Euron was found on the beach in Oldtown.

The simple fishermen originally wanted to sell the body to the bachelors in the city who were interested in studying this knowledge. Unexpectedly, Euron was not dead, which disappointed them.

Later, with the help of the black magic he mastered, Euron soon met the old man in Old Town.

The two people who like to study magic hit it off immediately, and they both have a common enemy - Robb Stark, so they quickly secretly formed an alliance.

When they learned that their entire army had been wiped out in the Battle of Highgarden, the two knew that they could no longer stay in this old town.

They set out from the old town, bypassed Dorne, and came to Storm's End to find an alliance with Stannis, who was also a defeated dog.

Because there are rumors that Stannis used black magic to kill his blood relatives, both of them felt that he was a cruel man, very similar to Euron.

Moreover, in addition to Euron's belief in the Drowned God, his years of sailing experience made him also believe in a storm god, and the storm land was also his ideal place to live.

The three formed an alliance on the magical fortress of Storm's End.

Stannis Baratheon is a piece of cake, and the people of the Golden Company also hope to unite with Stannis. The three of them discussed it and felt that this was a good thing, so the above scene happened.

Euron holds the Dragon's Horn, which is said to be the key to Valyrian control of the dragons. Now that Robb's power is so powerful and magic is unheard of, it's time for this Dragon's Horn to come into play.

Euron and the old man from Oldtown went to the continent of Essos to find the dragon mother, and used black magic and the dragon's horn to snatch the dragon.

Stannis holds on for a while in Westeros.

In order to stabilize Stannis's heart, the Old Town old man also married his daughter, who also loved magic, to Stannis.

"Are you sure?"

After Euron and the old man from Oldtown left, Stannis looked at the red witch.

The red-robed witch Melisandre nodded: "The closer I get to the dragon, the stronger my black magic will be. That Euron is a bit troublesome, but beside the dragon, the power of the King of Light will be extremely powerful. When the time comes, With the blood of the king, I can kill them!"

Stannis captured several of Robert's bastard children for the king's blood, and kept them in the dungeon, ready for use at any time.

Stannis's eyes flashed with brilliance: "At that time, I will rely on the Dragon Horn to control three giant dragons, and no one in the entire continent will be my opponent!"

The red-robed witch Melisandre half-knelt on the ground respectfully: "You are the son of prophecy in the flames, and you will surely ascend to the throne!"


Old town.

Robb didn't know or care that his strength had once again caused turbulent changes in the world, because these changes were not very important.

What really bothers Robb is how to be a good ruler.

Randyll Tarly was reporting to Robb: "Your Majesty, everyone in Oldtown is registered. Here is their list and proof of property."

Earl Tully took out another piece of information: "This is unclaimed property, and it is all registered now."

"Very well, let the Duke of Metz relax the controls on access."

After the residents were reorganized, everything in the old town returned to normal. If he wanted the residents here to recognize his rule, Robb also needed to get them real benefits.

"Issuing the following decree: All registered residents of the old town and their children over ten years old must go to the school city to study. You can choose your own subjects. Alchemy, economics, law, etc., will be classified according to the bachelors' own classification."

"Only after you have studied for six years can you engage in other careers. To be clear, these are all free. You don't have to spend money to study. There will be ample food supply when you study in the school city."

"Establish a new department, recruit people from within the school city, but leave the general manager's affairs to you, auction off all our shops, and collect a fixed commercial tax."

Randyll Tarly was shocked, not because he was made the head of a certain department, but because of Robb's compulsory education policy.

He did a little calculation and felt that this was a bottomless pit of expenses: "Your Majesty, when the children go to the school city, the bachelors need to get money and eat. It is still free, and they have to study for six full years! This..."

Originally, the Hightower family had fully supported the school city's expenses. Now that the Hightower family has run away, it already costs money just to maintain the school city. If they engage in such a big move, they will lose even more money.

Robb waved his hand and said it didn't matter: "It's okay, I have half of Westeros in my hands now, especially the gold mines in the West, which can guarantee our use for a long time.

As for supplies, the continent of Essos next door to us will provide me with a steady stream of blood transfusions. "

The land in the Reach is fertile and the supplies are very abundant. There are gold mines in the west, and the land is second only to the Reach in terms of fertility.

Robb now has the entire Westerlands and half of the Reach, and he has no pressure to support the education of a large number of children.

"Education is key. The next generation is the real future and must strengthen their sense of belonging to the Empire of Westeros."

Robb is not only planning to open this system in Old Town, he is also planning to open one in Star City. Every year, students and people from the two cities will communicate to strengthen the connection between regions.

Once the concept of Greater Westeros was formed, it was not that simple to reverse it.


After Lord Randyll Tarly left, the belated Lord Redwyne came to Robb's study to meet him.

Because the Redwin fleet had to deliver supplies to the army besieging Casterly Rock, and Robb had taken Oldtown without a single blow, it was already over when Earl Redwin arrived.

"Earl Redwine, now that the overall situation of the Reach has been decided, I will also put your wine plan on Arbor Island on the agenda."

Earl Redwin felt nervous and looked serious, thinking that His Majesty might be interested in his cornucopia.

"Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

Robb explained with a smile: "It is well known that the wine in Qingting Island is of high quality and is already a high-end luxury product in Westeros, but I think we need to take a longer-term view."

Earl Redwin was a little confused: "Are you going to sell it to the Essos continent?"


Robb wants to harvest the wealth of the Essos continent, so of course he can't grab it openly. That would be a waste of money, and there will soon be a blank period.

If you want the water to flow steadily and continuously, you must plunder through transactions.

It means exchanging things from the Westeros continent for things from the Essos continent. In the process of this transaction, plunder occurs.

For example, Earl Redwyne's wine is very expensive in Westeros. If five bottles cost one gold dragon, then including transportation, it would cost fifteen gold dragons to go to Essos?


Don't want to buy?

Does that mean you don’t have to buy it if you don’t want to?


Ordinary people can’t afford it?

That depends on whether you are qualified to buy it!

Earl Redwin seemed to understand a little bit, but he was still a little embarrassed: "Qingting Island is such a big place, even if you want to sell it, you won't be able to sell it for much."

Just supplying the continent of Westeros is barely enough.

Robb said indifferently: "Who said that wine must be produced on Qingting Island to be called Qingting Island wine?"

Fake? !

Earl Redwin was startled: "Then... didn't that smash my sign?"

Robb hated the iron. "Don't you know how to classify it? The one with the gold mark is the best, the one with the silver mark is the second best, and the one with the copper mark is the wine of the Reach. But hang up your Qing Pavilion Island tag!

The price of each grade is also different. If someone says there is something wrong with your wine, you will say that he is not of enough status to buy wine with a gold mark! "

Lord Redwyne had never thought that he could operate like this, and looked at Robb in shock.

Robb explained calmly: "This is the fame effect. The wine in Qingting Island represents status. What they buy is not wine, but status and fame, so they have to pay something extra.

In addition to your wine, I am also planning to sell some other things with added value. Once your wine has discovered a pattern first, we will follow up with the rest. "

The method of plundering the wealth of the Essos continent is as simple as selling them ten gold dragons worth one gold dragon.

Such a transaction robbed Jiujinlong of its wealth!

But if you rob directly, not only will they resist, but they will also continue to spend money out of thin air to fight. It is a lose-lose situation.

Earl Redwin felt that he might never be able to think of such a method in his life, and he couldn't help but admire him.

But Earl Redwin also knew that only Robb who had mastered powerful force could produce such an effect.

If Earl Redwin did it himself, without relying on anyone.

When Redwin's cargo ship first arrived in Essos, it might have been robbed, let alone sold.

The prerequisite for all the bells and whistles is the guarantee of force.

Robb discussed some details with Lord Redwyne.

What is limited, what is exclusive to the royal family, what is collectible, what is valuable wine that can be recycled ten times, etc.

The more Robb talked, the more enthusiastic he became, and a business territory was gradually expanded.

Boom, boom, boom.

There was a knock on the study door. The rhythm and sound of the knock were very familiar to Robb. It was a sound unique to the Wolf Guard, and there was urgent information to report.

"Earl Redwin, you should go down and study it first."

After asking Lord Redwyne to retreat, Robb allowed the Wolf Guard to come in through the side door.

"Your Majesty, this is urgent information from Lord Tytos Lakewood."

The Wolf Guard handed over an envelope with the wild raven symbol of the Lakewood family on it, proving that it was a letter sent by Lakewood himself.

What's the situation? It's actually the highest level of encrypted intelligence?

Could it be that something happened in Star City?

Not long after the Old Town was conquered, I really didn't have a moment's rest.

Robb opened the letter, and the symbol of the Manderly family of White Harbor was revealed on it. It was the information reported by the Manderly family to the King's Wing meeting.

[The city-state of Tyrosh doesn’t take His Majesty seriously at all and actually dares to attack our fleet...]

Robb frowned.

I just said I was going to Essos to plunder wealth. Wasn't this a slap in the face?


It’s time to go to the continent of Essos to see these ungrateful people!

By the way, let’s take a look at how far Mother Dragon has developed...

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