Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 94 Nan Xing can do everything, but can’t make online games?

Lin Yuan is naturally aware of the recent series of situations caused by Qingyin girls in reality.

After all, Feng Shuyun launched a fierce attack on Lin Yuan and told Lin Yuan about a series of things happening online.

Feng Shuyun, who is very idle, has nothing to do in the company. He is either playing games or watching all directions on the Internet. He is keenly aware of news and interesting things on the Internet, not to mention things related to Nanxing. Feng Shuyun is even more so. He knows them all and can still talk about them!

Therefore, when Lin Yuan learned that a large number of students in China are now buying musical instruments, and that a music teacher from a key middle school in China also argued with the science teacher about his own rights to attend classes, he gave the students a unique lesson. music lessons.

The word music has finally become popular on high school campuses!

After a student posted on a broken website that he risked his life to secretly film his teacher playing guitar in class, a group of videos of my music teacher appeared on the broken website like mushrooms after rain.

To be honest, most of the teachers who teach music in middle schools are young people. The main reason for becoming a teacher is to make a fortune, and there is a high probability that they will change careers later. Therefore, as young people, they accept new ideas. Things are very capable, and contemporary young people are also brave enough to make changes.

At worst, the relationship with the dean is not good. If you don’t keep me here, there will be a place for you!

Want to have a professional career? nonexistent!

Therefore, after knowing that the students wanted this kind of teaching method, they spoke on behalf of the students and fought for the right to music classes in the classroom.

Feng Shuyun was very angry about this.

I remember when Boss Feng was in middle school, he didn’t even meet his music teacher a few times!

Except for meeting twice in the first year of high school, the music teacher seemed to have disappeared from the world. The two music classes per week would inexplicably become random courses, but the random courses were still-English , mathematics, history.

So of course Feng Shuyun would be unhappy when he saw that children nowadays have music classes and can watch their teachers play musical instruments in class!

Damn it. When I was studying, why didn’t there be an anime called Qingyin Shoujo to change the situation on my campus?

Lin Yuan was a little dumbfounded by this matter.

Depending on the environment, the circumstances and results of the birth will be different. Lin Yuan really didn't expect that music teachers in China would rise up.

Due to various factors, the music atmosphere in high schools in the island country is very good. The better campuses also have special music clubs. They are music clubs in the true sense. After entering, you can play various instruments, not like In domestic music classes, music teachers are either being robbed of lessons or showing movies to students in class.

Teaching music? nonexistent.

Therefore, Lin Yuanzhen did not expect that the appearance of the Qingyin girl would lead to such a result. general, it should be a good direction, right?

And Lin Yuan also found it funny.

This is just a girl with a light tone. If we come up with works that can inspire students more actively, such as Slam Dunk, Table Tennis, Prince of Tennis, Football, Huaxia, there is no football!

Even a cute music show could create such a noise, but if it was a passionate sports show, Lin Yuan wouldn't even dare to think about it.

Will the physical education teachers revolt?

It’s time for high school physical education teachers to revolt!

Otherwise, as a physical education teacher, if he gets sick as soon as he comes to physical education class, and he gets sick as soon as he comes to physical education class, then is he a student of physical education?

Sometimes, it is really important to balance work and rest. To put it bluntly, cramming teaching is to cope with exams. Its purpose is to let students memorize it in the shortest time, not to learn it.

Therefore, Lin Yuan was quite looking forward to the physical education teachers also rising up.

He was thinking about the students, not just for fun!

But to complete this matter, well, Fang Qingchan is needed.

But Fang Qingchan has not been in the country recently.


island country,

On the third day after Fang Qing arrived in the island country, when she came to the unfamiliar island country with her proposal, Fang Qingchan hit a wall for two consecutive days.

The colleagues in the department were also speechless about this, and some even started to be afraid.

Because Nanxing's team going to the island was threatened and insulted.

how to say

There are small etiquette but big moral integrity is lost.

Fang Qingchan felt that there was no problem at all in describing the islanders. Are the islanders polite? Polite, very polite.

They're so damn polite about little things.

But except for small things like meeting and greeting, in other things, this politeness will disappear immediately.

In the past few days in the island country, Fang Qingchan accepted contempt, insults, and even threats.

Damn you, we have a society ruled by law, why are we still doing this?

Oh, clubs and such are legal in the island country, so it’s really no problem for them to play.

However, Fang Qingchan was not afraid. With the help of the Secretary General of Luo City, Fang Qingchan contacted the island country's office in China. Nanxing may be short of people, but it has plenty of money.

You like to play black, right?

With the help of a middle-aged man with glasses stationed in China, Fang Qingchan contacted a large community in Shibuya, and with their help, she was able to get the proper etiquette in the true sense.

Just like now, in the conference hall, Fang Qingchan sat down with a briefcase, and the person sitting opposite with a flattering smile was the one who had driven Fang Qingchan away before. After hearing that she was from China, she was not even willing to listen to Fang Qingchan's plan. Deputy director of the TV station.

At this moment, he was wiping his sweat and saying something.

On the side, the invited translator said next to Fang Qingchan:

He said he was very sorry. He said he didn't know you knew Mr. Oshima. He apologized for being rude to you before and hoped that this would not affect the cooperation and transactions between the two parties. This is what he gave to you. A gift, a box of fine tea, and some hot spring rolls, I hope you can forgive him for his rudeness. The secretary on the side said.

Fang Qingchan rolled her eyes,

Hot spring roll?

What do I want with this thing?

Take a bath?

Do I need your hot spring roll? I have money!

As for tea?

I don’t drink tea!

Besides, even if you want to drink tea, isn’t the quality of tea in our country better than yours?

I need your tea?

What the hell. That is to say, the island country is small. Unlike the country, each place has its own TV station. After all, the entire island country combined, including the uninhabited mountains, is as big as some domestic provinces, so don’t count on them. How many TV stations can be produced?

Fang Qingchan came here after getting to know more. There is only one state-owned TV station in the island country, and the rest are private. Even the five major TV stations like Tokyo Channel are privately owned. Therefore, Fang Qingchan will accept his apology, and Back here again.

Otherwise, with the quality of the Pokémon, there is no need to come back and cooperate with the other party!

Damn it!

Without even looking at the work, I saw five people coming to my place, and then they said that they were trespassing illegally, swearing and threatening them to leave, otherwise they would be evicted by force from the security guards.

But what about now?

Fang Qingchan looked at the other person's changed face, pursed her lips, and said nothing. At this moment, she deeply felt the importance of the background.

This means that Nanxing has a good relationship with the Luocheng City government, and Luocheng is very willing to help Nanxing. Otherwise, even if Fang Qingchan goes to the embassy, ​​the people in the embassy will only protect Fang Qingchan, instead of helping Fang Qingchan find people.

If you encounter trouble abroad, the embassy will help you call the police. If you encounter problems that are not caused by yourself and cannot be solved by your own strength, the embassy has the responsibility and obligation to help you. However, for company exchanges and interests, you go Looking for help from the embassy?

Don't be stupid. The embassy is not your personal butler, let alone your personal bodyguard.

Therefore, connections are really important.

This means that Nanxing is indeed a big player now and is a big taxpayer. Luocheng is willing to help Nanxing solve the difficulties that Nanxing encounters. Otherwise, if Qingchan is really the size of Qingchan, then Fang Qingchan can only find a small TV station, and maybe even Will be bullied even more.

The big TV stations all have a dark taste, let alone the small TV stations.

Fang Qingchan is really feeling emotional now.

Big cow

Before you know it, you have really become a very powerful person.

In Fang Qingchan's eyes, the woman who seemed silly and only knew how to play games and blow up the gold coins of the elderly in her family has now become a billionaire and has gained status.

Although all of this is inseparable from the man behind her.

Fang Qingchan sighed with emotion and wanted to laugh.

But she knew that this was not the time to smile. If she showed a smile at this time, the old guy opposite would definitely lick her face and come up to her.

Give him a good look?

Go to hell.

Tell him that I don't accept his apology and tell him to get out. Secondly, it's time to talk about business matters. If he is unwilling to talk to me, then I will ask Mr. Oshima to come forward. I think their TV station The president of the company should be willing to talk to me. I am not short of money, but my time is limited and I don’t intend to talk nonsense with him. By the way, you can translate my original words to him. Fang Qingchan said to the translator.

The translator did so.

Fang Qingchan felt even more speechless as she looked at the bald middle-aged man across from him who nodded repeatedly without daring to resist.

never mind

People in their country are like this.

At the end of the meeting, Fang Qingchan put the plan on the table, walked out of the building with her team members, and stood on the clean street. She held her arms and stretched.

Not far ahead were two men in suits.

Seeing Fang Qingchan come out, they nodded to Fang Qingchan, then got into the business car and left.

Fang Qingchan said dumbfounded: Mr. He Yuan, who are you looking for for me?

After this battle, Fang Qingchan can be considered a person who has seen the world.

She, this time she really came into contact with the gang.

Just like what you see in the movies, there are gentle-looking men in kimonos, and a group of men with tattoos who look fierce.

By the way, can I brag about this to Feng Shuyun when I get back?

Fang Qingchan thought to himself.


Lin Yuan, what did Li Lin say?

On January 15, in Nanxing's office, Feng Shuyun raised his face and looked curiously at Lin Yuan who had just hung up the phone.

Lin Yuan looked at Feng Shuyun, thought about what he had talked with Li Lin on the phone, and said speechlessly after sorting out his words:

This major foreign high-end manufacturer is different. This major foreign game manufacturer is really big in scale, with a large number of employees and good pay. Each of them knows what to do, and the technology is even more powerful. The engine is great. We There is indeed something that Nanxing needs to learn from them, and it’s impossible not to learn.”

Wait, Lin Yuan, why do I feel like you are saying lines from an advertisement? Feng Shuyun was speechless after hearing this.

Well, generally speaking, Li Lin and his team learned a lot abroad. They have now visited three game manufacturers, learned a lot about engines, and even helped draw some game characters. Lin Yuan said with a smile.

It’s always good to go out and see the world. It’s not advisable to work behind closed doors. Domestic manufacturers, especially in terms of stand-alone games, are really incomparable with foreign manufacturers. Not only on the technical level, but also on the management side, there is something to learn.

So Li Lin went out with a mission this time.

In the future, Lin Yuan will consider dividing the team led by Li Lin, and then it will become a team dedicated to conquering large-scale games for Nanxing and be responsible for projects. Although he started working on 2077, there are still many large-scale game projects waiting for Li Lin Going to conquer it~

The monkey side has also solved the problem. Now I am playing in the island country. I said I will come back on the 21st.

What about the split?

Well, the price offered by the island country is a bit lower than that of the children's channel, but if you can send the IP there and still make money, it is definitely profitable, and you can make a lot of money. Feng Shuyun thought for a while and said .

Before a product wants to make money, marketing and promotion is a very important part. It does not mean that if your work is good, it will be a big seller. No matter how fragrant the wine is, it will still be blocked by deep alleys. Promotion is something that all companies will do. thing.

It’s just that Nanxing’s publicity department didn’t do a good job, so it relies on third parties to help with publicity. But the good thing is that Nanxing’s works are very good, and the third party can make money, so naturally they are willing to help with vigorous publicity.

That's okay, but boss, how much money has Li Lin spent recently?

Well, let me think about it. Feng Shuyun began to think empathetically.

After a moment, he replied: It should be more than 230 million, right?

. Lin Yuan wanted to touch his forehead after hearing this, and then looked at Feng Shuyun: Then how much money do we have now?

Okay, okay, there is still a lot of money. Looking at it now, even if it requires one billion, it can be easily dealt with~ Feng Shuyun said with a smile and waved his hand.

During this time, 2077 has burned more than 200 million, and more money will be burned in the future, but Feng Shuyun has no objection to this. After all, Nanxing is now making money much faster than it spends money.

Then get ready. When Li Lin comes back, it won't be long before the 2077 demo interview begins.

Oh. Feng Shuyun nodded and turned to walk out of the office, but as soon as she raised her feet, she looked back at Lin Yuan, What should I prepare?

Xuanfa, haven't the Internet been asking when the second part of Edgewalker will be released?

It's time for us at Nanxing to hold a press conference. We don't have the second anime of Edgewalker, so we can't give you this gift, but we have a new gift. We don't have the anime of Edgewalker, but we have one for the game. I don’t know if they will like it.”

Lin Yuan said with a smile.

2077 demo

I don’t know if it will be loved by the players~

Ah, do you need one for the overseas version press conference?

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