Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 95 Nanxing’s first offline game conference!

In the new year, Nanxing's plans are still a part of the game industry that people in the industry attach great importance to and care about. Especially since Nanxing is now involved in all aspects of the entertainment industry, they have been taken even more seriously.

Many people who like music, animation, and games are looking forward to what kind of surprises Nanxing will bring to them this year.

And on January 22, the day after Fang Qingchan returned from the island country, Nanxing suddenly posted a message on the Internet. The message was not only posted on Weibo, but also on Brozhan, Tianyou, Tieba and other channels. As soon as the news was released, media people from multiple game platforms such as Tianyou, Doma, Arcane Electronics, 51, etc., as well as some game people on Weibo B station, could not sit still at the same time.

How could he possibly be able to sit still?

It has been two years since the rise of Nanxing. During these two years, Nanxing Games has been focusing on Buddhist-style games, using first-hand Weibo marketing and player-tap communication methods. However, this time Nanxing has It’s different.

Southern Star

They are actually going to hold a game conference!

Moreover, it is an offline game conference!

What does this mean?

This means that self-media can interview Nan Xing offline. They can accurately understand Nan Xing's current situation, capture hot topics and publish videos, and get a share of Nan Xing's traffic!

Right now, the most popular game manufacturer in China is Nanxing, no one else!

In terms of scale, economy, and game output, Nanxing cannot compare with many manufacturers, but Nanxing's games are so fun!

Quality is king, or traffic is king?

This topic is difficult to talk about. Some shitty games have become good games and hot games after marketing, while some games with very good quality have become uninterested in the beginning without traffic intervention. , but with the voices of players after playing it, I hope more people will see this game, so it will become popular in the future.

So in general, games naturally have to focus on quality.

Therefore, it is understandable that Nanxing is popular as a game company with the best quality games at the moment.

Media people from all walks of life also began to explore ways to participate in Nanxing's offline press conference.

Not everyone can enter a press conference like this. They must be invited. If everyone can enter, then Nanxing will have to reflect on it.

On January 24, Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun gave electronic tickets to attend the offline press conference to the selected candidates. The venue was the stadium in Los Angeles. The company was an office after all, and there were not that many places for people to sit. , and therefore, Feng Shuyun specially rented the sports hall and started decorating the venue in advance.

But when it comes to decoration, there is actually not much decoration. I just arrange the seats, put some Nanxing logo peripherals, and prepare a large electronic screen for use.

And on February 3, Li Lin, who went to the United States, returned with his team after a long journey.

Everyone has a determined expression on their face. During this overseas trip, the team led by Li Lin learned a lot and gained greater confidence in conquering 2077. Because of the relationship between steam and the animals Nanxing made, Games such as Party and Stardew Valley are also well-known overseas, so the manufacturers Li Lin went to were very friendly to them and would not be unwilling to teach them.

It is impossible to teach everything, but it is possible to answer some questions.

Therefore, after returning from abroad, Li Lin, who has seen big scenes, has become more and more elite.

Are we going to hold an offline press conference?

Yes, you came back just in time. Please adjust the 2077 demo and try to give it to me in the next few days.

Li Lin was caught by Lin Yuan just after he came back, and then received a new mission.

In response to this, Li Lin smiled, touched his head and said, The demo has been prepared a long time ago. If it needs to be modified, it should be about shadows and colors. I should be able to give it to you the day after tomorrow.

The demo of 2077 is not big, and the story flow is also very short. It is just a short gameplay animation, but the picture quality and style are extremely top-notch.

That's hundreds of thousands of dollars burning every second!

Of course the quality is not bad!

On February 6, everything is ready for Nanxing, and this first press conference held by Nanxing will also be held at 2 p.m. that day.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Feng Shuyun and Lin Yuan arrived at the gymnasium. A large number of Nanxing employees were making final arrangements. On the high platform, the large screen was astonishingly large. The venue could accommodate 3,000 people, but of course Nanxing would not invite that many. people.

Nanxing invited a total of 500 people, including well-known game bloggers on Weibo, the top 100 up owners of Bilibili, and journalists from various game platforms. In terms of scale, it was quite large.

Oh yes, of course there are colleagues. We also invited colleagues to watch, and the live broadcast will also be carried out. The live broadcast stations are on the Tianyou platform and Pozhan, and the two platforms will broadcast simultaneously.

At twelve o'clock at noon, people were already arriving one after another in the venue.

Feng Shuyun was neatly dressed in a neat and beautiful suit. The upper body of the suit was open, with a white shirt tucked into the waistband, and the lower body was in straight straight suit trousers. She wore short high heels and tied her hair into a high ponytail. , the whole person looks capable and neat.

She wore light makeup on her face and looked like a strong working woman.

And now, this strong working woman was leaning against Lin Yuan, whining, Am I really going to go on stage later?

if not?

You are the boss. This is the first offline press conference. Of course you have to be the one to launch the unveiling ceremony. Lin Yuan patted the uneasy Feng Shuyun on the back of her hand and said softly to her.

Not only was Feng Shuyun worried, Lin Yuan was also nervous now.

This time, in addition to the heavyweight axis 2077, Lin Yuan also prepared the finale and various games.

Last year, we said that we would turn the gaming industry into the Year of Gaming. In the end, Nanxing released Pokémon, audio games, and Street Fighter games in just one year. Instead, Nanxing turned the animation industry into the Year of Nanxing.

Three animations, each one more powerful than the last, Pokémon appeared on local and foreign TV stations, Edgewalker won numerous awards overseas, and Qingyin Girls made many domestic students fall in love with musical instruments.

But our Nanxing is a game company!

We are really a serious game company!

Therefore, this year is the real Year of the Southern Star!

This year, Nanxing will not neglect its duties!

Lin Yuan took a deep breath. Time passed little by little. He and Feng Shuyun were in the corner, leaning on each other, silently looking at the venue where people were taking seats.

There were a few familiar faces, one was Luo Feng and the other was Zuo Xuan. Both Tianyou executives came to the scene. Similarly, the employees of Echang Tianmei Studio were also very conspicuous, as well as those from well-known games. Some bloggers, Shi 66, Boss, and Mango Ice from the game area of ​​Station B were all arranged in the front position.

I like Sister 66 so much, Lin Yuan, you said I would go to her later to get an autograph, is that okay? Feng Shuyun drooled at the young and beautiful girl who was dressed energetically, wearing a shirt and jeans.

Lin Yuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry about this, Of course, you'll do it. Just wait until you finish speaking and invite her to sit with you when you get down.

I'm such a good boss. Do you have any serious illness?

Shouldn't it be Sister 66 who asks you for your autograph?

But thinking about Feng Shuyun’s previous identity, well, it’s not surprising that a proper Internet-addicted girl would like prostitutes. You must know that prostitutes are really attractive. She has attended two of the top universities in the country. The university is in Shuimu, and the postgraduate studies are at Peking University. The academic qualifications alone are enough to make people admire.

The time finally came to two o'clock,

As the lights in the venue were turned off, the curtains were slowly opened mechanically on the backstage, and Lin Yuan also encouraged Feng Shuyun in a timely manner.

Feng Shuyun took a deep breath and then walked out of the stage.

Revealing a delicate and pretty face, Feng Shuyun raised his head, raised his face, and memorized everything he wanted to say.

And she stood at the center of the stage, looked straight ahead, and then said with a slight smile on her lips: Good afternoon everyone, I am the CEO of Nanxing Company, Feng Shuyun.

“I am very happy to invite everyone to participate in this offline press conference of Nanxing. What we at Nanxing have always been committed to is to produce games that players can enjoy from the bottom of their hearts.

Looking at it now, we are already halfway there. Nanxing has reached this point not only because of our efforts, but also because of all the players’ love and support for Nanxing.

Here, on behalf of Nanxing, I would like to express my gratitude to the players of Nanxing Game.

Feng Shuyun put one hand on his chest and bowed slightly, neatly and neatly.

Then, she raised her head, her eyes still looking straight ahead, without any of her previous stage fright behind the stage.

At this moment, Feng Shuyun gave the impression to the people present that she was a capable, intelligent and talented woman, a domestic game leader who had achieved great success before she was thirty.

Only Lin Yuan, who was behind the stage, saw it.

The boss's eyes are diverging!

Could it be that he was just like a primary school student, brainwashing himself and treating the audience as fruits and vegetables?

But don't say it, the effect is very good, at least Feng Shuyun did not show up.

Appearing on the field now is the shrewd and capable Feng Shuyun!

. Next, I would like to invite our company's chief planner and game director Lin Yuan to come on stage to tell everyone about the games that Nanxing will make this year.

thank you all.

After Feng Shuyun finished speaking, he turned around and walked straight towards Lin Yuan behind the stage.

There was applause at the scene.

Accompanied by applause, Lin Yuan turned around with a smile when he came on stage. The scene of making fun of Feng Shuyun was also captured by the camera and transmitted to the live broadcast.

[Ah, I am still addicted to Lin Feng CP! 】

[Wow, the mascot has grown up, and the mascot is not afraid anymore. 】

[It’s so good, it’s so good, we Nanxing players have our own love story! 】

[Isn’t this better than the love drama on Mango Channel? 】


Good afternoon everyone, I am Nan Xing Lin Yuan. I won't talk nonsense. My boss has already said everything that needs to be said about the situation. I think everyone is already looking forward to Nan Xing's actions this year. So now, it is up to me to tell you Let’s introduce the games that Nanxing will make this year.”

Lin Yuan took the remote control, walked to the stage, and said with a smile.

After pressing the remote control, the first thing that appears on the screen is a group of cute moles.

Wearing various costumes, one or two are walking back and forth.

Lin Yuan turned sideways towards the screen and said:

“The first thing to introduce is”

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