big Cousin, the scenes in Pokémon World are nothing very shocking.

It’s a game that lets them do it and they can do it!

Are the Pokémon models in Pokémon World cute? cute! But it just takes a lot of time!

They can do it too!

But the problem is.

But when all these contents were put together, it seemed like they really couldn't do it!

This game has a shadow of stitching together various gameplays!

It can be made separately, but it is really difficult to assemble it together!

Sewing also requires technical content!

If you can't sew it well, the game won't be fun!

But if it's sewn,

Take a look at the current discussion among people on the Internet.

Ah, really, people just fainted, okay?

You can see the shadow of Stardew Valley in the planting sandbox, the shadow of Pokémon in the development and collection, and the battle system can be seen in the market with the foundation of a large number of games. Even the gameplay of building seems to be from the game circle. Find examples?

What Lin Yuan did was nothing more than combine various gameplays that had appeared on the market and create a new gameplay.

It's obviously a very simple thing, but why has no game producer discovered and produced it?

We are all human beings, but why is your Lin Yuan's brain so different from ours!

How abominable!

Of course, Lin Yuan could not hear these sounds.

And even if he heard it, Lin Yuan would just shrug and smile.

Yes, there are many game influences in Pokémon World.

Although Lin Yuan made this game himself, and there is absolutely no equivalent of it on the market, Lin Yuan also gained experience from Ark.

It is impossible to lose the turn-based battle of Pokémon, and Nanxing will also make corresponding Pokémon series games in the future, but this does not mean that Pokémon will be tied to the turn-based gameplay.

And with the appearance of the first trailer.

Nanxing's production of Pokémon World is also entering its final stages.

Because Pokémon World is really not a game with technical limitations. Nanxing has so many powerful employees, so the production speed will certainly not be slow.

Even twice as fast as making the big cousin.

If it weren’t for the various Pokémon that would make the art work too much,

The game could even be released in February of this year!

And now.

Just give it to April!

In April of this year, it’s time for Pokémon World to open to players.

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