Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 97 Come and see Night City, man!

【2077? Is it a game adapted from Edgewalker? 】

[This picture quality is wrong! The picture quality is too awesome. Is this a game that our countrymen can make? 】

[Can you pass the review? This trailer contains a Chinese quintessence sentence. 】

[Oh my god, Lin Ce said that he has been working on it for a year. Could it be that Nanxing has been working on 3A since a year ago? 】

[Really or not, did Nanxing have that much money to produce a triple-A masterpiece a year ago? 】

[If you want it, I'm going to fucking explode. Please Lin Ce, give it to me quickly! 】

Xiaopo stood on the station, listened to Lin Yuan's words, and looked at the paused picture on the big screen behind Lin Yuan. The users who were watching the live broadcast went crazy.

What are these words?

Nanxing is doing something secretly!

At this moment, Lin Yuan stood in the center of the high platform and continued: A year ago, to be precise, before we released Stardew Valley and Animal Party, we were already making this game. 2077 carries us The hard work of countless people at Nanxing and a lot of money have been spent on this work, which we are ready to release to the world.

Here, please allow me to say something arrogantly——

2077 will definitely become a phenomenal work, and it will become a work that spans the ages!

The young man said loudly with high spirits and confidence.

Lin Yuan himself had high expectations for 2077, which Li Lin was responsible for. After all, it was 2077 that he had made two changes to!

Even 2077 has made some changes to the plot, added hidden menus, and added a lot of sandbox gameplay!

As for the demo made by Li Lin, what is Lin Yuan's evaluation?

One word - dick!

Although Lin Yuan felt a little stuck when he tried it out, it was because the optimization had not been done yet. When the demo is officially released for players to try, Li Lin will definitely have all these problems solved.

The optimization issue was something Lin Yuan specifically emphasized on Li Lin. Lin Yuan would rather let 2077 make compromises on some special effects than let problems arise in the optimization of the game. When the game has many bugs, no matter how good the configuration is to play it, It will still feel stuck when you play it. No matter how good your graphics are, players will be very unhappy when playing.

And at the top of the pyramid in Lin Yuan's game cognition, optimization, image quality, and gameplay, the first gradient is definitely gameplay.

Whether it's fun or not is the most important thing about a game.

The next step down is optimization, and the next step down is issues such as picture quality, plot, music, etc.

Seeing that many people below had stood up and looked at him in surprise, Lin Yuan smiled slightly and then said: I can't say more, so now, please come with me to the Night City and see the future world. What is it like.

After Lin Yuan finished speaking, Feng Shuyun raised his hand in the background, and the lights on the scene were instantly turned off.

The next moment, the paused picture on the big screen started playing again;

At the same time, users on the broken site no longer saw the venue and Lin Yuan, but directly entered the Night City!

The director cut the scene directly into the video!


Brother, you're not fucking okay yet? You're such a lazy ass, you're pissing a lot. How long has it been? If you keep grinding, I'm going to get shot!

A man wearing a leather jacket, holding a gun in both hands, leaning against a bunker, yelled loudly.

The next second, the perspective switched from the first person to the third person, and the audience present also saw the appearance of V, neither thin nor tall, wearing a black coat, with a crew cut, and a weird groove-like pattern on his face. , holding a submachine gun against the wall.

Directly opposite, under the high wall, there were various spider-like graffiti, and a group of guys who couldn't be described as human were heading towards the two of them with guns.

Someone in the audience shouted——

Fuck, it's the Uzumaki Gang!

It's a cybermaniac!

Some viewers recognized them. Having seen Edgewalker, they naturally recognized who the guys on the screen were.

But it’s actually so well made?

I almost thought it was a real person!

This trailer is pure cinematic quality!

And on the screen——

V cautiously leaned against the wall, and was about to rush forward. Right in front, a member of the Uzumaki Gang took out a rocket launcher. His upper forehead was bare, and under his single eye that was emitting scarlet light, the lower half of his face was split like a breath. A ferocious smile appeared on his mouth.

Go to hell, you bastard!

V stared blankly and subconsciously shouted - Fuck!

The next moment, the screen went black.

In 2077, the city I live in was rated the worst area in the United States. Why?

Violent crimes are endless, and the number of people living below the poverty line is the highest in the United States.

On the subway, V walked out of the crowd, with exciting electronic music playing in the background.

In a dense forest-like city, an airship flies by at low altitude, and various types of people walk on the street. Accompanied by magnetic dubbing sounds, a strange world is revealed to everyone——

This is a fact that cannot be denied

But people still come in droves.

Destitute people sit on the street, looking at passers-by with fierce eyes. People in suits sit in offices, calmly looking at the projection screen in front of them to discuss.

This city will always give you a glimmer of hope, whether it's a lie or an illusion, but it's so close, as if it's within reach, making people desperate.

A series of screen cuts showed a cowboy sitting in a billiard hall, a wealthy woman coming off an airship, and a beauty applying makeup with beautiful eyebrows. But the next moment, an appearance with a built-in machine and no lower half of her face was revealed.

The man in the jacket who was with V earlier was sitting on a park bench. He was sitting lazily, holding a pistol with a silencer in his right hand, looking at the people around him.

This place is full of dreams, and I am the one chasing the dreams.

The music became more and more exciting, and V took out his weapon in an old car.

As the music reaches its climax, the scenes cut more and more frequently, revealing more and more information.

Finally, when V started the car and the taillights flashed, a row of slanted highlighted fonts shattered the screen like a collision - Cyberpunk -

Underneath, in dark red lettering - PLEASE VISIT.

Then, the music disappeared and a silent black screen entered.

When it turned on again, it was V who walked into the bar and arrived at the bar. Beside him was a man in a jacket who was covered in bandages and had his hands hanging, laughing.

Hey, V, come and have a drink with me! I heard that you turned Night City upside down while I was asleep?

V shrugged, walked over with a helpless smile, sat in front of the bar, and said calmly to the bartender: Have a drink of Johnny Silverhand.

Okay, but V, have you decided not to drink this cup with your own name? You are the only living legend in Night City. Pure vodka suits you very well. The red-haired bartender asked aloud.

No, I'm afraid the guy next to me will be jealous of me. V laughed and said.

On the side, Jack said helplessly: What a pity, brother, I almost died. Oh, God, it's your misfortune that there won't be Jack Wells in the next life!

Tell me what you want to drink, I'll treat you. V leaned over and bumped into Jack beside him, and asked aloud.

Jack also smiled, looked at the bartender and said: Then let's have a glass of David Martinez. The doctor said I need to drink something with gas. Martinez's words are just right. Isn't it with Coke?

When we got here, the camera zoomed out, and V and Jack Wills were laughing and drinking in the bar.


As the lights in the venue came on, everyone there was silent. They quietly watched Lin Yuan reappear on the stage.

He was still smiling and looking at everyone calmly.

Everyone, are you satisfied with this world?

2077, this will be the biggest mission of Nanxing this year. I don't know if we can succeed this year, but what is certain is that in March, Nanxing will release the first demo to let players Get to know the city atmosphere of Night City for yourself.”

Hopefully, this can make up for the fact that Shangnanxing did not release the second part of Edgewalker~

Then, this is the end of this Nanxing offline game conference.

After Lin Yuan finished speaking, he bowed slightly.

There will be another chapter later.

I woke up early in the morning to write, but at nine or ten o'clock I couldn't stand it any longer. My nose kept running and my head hurt. Then I took some medicine and fell asleep. As soon as I fell asleep, I woke up around three in the afternoon.

I'm really afraid I almost overslept again.

PS: Either I have Yang or I have a cold.

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