Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 184 Pokémon World is on sale

Sewing is an art.

If the sewing is done well, it goes without saying in terms of performance. Looking at the gaming industry, there are many game companies that have risen due to sewing.

As for sewing, the reason why it is called sewing and not plagiarism is not because sewing is a good word. It is because there is no such thing as plagiarism in the game.

What is the core of the game?

Of course it’s the gameplay, and the so-called plagiarism of gameplay is almost non-existent in the game industry, because over the decades since the development of the gaming industry, you can hardly find a few legal cases involving disputes over gameplay. I won the lawsuit because although there is intellectual property rights in the gameplay, it is something that is difficult to prove.

It is difficult for the creator himself to prove that this gameplay is his own initiative.

For example, East said that he was the originator of this gameplay, but West said that he was the creator of this gameplay. As a result, it turns out that both East and West borrowed North's gameplay. Do you want the gameplay to be patented?

And what about North?

Bei may have closed down and gone bankrupt due to poor management, and has become a historical relic.

They simply cannot prove that the property rights are theirs.

Therefore, in the gaming circle, it is extremely difficult and almost impossible to win a lawsuit based on gameplay.

But this does not mean that plagiarism does not exist in the gaming circle.

Because art, code, level maps, etc., these are things that can be seen with the naked eye, and you can file a lawsuit for plagiarism and win the lawsuit.

So as long as the game company doesn't foolishly copy the underlying code, blatantly copy the art, and copy the levels and maps, then even if it is issued a lawyer's letter, it can still be dragged down hard, and the profit will be almost the same after a few years. Then just send an apology letter and change some things.

And this is also the biggest reason why domestic games have been unable to get up before.


If you copy your own stuff, the situation is different.

If you sew your own game, it cannot be called plagiarism! That’s called creating a second creation based on the original!

In the Pokémon World, the gameplay of exploring the map is based on the Legend of Zelda, and the construction aspect uses a lot of references to Stardew Valley. The art uses its own powerful IP, development system and Poke Ball, so it is even more do not talk.

What's the name of the new game?

The world of Pokémon!

I use the gameplay in Pokémon, is there any problem? No problem at all!

Therefore, although Pokémon World has the shadow of many games in it, and it looks like a large-scale Stitches game at first glance, from the first actual trailer of the game to the second trailer, no netizen jumped out. Said Nan Xing stitched plagiarism.

Ha. If anyone comes out and says this, then he or she is the most stupid idiot in the world!

On days like this, the Pokémon World is gradually coming to an end.

Southern Star——

Lin Yuan and Li Lin discussed the priority of AI.

The first is automatic path finding, which must not be done wrong. If the Pokémon cannot figure out the path while working and gets stuck in the wall, it will be extremely bad for the player's gaming experience.

Therefore, automatic pathfinding must be done well, so that Pokémon can automatically avoid obstacles, and even if it is stuck by a wall, it must be able to walk out without being stupid. It just stuck there and didn't move.

Um, tour jitter or something?

Why do this?

First of all, everyone, Pokémon in the Pokémon World need to eat. There is no such thing as being able to work without eating.

Therefore, if the Pokémon in the game have not eaten for too long, they will starve to death. Then there is a problem. Single-player players are fine. If the single-player player goes offline, then the Pokémon will also go offline. .

But what about online players? There is definitely no such thing as an online player saying that if a single player goes offline, their Pokémon will also go offline.

Therefore, if an online player goes offline and then comes back online, and then sees a lot of Pokémon corpses appearing in his camp due to stupid AI, oh, these corpses all over the ground are like fucking treasure hunting. Same!

Do you think the players will be angry when they see this scene?

Of course it will!

If a Pokémon dies a few times, players' perception of the game will deteriorate. No matter how much they like the Pokémon IP, they will be disgusted by it.

Therefore, Lin Yuan pays attention to the aspect of automatic path finding that he must do well.

The second is the priority of Pokémon's work. In terms of what Pokémon should do first, Li Lin and I discussed it for a long time and made a few dozen revisions. The priority of Pokémon's work is almost complete.

It's definitely not the best, because players' needs will change accordingly.

For example, when there is little wood, players hope that Pokémon will give priority to making wood. When there are few stones, players definitely hope that Pokémon will give priority to mining. However, the things Pokémon are good at are different, and they definitely cannot be based on camps. Instead of determining the priority of work based on the amount of supplies, the priority of Pokémon's work is determined by the things that Pokémon is good at.

On this point, Lin Yuan did not accommodate the players, but hoped that the players would make their own decisions. If they felt that they were lacking something, then add a few more Pokémon that could collect this material.

Instead of waiting for Pokémon to do everything.

Because the players are the owners of the camp. If the construction, collection, material storage and withdrawal are all done by Pokémon, then what are the players doing?

Do you really want to build a house and be the boss in the back?

Right now, Lin Yuan and Li Lin are doing the final test.

It still feels a little silly, but it's been done pretty well.

After completing the final test, Lin Yuan touched his chin and said.

In the final test of the Pokémon World, Lin Yuan thinks it can be scored as a seven. The three points are less, and the one point is that the fighting method is a bit simple. The skills of multiple Pokémon have been unified, except for a few. In addition to the Pokémon that players know well have special skills, most Pokémon use a set of skill templates.

The other two points, one point is in the underground world. The dungeon is not very perfect. The underground world that Lin Yuan wants is that each dungeon has its own differences. Lin Yuan wants to make it into the Legend of Zelda. Temples are the same. Different temples have different characteristics, so players will not feel repetitive after entering.

But after telling Li Lin this, Li Lin almost cursed.

How could it be possible to do that!

This is not a matter of engineering quantity, this is a matter of technology!

If that were to happen, how far would the game have to go? How well should it be optimized so that it can be played by the majority of players on the market?

The last point is the home system. The assembly line starting from the mid-term is not perfect.

But overall, it's a lot of fun and suitable for playing with friends.

And Pokémon World is not a purely casual game. In fact, it is also in-depth in terms of gameplay. For example, in terms of the training system, it takes a huge amount of time to cultivate the best Pokémon, because Pokémon entries are not that easy to cultivate.

For example, for Pikachu, if Pikachu evolves into Raichu, not only does it have to reach the level, but it also needs corresponding evolution requirements. After evolution, if the entry is not perfect enough, it also needs to be cleaned.

Of course, breeding and laying eggs can perfectly solve this problem, but breeding and laying eggs also takes a lot of time.

At least it doesn't take a whole day to match the perfect Pokémon in your mind.

There are so many types of Pokémon in the game, and there are so many classes that can be assigned to players!

After hearing this, Li Lin felt a little helpless and said to Lin Yuan, dumbfounded: Lin Ce, we have packed in too many things. The game is now 67 G in size. Although our optimization has done It’s very good, but the configuration requirements are also very high.”

3A doesn't need such a configuration, Li Lin said softly.

The minimum configuration requirement for Big Cousin is 1060, while the minimum configuration for Pokémon World is 1050, but the problem is that the recommended configuration for Pokémon reaches 2070

The highest image quality requires higher configuration requirements.

In fact, it’s not too high? After all, the computer configurations of current players in China are generally at 2060, and there are also many 1080 God of War games that can last a few more years.

In fact, the optimization of Pokémon World has been done well enough, but there are too many things packed into the game that cannot stand it.

If you want to know about the farm in the game, it is a real farm.

For example, the food source wheat farm actually grows wheat in an area, and the wheat will appear when it matures, instead of being a simple map.

Buildings such as quarries and lumberyards are not labeled with separate pictures, but are clearly distinguished.

Coupled with the various Pokémon and the vast expanse of the map, the game has become bigger and bigger, and some things need to be deleted in the later stages, otherwise the memory requirements will be too great.

Lin Yuan listened to Li Lin's helpless words, looked at Li Lin's dark circles, and then swallowed what he wanted to refute.

Hmm. If you say a few words, Li Lin might lose his temper.

Although Lin Yuan was very tired during this period.

Oh yes, Xu Xiao has already gone to the hospital for an intravenous drip.

Because the demand for art is so huge, the biggest demand of players when they come to play Pokémon World is to see live Pokémon in the game. Therefore, every Pokémon is modeled to perfection. The best, which is why the game is 67 G.

Each Pokémon has its own small animation, and each Pokémon is lifelike. When getting along with players, the perfect modeling and spiritual AI prevent players from treating Pokémon as just a piece of data. Come and see.

This is not only to meet the biggest needs of players, but also to allow players to treat Pokémon with kindness.

After all, Pokémon is a child-supplied IP, and there may be many children coming to play with it. Moreover, even for adults, Pokémon are partners and friends, not slaves. .

Therefore, this is an obvious tactic, and its purpose is to use cuteness to exchange players' goodwill towards Pokémon!

Then, Li Lin took a rest, and Lin Yuan also took a rest.

The game was also handed over to the publicity and distribution department for final publicity and distribution.


Time has finally arrived in April, and the day has arrived for the global release of Pokémon World.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, high school student Jiang Luo stood in front of the computer, waiting for the Pokémon World to appear on Tianyou.

After refreshing three times, Jiang Luo finally saw the purchase button for the game.

Pokémon World——

Publisher: Southern Star

Game type: Development/Management

Game size: 68G

Game price: 198 yuan

Seeing the price, Jiang Luo nodded with satisfaction.

Judging from the promotional images and actual gameplay images, this game is not exorbitant to sell for 300 yuan. After all, it is backed by Pokémon’s IP.

But in the end, Nanxing sold the most for 200 yuan, which shows that Nanxing really doesn’t cheat the fans!

And this price is exactly what most players want.

198, not cheap, but definitely not too expensive, within the acceptable range for players.

Today's high school students can afford it for 200 yuan, but if it sells for more than 300 yuan, then high school students will consider it.

But Jiang Luo would never consider it. Even if the game sold for 400 yuan, Jiang Luo would buy it.

After buying the game, Jiang Luo joined a penguin group. This group was established seven days ago. Counting Jiang Luo, there were six people in the group. They were all fans of the Pokémon World game and Jiang Luo. Luo's classmate.

Right now, they are preparing to play Pokémon World online together.

After all, today is the second day of Qingming Festival. They have a day off and can have a few fun days!

Hey, hey, can you hear me?

Damn it, the game is too big! 68 G, I'll have to wait until tomorrow!

I want to play for three hours.

Six hours! And it's my laptop! My memory isn't that big. I have to delete a lot of things before I can play.

Jiang Luo, how long do you want to stay down?

Jiang Luo looked at the time and then said, Two hours. I can finish it in about two hours.

I'm crying! Why can't I pre-download it? Oooh, I'm so angry. It would be great if I could pre-download it. This 70G game will take too long to download, and I have to uninstall a lot of things.

When Jiang Luo heard this female voice, his heart skipped a beat.

This is the voice of his goddess, yes. Jiang Luo’s goddess also came to play Pokémon World!

In fact, the goddess doesn't play games originally, because the goddess likes sports very much. She often goes out to play badminton and tennis. The only game she plays is the outdoor game, Pokémon Go.

But this time is different. Because of the Pokémon IP, the goddess started to play with Jiang Luo, a game master in the class, two months ago.

Two hours later, someone else spoke in the group.

Is Jiang Luoqian ready to play?

Jiang Luo typed: I am going in now, let me help you take a look first!

Okay, how about the audio, I want to watch it!

Hearing what the goddess said, Jiang Luo was stunned for a moment, then quickly chatted with the goddess privately and initiated a voice call.

After connecting, the person on the other side said: Start a live broadcast! I'll give you a reward!

Can Xiaopo Station do a live broadcast?


Opening the live broadcast, talking to the two goddesses, Jiang Luo opened the game.

When the game is opened, it will be full screen. When it comes up, it will be a familiar cutscene with the Nanxing logo.

But this time there is no Pokémon screen, but it jumps directly to the main game interface.

Pokémon World——

Start game

online games


game settings

Jiang Luo clicked on the first one to start the game, and what appeared next was - single-player game, online game.


Oh, yes, there is no single-player game on the main interface of the game. It is divided into the start game. The online game below is for easy access to the server later. Jiang Luo explained to his goddess.

While explaining, he clicked on the single-player game and then created his own single-player server.

What surprised Jiang Luo was.

Is there such a thing as an official plug-in?

You can adjust the experience multiplier or something!

But Jiang Luo didn't adjust, but started pinching his face.

After a simple face squeeze, Jiang Luo entered the world of Pokémon!

First, he chose the birth point. Jiang Luo looked at it and found that different birth points had different situations.

For example, hot places are full of fire-type Pokémon, and cold places are mostly grass-type Pokémon. Although the Pokémon in the grassland are very single, the grassland is the best place to survive.

After thinking about it, Jiang Luo chose the grassland.

The first time he entered the game, before Jiang Luo had time to feel it, the goddess's voice came to his ears.


Look, it's Bobo!

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