Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 23 The two people who rushed to the stage

Lao Luo, hasn't there been any news from Nanxing? Why hasn't she come yet? It's already three o'clock, and we have to open on time at three o'clock! We can't wait any longer!

I'm still on the subway. There's no point in urging me. Luo Feng, who was wearing a blue suit and slicked-back hair, rolled his eyes and said.

Today, the three halls at No. 789 of the Convention and Exhibition Center are all rented by Tianyou. The exhibition covers a considerable area. Major domestic game manufacturers have also joined in, setting up places in the venue to introduce and promote their own products. games or peripherals.

Tianyou Game Exhibition Festival, as one of the top game expos in China, naturally has many visitors.

The ticket price is only 69, and you can go on a one-day trip, which is cheaper than the tickets for Comic Expo, and you can also participate in game trials from various manufacturers. What kind of bike do you need?

What? No cos?

Hehe, how could it not be!

Not only does it exist, but its appearance is also far higher than that of Comic Con!

You must know that the cosplayers at the game show are all graphic models on the market. Of course, each manufacturer also knows what the audience wants to see. Naturally, they spare no effort in this aspect, so various big sister characters are dressed in cool clothes. is indispensable.

For example, Tianxing Company, which makes the domestic martial arts online game masterpiece Xia Gurou, has all the beautiful old-style long-legged ladies in their locations. Another example is the most popular mobile game Naizi Team on the market, which is cooler and more colorful. The organizer is here!

At this moment, there is already a group of masters who take photos for art. Their main goal is to take photos with one hand to benefit netizens!

The stage built internally by Tianyou is naturally the largest in the entire exhibition. It is located in the exhibition hall No. 8, covering an area of ​​several hundred square meters. There are hundreds of seats in the venue. The stage is also very well built, with a huge screen. With a high platform of tens of meters, it can be said that Hall 8 is the main exhibition venue of Tianyou.

It was 2:50 in the afternoon, Zuo Xuan looked at his watch with a headache, and then looked at the day tour that was about to start, with a sad look on his face.

It wasn't Zuo Xuan who was looking for trouble, but Nan Xing, as the protagonist of this game exhibition, nominated players who won four out of five categories. If he hadn't been able to receive the award on the spot, it would have been a lot of fun that day.

You must know that Tianyou's game exhibition, Weibo bloggers, and live broadcasters from various platforms will come to the venue for live broadcasts and text narrations, and many professional game journalists will come, so if this happens - —Tianyou’s first four awards went unclaimed. Does this mean that Tianyou has lost such a marketing account in China?

As the person in charge of the exhibition, Zuo Xuan would be in big trouble.

You must know that Tianyou spent more than 20 million to hold this event. If he made such an mistake, it would be strange if he didn't get pressured by the superiors!

At three o'clock, Luo Feng picked up the walkie-talkie and said seriously.

The time is up, Zuo Xuan, let's get started, we can't keep everyone waiting.

Zuo Xuan looked at the various manufacturers that were almost full and the audience standing outside, and nodded, Okay, you call Nanxing and tell them that the exhibition has started now and ask them to speed up. .”


Putting down the walkie-talkie, Zuo Xuan came on stage with a microphone, acting as the host of this exhibition. At the same time, a group of beautifully dressed ladies followed Zuo Xuan on stage.

After a hot dance and a while of interaction, Zuo Xuan took the microphone and said with a smile: Welcome to the Tianyou Summer Carnival. I won't say much and I won't waste everyone's time.

First of all, the best-selling online game award in the summer!

Below, people from various manufacturers sitting there straightened their backs unconsciously.

Zuo Xuan spoke in a longer tone, and then waved his hand, The nominated games include Dream Fairy, Iron Cavalry War Song, and World of Gods and Demons 2. Along with Zuo Xuan's words, the names and images of the three games also appeared on the big screen behind him.

Then, Zuo Xuan said forcefully: Congratulations to the electric power, congratulations to the Great Dream Fairy!

I would like to invite the Great Dream Fairy to come on stage to accept the award.

Behind him, Tianyou's game evaluation of Da Mengxian appeared on the big screen.

As a game that has been in operation for a year, Dream Fairy has been recognized by countless players. Although the gameplay is an old turn-based system, its flaws are not concealed. Dream Fairy has excellent economic system and treasure hunting.

Outside the court, the surrounding audience also began to discuss.

How could it be the Great Dream Fairy? This game is both boring and boring!

Big Mengxian is okay. If you are brave enough, you can catch up with the big brother.

This game can make money. If you don't want to play it, you can sell your account. Any game that can maintain its value is considered a good game, right?

At this moment, a girl sitting in the infield seat and wearing a Bluetooth headset raised her mobile phone and said to the mobile phone: Everyone, I recognize whoever wins the award between Dream Fairy and Gods and Demons 2, but only Iron Cavalry War Hymn is not good. Although Iron Cavalry War Hymn has great graphics and strong gameplay, as an online game, its social attributes are really poor.

What is the purpose of playing online games? Isn't it just for socializing?! If I can't pretend to be friends in the server, then why don't I play stand-alone games? Oh, stand-alone games are lonely? Shit, it's the stand-alone games in China that are lonely, and those in foreign countries are lonely There are only one or two masterpieces every year.”

Tangtang wrinkled her little nose and hummed twice.

As a video game blogger with more than 4 million fans across the Internet, Tangtang attended this time as a special guest of Station B.

At this moment, she turned her phone to the stage and continued: This time, those companies should win the award again, but there will be an exception, and that is Nanxing!

I checked Tianyou's game sales in July. Dig Di Qiu Sheng won the single-month game list with an exaggerated number of 170,000 copies. Night of the Full Moon had an exaggerated 130,000 reviews and 98 positive reviews. It shouldn’t be a problem for Nanxing to win two awards this time.”

Hey, you also know about Nan Xing's Guan Bo Niang? Oh, it's impossible for a Guan Bo Niang to come forward. Besides, isn't it said that the person in charge behind Guan Bo Niang is a bald forty-year-old rough guy?

Tangtang said with a giggle.

As the person in charge of Damengxian received the award and gave a speech of gratitude on the stage, Zuo Xuan came on stage again. He did not waste any time and directly announced the second Tianyou Summer Award - Best Mobile Game in Summer Bestseller Award.”

As the awards were announced one after another, more and more beads of sweat formed on Zuo Xuan's forehead.

In the audience, the award-winning game manufacturer Le's Yahuazi came out, while the one who did not win the award looked helpless.

Tianyou has only thirteen summer awards, and the online games are very popular, so it is a track with less meat and more people.

And next, comes the awards for stand-alone games.

Zuo Xuan took a deep breath, went up to the stage and said, The best-selling game award of the summer. The nominated games are: Digging for Ascension, Full Moon Night, Dream Castle, and many more cute things.

Behind Zuo Xuan, the screens of various games appeared on the big screen one after another.

When it came to the clip of a dark man holding a hammer, there was a burst of laughter in the venue.

Nan Xing, you are so fucked!!!

Some people in the crowd even cursed loudly.

This caused everyone to laugh.

The game manufacturers in the venue also had smiles on their faces. Although the man was cursing, both the game manufacturers and the audience knew the reason why Nan Xing was scolded.

I can only say that you deserve to be scolded if you dig deep for promotion.

Tangtang also laughed, Look, I said there will definitely be a prize for those who dig deep for promotion! The best-selling prize will definitely be for those who dig deep for promotion!

Zuo Xuan was also interrupted by the yelling, but he quickly cheered up and said in a deep voice:

Congratulations to Nanxing, and Congratulations to Digging for the Best for winning the Summer Most Enjoyable Game Award!

Please. Nanxing comes on stage to receive the award.

After Zuo Xuan finished speaking, many of the visitors from various game manufacturers sitting in the infield stretched their necks curiously, wanting to see who the visitor from Nanxing was.

Nanxing, which reversed its reputation and made two hit games in one summer, is really popular now.

This will naturally make various manufacturers curious. It is important to know that in the gaming industry, it is not rare to see small and big results, but it is rare to see a gaming company like Nanxing that takes a short time, develops quickly, and makes huge profits. .

Most of those games that are small and broad are made by independent producers themselves. It took several years and was accurate to every detail before they were recognized by players. But what about Nanxing?

How long is the time between Digging for Heaven and the night of the full moon?

Because of this, everyone will be curious about Nanxing.

Zuo Xuan looked at the infield where no one had gotten up after a while, straightened his collar with a headache, and then said: Everyone, due to a small problem, Nanxing may not be able to arrive until later.

Now, we announce the second award.

Zuo Xuan's hands were shaking when he said this.

Oh shit

The second award is also from Nanxing!

Best Narrative Award of the Summer, the nominated games are: My War Song, Night of the Full Moon, The Song of Life——

Zuo Xuan stopped.

There was a discussion below.

Tangtang even laughed and said in the live broadcast room: Did you see that, I said that Nanxing would nominate two items! No, looking at it now, it is probably three items! Art may have a part in the full moon night!

All companies and manufacturers, including online game companies and smaller stand-alone game studios, also had expressionless faces.

Because it is reasonable to win prizes on a full moon night.

It has developed a meat pigeon card game that has never appeared on the market, and the art and plot of the game are perfect. In addition, due to the linkage between an up owner and Nanxing some time ago, Nanxing even sat for half a year. Weekly Weibo hot search list.

It has also been rated as the most romantic game company.

So they were not surprised to win the award on a full moon night.

Award winner.

South Star, full moon night! Zuo Xuan said loudly.

Because the reasons have been mentioned, now, we announce the next award.

Zuo Xuan took the cue card and repeated it again and again, which made him bolder, and said loudly: Tianyou Summer Best Game Art Award, the nominations are: Night of the Full Moon, Dream Castle, and Dream Story!

Winner, Southern Star, Full Moon Night!

Zuo Xuan smashed the jar and said.

There were already people down there who couldn't sit still.

There was also discussion outside the court.

Damn it, Nan Xing was nominated for three times and won three awards? Is that so strong?

I can tease Nanxing Guan Bo Niang again when I go back!

Night of the Full Moon is probably the most fun game this year. The gameplay is so strong and the art is beautiful. It's normal to win awards.

There have been examples of small companies winning multiple awards in Tianyou before, right? I don't remember them!

Tangtang was also very surprised.

She guessed that Nanxing had been nominated for multiple awards, but could win at most two, but now...three!

Zuo Xuan took a deep breath and said loudly: Next is the Summer Players' Voice Award. The nominations are Full Moon Night, Song of Life, a lot of cuteness!

Winner, Southern Star, Full Moon Night!


Three awards for one game?!

Damn it, Nan Xing is going to defy the heavens!

Zuo Xuan had a headache. There would be no awards for Nanxing, but there were still nominations for Nanxing.

However, the person in charge of Nanxing still did not arrive at the scene.

Just when Zuo Xuan had a headache, outside the venue, with the help of Tianyou staff, the crowd on the periphery separated a way.

We're here, we're here!

Accompanied by shouts, a smart woman wearing a suit and trousers with her hair tied up was holding a young man's hand and ran towards Tianyou's exhibition stage.

The man next to him had a dumbfounded expression on his face, while the woman was extremely anxious.

Open the door and let them in! Luo Feng also ran over and said loudly to the security guard next to him.

The door was opened, Luo Feng looked at Zuo Xuan on the stage, and Zuo Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

It looks like he's from Nanxing!

And the two people also ran onto the stage in a hurry.

But after taking the stage, the woman who was in a hurry suddenly became quiet.

When she raised her head, she also revealed a cute pretty face. Her face was flushed, and her buns were loose, making her look a little messy. But paired with her workplace clothes, she was smart, messy and cute.

Congratulations to Nan Xing, for winning the Best Game Best-Selling Award, Best Game Art Award, Best Game Narrative Award, and Gamer's Heart Award! Zuo Xuan briefly talked about what happened before, then looked at her and sighed. The voice said: Nan Xing is invited to give an acceptance speech!

After speaking, Zuo Xuan handed over the microphone, then turned and walked off the stage.

When he stepped down from the stage, Zuo Xuan also breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought something was really going to go wrong today, but at the last second, the person in charge of Nanxing arrived!

In the audience, looking at the blushing woman on the stage, all the manufacturers and the audience were a little surprised.

The person in charge of Nanxing is so young and good-looking?

This woman looks really cute!


Feng Shuyun held the microphone and was watched by more than a thousand people. She felt her palms were sweating, so she unconsciously stretched her other hand to Lin Yuan beside her, and reached out to grab the hem of Lin Yuan's clothes.

I, I am Feng Shuyun, the president of Nanxing Game Company. I am very happy to meet you!

I am very grateful to Tianyou and the players for recognizing our Nanxing. This award, no, does not only belong to our Nanxing, but also to every player who likes Nanxing. I, I, what am I, woo, come on, Chief planner, you have the say!”

Feng Shuyun turned around sharply as he spoke, and turned the microphone to Lin Yuan, his face flushed, and his eyes looking at Lin Yuan were filled with prayers.

Poor Boss Feng

Before coming, he made lofty words, saying that he would speak loudly when he came on stage, but after he came, he turned into a quail.

Lin Yuan looked at Feng Shuyun like this and unconsciously smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Feng Shuyun is a mascot!

It’s really useless!

There was laughter from below.

This woman is the boss of Nanxing Games?

Damn it, Nanxing's boss is so cute, brothers!

Wait, didn't any of you pay attention to the way she spoke? Why do I feel a bit like a official blog girl?

Oh shit, the boss will be in charge of the official blog?

The two people who rushed onto the stage suddenly caused a lot of chaos in the scene.

When Lin Yuan took the phone, Feng Shuyun leaned towards Lin Yuan, his body close to Lin Yuan.

Good afternoon everyone, I am Lin Yuan, the director of Nanxing.

It is an honor for our Nanxing team to win four awards from Tianyou. Here, I sincerely express my gratitude to every player. At the same time, I also apologize to everyone on behalf of the company. Due to some uncontrollable factors, I We arrived a little late with the boss, making everyone wait for us for a long time.

But luckily, we still made it to the scene.

Nanxing is a company that is full of energy and has the courage to explore unknown games. Like the majority of players, we have an unchanging enthusiasm for games and we are committed to exploring new game markets. And here, please allow me to shamelessly use this occasion to introduce to you the next game of our Southern Star.

It's different from Feng Shuyun's timid attitude.

Lin Yuan's speech was short and powerful. Although it was full of formulas, it seemed so professional because of Feng Shuyun's previous mistake.

And Feng Shuyun listened to Lin Yuan's words, put his head on Lin Yuan's shoulder, nodded vigorously, with a look on his face, My chief planner means what I mean!

This made it even more fun for Tangtang, who was paying attention to Feng Shuyun in the audience.

She pointed the phone at Feng Shuyun and kept taking pictures of the Nanxing boss with a large bun.

Hmm. The expressions of Nan Xing’s boss are too rich!

Cowardly, proud, supportive, proud, his expressions changed several times at once.

Lin Yuan then smiled:

We are about to launch a Xianxia stand-alone game. It will be the biggest challenge faced by Nanxing since its birth. The production cost of the game is expected to be more than 10 million. The release time will be in January next year. The gameplay and plot of the game will be Adhering to Nanxing’s consistent style!”

And its name is - Legend of Sword and Fairy.

Please stay tuned!

My speech is over. After Lin Yuan finished speaking, he looked at Feng Shuyun, who was holding his arms with both hands, and said in a dumbfounded voice: Boss, do you have anything to add?


Feng Shuyun shook his head vigorously.

At this time, Zuo Xuan came to power in time.

There were four beautiful girls with trophies.

Then, Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun each held two small trophies and quickly found their seats with the help of the staff.

all around,

It’s a group of game manufacturers who looked over curiously.

Lin Yuan was indifferent, but Feng Shuyun shrank his head.


Wasn’t it extremely embarrassing just now?

Thinking of this, Feng Shuyun just wanted to cover his face.

Oh my god.

Why is she such a arrogant person?

Woohoo, now the fun is getting louder!


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