Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 96 We don’t have animation, but there is one in the game

This game is called Moore's Manor. Players will play the role of a cute mole, living in a carefree and interesting kingdom of innocence.

Lin Yuan smiled and introduced the game on the screen.

After about half a year, Nanxing’s third department, the game department that Jiang Qi was responsible for, finally created the two games Moore Manor and Purcell. And after Lin Yuan’s suggestion, Jiang Qi did not create the game. Instead of turning it into an easy-to-play web game, the game is built into a client mode, with a total volume of about 4g.

The reason why Lin Yuan ordered Jiang Qi like this was because Lin Yuan looked back on Taomi's past and found that Taomi was the most typical example of someone who really played himself to death.

You must know that when Taomi was at its peak, the number of users far exceeded Penguin. It was once known as the Disney of China. The number of children users was said to be the second in the country, and no one dared to say that it was the first.

However, Taomi like this is gradually facing bankruptcy. In this regard, Lin Yuan can only say that Taomi's subsequent food appearance is too ugly, and Super Ram's monthly income of 10 yuan cannot support Taomi, so to Various payment methods are also emerging in endlessly.

But the question is, how old are the users who play Moore Manor?

Most of them are junior high school students. Their spending power is really not good, but it is also related to the times. Nowadays, online payment is more convenient than before. Taomi's failure is due to problems with the times and its own operation direction.

Therefore, Lin Yuan built Moore Manor into a client, and naturally used Super Ram's payment method, but he would use more traffic to realize cash.

If Taomi had cooperated more with toy manufacturers and school supplies manufacturers, it would definitely not have died so quickly. Needless to say, the spread of Moore Manor on campus has been strong, and the school is a place where comparisons are easy to occur. When the school uniforms are unified, Book covers, pencils, pencil cases, and even an eraser can all become tools for children to show off and compare with.

Lin Yuan didn't believe that he couldn't make money by letting Moore Manor cooperate with them.

Would any child refuse to have a cute little mole printed on his or her pencil case?

Will not!

Unless the print on the last stationery box was Pikachu!

And underneath, all the game players showed judgmental looks.

This game, well, if there were no Pokémon in the front, then they would definitely have to call out Nanxingjianglang. After all, the style and direction of this game, at first glance, is aimed at the children's market, and the people here are all adults. From the perspective of a game company, the children's market is indeed very large, but the scope of payment is very small. It is a place where there are many users but little money is made. From the perspective of players, this game will not be They want to play.

The gameplay is very simple, a role-playing online game.

Lin Yuan told some information about Moore Manor, while underneath, Jiang Qi's nervous palms were sweating and he was wiping his trouser legs.

This is his game!

But Lin Yuan didn't introduce it for long, because he could see that the gamers at the scene were not very interested in this game.

But it doesn’t matter, this is just the first game under Nanxing.

Now, please allow me to introduce the second game.

Lin Yuan pressed the remote control, and the screen picture changed. In the dark universe, a small spacecraft appeared from the edge of the starry sky.

As soon as this picture appeared, many people present immediately straightened up and looked at the screen with interest.

Is Nanxing going to make a space-themed game?

But the next moment, the scene changed and they entered the spaceship. A pair of big black eyes suddenly appeared on a helmet in the corner. Then, it stood up and turned into a humanoid creature.

This game is called Cell, and it is also produced by Nanshan Games, a subsidiary of Nanxing. You can think of it as another version of Pokémon, but what I can assure you is that Cell is not a piece of cake from Nanxing. It is a game that has been launched. In this game, there are many settings that Pokémon does not have, and the settings of online games are also more interactive to meet the social needs of players.

Lin Yuan introduced generously.

The first two games are both produced by Nanshan Games, which is in charge of Jiang Qi. These two games are also confirmed to be officially launched in April this year, and both games only have one fee, which is the membership fee.

Lin Yuan didn't expect how much money Purcell and Moore Manor could make for Nanxing, because Nanxing really didn't need these two games to make money now. The reason for making them was, first, because Jiang Qi was in charge, so Lin Yuan could take it easy. The second is to seize the domestic children's market, and the third is the copyright IP of the two games.

If these two games are operated properly, there are many operable methods in terms of IP.

Nanxing is no longer the small company that it was before, focusing only on immediate profits.

After Lin Yuan introduced the two games to be launched by Nanshan Games, he immediately sat on the edge of the high platform, looked at the group of people below, and said: Then, the next game will be launched by our Nanxing. That’s why I invite everyone here today.”

The highlight.


The group of people below looked at Lin Yuan and saw that Lin Yuan pressed the remote control, and then, a warm background picture full of warm colors appeared behind him.

Accompanied by soothing light music, a pair of Q-version hand-painted images of a man and a woman appeared on a heart.

Lin Yuan looked back and said: Nanxing will launch different types of games this year, and this game is an interactive narrative game launched by Nanxing this year. Its name is Choose Love.

Interactive narrative games have always been a game category that Nanxing wants to do and is learning about, because interactive narrative games can better allow players to immerse themselves in the game world and experience the stories we bring to players from a first-person perspective. In this game, we have prepared three short stories for players to experience. Well, when making this game, our team researched a lot of love-related knowledge points.

Lin Yuan rubbed his nose and said with a smile: After all, I am single. Single people are not reliable in making suggestions.

Picking Love is a game that Lin Yuan plans to launch at the beginning of this year. The style of this game can be described in one sentence - people who like it will like it very much, and people who hate it will hate it.

In the final analysis, it’s about whether you can feel something after playing it.

Everyone has a different view on love, and in the game Select Love, men have put in too much. Many players even think that this is a dog-licking training device that teaches men how to do it. What a licker, but after Lin Yuan absorbed the information of the original game, he discovered that the players were not scolding without reason.

Picking Love is a game for female users, but its perspective is male, which creates a conflict. If you want to pass the game, you must take meticulous care of the female protagonist, and you must be a warm man. There is a happy ending, and this means that from a perspective, it is always men who are doing the giving.

After Lin Yuan saw it, he decided to make some changes to Xianai.

First of all, you can't just let men give, because love is equal, and one party's contribution is indeed willing, because he likes you and loves you, so he is willing to devote his energy, time, and feelings to treat you, but this Treat people so that they see positive feedback.

Don't let bad endings happen just because of some trivial things like communication failing.

Otherwise, what will male players think?

Is there no need to learn to be loved?

This sentence is not a good one!

Can you be willful if you are loved? Being loved can make you unreasonable?

This is unreasonable.

Therefore, Lin Yuan deliberately added the perspective of many female characters, so that male players can see more of what the female characters are thinking, so that after players choose the correct answer, they can see the positive emotions brought by the female characters, so that players can It’s not about choosing to be good to the heroine just to clear the level, but because I want her to be good, so I will do it.

A healthy intimate relationship derives happiness and strength from love rather than consuming each other.

Therefore, Lin Yuan boldly changed most of the settings of Xian Ai. To be honest, this change is not so much that Lin Yuan bought Xian Ai, but that Lin Yuan made a new Xian Ai.

As for this game, the 66th sister of Empress Da Zhou first expressed her love for it. She whispered to the boss and expressed her desire to play this game when the time comes.

Because 66 is not only a game anchor, but also a radio anchor. The weekly arsenic time is the reason why 66 is loved by countless people.

Sister 66, your three views are very upright!

After choosing love, Lin Yuan took a deep breath. Then, he stood up, turned around while pressing the remote control, and said loudly:

The second game is Pokémon Part 2!

As soon as these words came out, the audience immediately burst into applause.

Pokémon. Part 2!

Of the 500 people present, at least 490 had played Pokémon. More than half of them were Pokémon fans, so they would naturally be happy when they heard the news that Pokémon 2 was about to be released.

Cheers rang out, Lin Yuan stretched out his hands to suppress it, and then began to introduce the content of Pokémon Part 2.

Bigger and more Pokémon are waiting for players to explore, and new plots and new adventures have also filled players' expectations.

The second part of Pokémon alone is enough to make Southern Star fans happy.

It’s Chinese New Year!

Then, Lin Yuan immediately pressed the remote control and began to introduce the third game.

Nanxing has done action, sandbox, planting, development, strategy, and cards so far, but it has never touched a mainstream theme, that is, horror games.

The third game that Nanxing will make this year is a horror game, and its name is Fireworks.

I'm sorry that I can't reveal the gameplay and content of the game to you, but what I can tell you is that everyone within Nanxing, including myself and Feng Shuyun, has great expectations for this game.

This will be a horror game that changes your view of horror games.

After Lin Yuan finished speaking, there was another round of applause.

This was the first time they had seen Lin Ce praise a game like this.

But if Lin Yuan knew that they thought this way, he would probably roll his eyes.

What do you know!

These are fireworks, fireworks!

Forget it, those who don’t understand the charm of fireworks are guilty!

Then next, I will sort out all the games of Nanxing so far and the direction of Nanxing's future efforts. Lin Yuan continued.

In the following time, Lin Yuan mainly talked about the Animal Party of the Southern Star Society, the updated content added to Stardew Valley, and the new battle mode gameplay that will be launched on the night of the full moon.

Feng Shuyun came on stage and stayed for more than ten minutes at most.

It has been an hour and a half since Lin Yuan took the stage.

During this hour and a half, no one felt bored.

Because what Nanxing gives is all useful information!

This year, Nanxing has already launched three games, Pick Love, Pokémon, and Fireworks, especially Pokémon. Just one Pokémon is enough to make Nanxing fans celebrate the New Year, not to mention there are two more games. .

Coupled with the two online games launched by Nanshan Company, a subsidiary of Nanxing, Nanxing has made big moves this year!

Five games to be released in a year!

This is the production speed that Nanxing should have!

He's back, woo woo, the former sow finally stopped doing his job, remembered what his profession is, and started working hard!

Next, Lin Yuan conducted a question and answer time.

Lin Yuan answered each question one after another.

It wasn't until he chose a foreign friend that Lin Yuan was amused by the other person's questions.

Feng Shuyun backstage was also happy.

Hey, hello, I'm a reporter from the United States. I'm looking forward to the next game that Nanxing will launch, but what I want to know more is, when do you plan to release the second part of Edgewalker?

The white man spoke fluent Chinese. He held the microphone and continued: Overseas audiences like Edgewalker very much and are very optimistic about the second part of Edgewalker. My boss also likes it very much. I help with this problem. He asked.

There was laughter at the scene.

Yes, Lin Ce, when will the second part of Edgewalker be released?

Lin Ce, the whole world is waiting for the second part of Edgewalker!

What's wrong with Lucy, Lin Ce!

In addition to the scene, the barrage in the live broadcast room also filled the screen.

Edgewalker, at the moment, overseas audiences really like it.

When Li Lin came back, he told Lin Yuan that the game employees of those companies knew that he was from Nanxing, and they all asked him specifically when the second part of Edge Walker would be released. Some people also asked Li Lin how Lucy was doing on the moon. Is she back in Night City?

Li Lin could only shake his head with a wry smile.

Is Lucy back in Night City?

the answer is negative.

Lucy is back on Earth, but she left Night City.

Lin Yuan also smiled, and then said loudly: The second part of Edgewalker?

I'm sorry, everyone, as I said at the beginning, there will be no second part of Edgewalker. It was decided from the beginning of production, so Nanxing cannot satisfy everyone's wish.

People on the scene kept sighing.

Edgewalker is really good-looking, and the adults here are very optimistic about this youth comic. They can see that Nanxing only describes the tip of the iceberg of Night City. This anime can obviously be made into a full-length series, but Nanxing But I don’t plan to make it anymore

But, the copyright belongs to Nanxing!

At this moment, Lin Yuan changed the subject and suddenly said:

However, we at Nanxing don't have animations, but we have one for games.

Lin Yuan looked at the crowd below who suddenly stopped talking, took a deep breath, and pressed the remote control in his hand.

The next second, exciting electronic music suddenly came from the scene.

Accompanied by a man's angry curse: V, can you fucking shoot!

The next moment, it was a calm male voice: Don't make any noise, Jack, I fucking know what to do!

Behind Lin Yuan, a movie-level animation appeared.

Lin Yuan also bent over, put his hands on his chest and slowly opened them, and said with a smile:

Everyone, what is about to appear in front of you is a new game that Nanxing has been secretly producing for a year and spending hundreds of millions of dollars to develop - Cyberpunk: 2077!

Yes, animation, South Star does not.

However, there is one game in Nanxing.

Lin Yuan looked at the dumbfounded white man with a smile.

This, this style of painting, this is not a game that China should have!

This, this is a triple-A game screen!

Lin Yuan also looked at the camera and said:

Do you want it?

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