After leaving Lin Yuan, we have a flight in the morning and we have to go to the venue in the afternoon! Time waits for no one, so get up quickly!

At around eight o'clock in the morning on September 10, Lin Yuan listened to the call from Feng Shuyun, rubbed his stomach and yawned. When he opened the window, Lin Yuan saw Feng Shuyun standing next to the white car.

Wearing a black business suit, long black trousers, black short high heels, her hair was tied into a big bun, revealing a pretty face with light makeup.

As if sensing Lin Yuan's gaze, Boss Feng, who was dressed like an urban beauty, suddenly raised his head.

But Boss Feng, who is dressed like a CEO, has an inexplicable childishness... It feels like a child in the family is secretly wearing adults' clothes?

Looking at Lin Yuan by the window, Feng Shuyun waved: Hurry downstairs, we don't have much time!

It takes an hour and a half to get to the airport from here, we need to leave quickly!

Lin Yuan was speechless, yawned and said, So... why didn't we set off yesterday?

you ask me?

Boss Feng looked at Lin Yuan with a look of resentment and said, Isn't it because you said last night that you wanted to temporarily change the code? Otherwise, it would have been delayed until today?

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, then laughed twice.

It's a bit embarrassing, yes. Lin Yuan stayed up all night yesterday to change the code.

Looking at it now, Lin Yuan thought too much about completing Four of Swords and Swords in four months.

If it were the original castrated version, then four months would be enough, but what Lin Yuan wants to do is a complete version, and some new modes will be added to it!

If it weren't for lack of technology and funds, Lin Yuan would even want to turn the Fairy Sword series into an action game! Instead of a turn-based game!

The turn-based style is somewhat lacking in flavor.

But even so, Lin Yuan still added some plots. For example, in the God Realm chapter, there is a solo plot for the second male lead. There is a lot of action design. Because of this change, novice programmers like Li Lin came up with Many bugs came out.

In terms of funding, it is also a flaw now.

Although Night of the Full Moon and Digging for Promotion sold very well, the problem is that Sword and Fairy IV has been in production for two months now and has cost more than two million yuan, of which more than one million yuan was spent on outsourced CG. Now, um, Meixing Studio!

In fact, it is not impossible for Nanxing to make his own CG. If Lin Yuan takes the lead in making it, he can make it. However, the problem is that there is not enough time now. Therefore, Lin Yuan opened his mouth, and Feng Shuyun waved his hand and directly outsourced Meixing to make one. Millions of CGs, as for what it will look like when the time comes... I can only say that Mei Xing is also very panicked now.

Because the sketch given by Lin Yuan was too abstract!

Because of this, Lin Yuan has been a little too busy recently, which is also the reason why the two of them have to catch a plane now.

Feng Shuyun was stamping his feet underneath and said with an unhappy look on his face: Stop asking, come downstairs!

Lin Yuan, who was sleepy, stretched out his hand towards the window and gestured OK, Give me five minutes, brush your teeth and wash your face, and I'll come down.

Remember to change your clothes! You are probably going to go on stage to give a speech! Feng Shuyun urged as if thinking of something.

And Lin Yuan hung up the phone.

After a while, Lin Yuan went downstairs.

Seeing a young man in casual clothes walking out of the old-fashioned corridor, Feng Shuyun stretched out his hand and clenched it into a fist.

Damn I really want to hit someone!

They all told him to dress better!

Let's go, boss, I'm ready.

Lin Yuan arrived in front of Feng Shuyun and said sleepily.

Feng Shuyun looked at the time and stamped his feet again, but what he said was: Lin Yuan, your uncle, forget it, let's go. If you don't leave, it will be too late!

If you haven’t changed your clothes, you haven’t changed your clothes!

There's nothing wrong with wearing casual clothes. Anyway, a programmer's uniform is a plaid shirt. Even if Lin Yuan wears a plaid shirt on stage, no one will say anything, so... let's do it!

Because time is really too late!

Feng Shuyun opened the passenger door, pushed Lin Yuan in, and then sat in the main driver's seat.

Boss, you can't drive while wearing high heels. Lin Yuan urged from the side.

Want you to teach me? I know how to take off my shoes! Feng Shuyun glared at Lin Yuan, then lowered his head and picked up the shoe box, then got out of the car, went to the back and opened the back seat, bent down and changed his shoes.

Lin Yuan looked at the rearview mirror and saw in the rearview mirror, Feng Shuyun reached out and hooked his short-heeled shoes with his fingers, then gently lifted his little feet wearing black socks. The socks were relatively transparent, reflecting the round and white hind feet. , a pair of little feet arched in the air, and the short heels were hooked on the hands.

Putting it aside, Feng Shuyun opened the shoe box. Inside was a pair of small white sneakers that she often wore. She stepped her little feet in and stamped them hard.

Her feet are really not big. It seems that Lin Yuan can catch them with a slap?

From time to time, Feng Shuyun, wearing white sneakers, came to the driver's seat.

Let's go, let's go!

Lin Yuan looked at Feng Shuyun with disgust.

Why are you looking at me like this?

Feng Shuyun frowned and put on his seat belt.

Why don't you just wear sneakers?

“It would be weird to wear a suit and sneakers to a formal occasion.”

So you just change your shoes in front of me?

Oh, it doesn't smell. Besides, my feet smell good. Feng Shuyun started the car and said.

I don't believe it, unless you let me smell it. Lin Yuan spoke quickly and said subconsciously.

Feng Shuyun, who was about to step on the gas, stopped, turned his head and looked at Lin Yuan silently, and said: ?

Good guy.

What a shrimp-headed man!



As one of the four largest cities, Pengcheng's economic strength goes without saying. After Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun got off the airport, they were like bumpkins entering the city.

The airport here is so big, Lin Yuan, do you think the airport in Shanghai will be even bigger?

Have you never been to Pengcheng before?

The two of them got off the plane empty-handed. The main thing was to be light-handed. They didn't even bring a change of clothes. Anyway, they only stayed for one night and could fly back to Nanxing tomorrow night.

Feng Shuyun's tickets to go back have been bought.

Because of this, neither of them brought any salutes.

No, I rarely travel. I usually stay at home and play games. I founded Nanxing in my sophomore year, so I don't even have time to run around.

Oh, to put it bluntly, it's just a squatting at home?

Haha, tell me, have you been here before? Feng Shuyun rolled his eyes.

I haven't been here either. Lin Yuan, who had only been in the north, coughed and said.

Whether in his previous life or now, Lin Yuan has never been to the south and basically lives in the north.

Feng Shuyun stretched out his arm and touched Lin Yuan's waist, then looked at the time, Let's find a place to eat first, and we'll take the subway there later!


Direct! Big cities are convenient! Feng Shuyun nodded fiercely.

She checked the guide and took the subway from the airport to the convention and exhibition center. It only took half an hour!

They found a fast food restaurant in the airport and had a simple meal.

Needless to say, the prices at the airport are extremely expensive, as are the taste and portion.

I will never eat at the airport again.

When coming out of the terminal, Feng Shuyun said angrily.

This girl also looked unhappy when she got on the subway.

Damn it! You are so wronged!

A portion of mushroom and chicken bibimbap, a few slices of mushrooms, three or four pieces of chicken, how dare you ask for fifty? !

And the spicy noodles Lin Yuan ate had no meat at all, just plain noodles, so that cost 27? !

What a cheat!

The subway was a bit crowded, and the two of them were pushed to a corner by the crowd. As long as Lin Yuan lowered his head at this moment, he could see the back of Feng Shuyun's head leaning against him, and he could also smell a faint orange fragrance from her body.

Just as he was thinking about it, Boss Feng's cell phone rang. He picked up the phone and Feng Shuyun lowered his voice and said:


Oh, we'll be there soon, we're on the subway now.

Okay, let's take the backstage passage, right?

OK OK, I understand, sorry, we'll be there soon.

After hanging up the phone, Feng Shuyun raised his head and looked at Lin Yuan. When they looked at each other, Feng Shuyun rolled his eyes first to avoid looking. Then he raised his little foot and kicked Lin Yuan's calf with his foot wearing white shoes.

As for why Feng Shuyun was wearing sneakers, it can only be said that Feng Shuyun was persuaded by Lin Yuan when he was in the car.

Feng Shuyun wouldn't be able to bear it if he wore high heels for several hours in two days.

It's hard for her to walk in high heels!

They're already urging you! You're all wasting time!

What do you mean I'm wasting my time? Wasn't it your idea to eat?

Didn't I see you were hungry?

When did I say I was hungry? Boss, didn't you suddenly suggest that we go to eat? You said there was still enough time, and there would be no traffic jams by taking the subway to the convention and exhibition center. It was super convenient. You said you had done your homework, so I could follow with peace of mind. That's it for you. Not the boss, is this what you mean by doing your homework? Is this what you mean by letting me follow you with peace of mind?


Don't talk back to your boss!

After things were sorted out, someone started acting rogue again.

Lin Yuan lowered his head and looked at Feng Shuyun with a smile, who turned away and faced the car wall.

And the president of a game company.

Why is there an exhibition here that looks like a high school girl’s outing?

Comb your hair like an adult and put on a handsome suit. No, just because of your cute baby face, Feng Shuyun, you are destined to be unable to play a mature adult.

What are you thinking about?


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