Robb turned into a huge fire-dancing meteor and descended from the starry sky with unstoppable momentum.

I still remember that the first time he faced this move, Robb felt an unparalleled shock.

The same goes for everyone here now.

Bran stared blankly at the huge fire dancing stars in the sky, and could feel his body shaking slightly!

He is also a learner of gravity magic, so he can naturally feel that the moves performed by Robb are the supreme aesthetics of gravity magic!

Only generals who have personally fought on the battlefield can understand this move. Only those who are confident and violent enough will use this move to attack the enemy!

This is the perfect art of stars and gravity!

Boom! ! !

The fireball that Robb turned into finally landed on the sea surface, and collided with the Drowned God who was unable to avoid it.

The sea surface boiled instantly, and countless mist was evaporated by the scorching heat.

The huge waves instantly rose to a height of more than ten meters, and the bees swarmed to escape from God's battlefield!

Even the sea trembles at it!

Bran and Arya's expressions changed. Such a big wave would also affect their own fleet.

Bran immediately gave an order to Sir Wendel: "Quick! Get all the ships together and get out of here!"

Sir Wendell had been stunned by the miracle performed by Robb. It was not until Bran patted his head with a wooden board that he realized: "Oh!"

Bran frantically mobilized his magic and cast gravity spells, making his entire fleet become extremely light.

Bran can only affect nearby ships, and cannot take care of those farther away. However, those farther away ships are also far away from the battlefield, so basically there will be no problems.

Euron, who was riding on the dragon, had long been frightened. He could not intervene in a battle of this level.

He suddenly remembered that before, he had thought it was possible to launch a sneak attack during the battle between the Drowned God and Robb and win the war.

Looking back now, I was really like a frog at the bottom of a well. I simply didn't know how high the sky was and how thick the earth was!

This is no longer a battle that humans can participate in!

On the sea, Euron saw his fleet being mercilessly submerged by huge waves. The invincible fleet that he had spent so much effort to rebuild was once again destroyed by Robb.

This kind of destruction is like killing a disobedient crew member casually, easily and casually, and not caring about what the crew member thinks.

Euron realizes: Perhaps in the eyes of Robb Stark, he has always been an insignificant crew member...

My own unwillingness, jealousy, and ambition were not taken seriously by the other party at all, and the other party just did their own thing lightly.

If he blocks the other party, the other party can slap him to death.

Euron finally recognized the gap between himself and Robb, but the time to recognize it came too late. He had nothing at this time, and even his ambition to compete for hegemony was wiped out by Robb again and again. .

"Leave... leave here and find a place to live in seclusion..."

Euron sighed in his heart, taking his exhausted body and sitting down with the already scarred dragon.

Bahamut watched Euron leave and did not fly out to chase him. Instead, he followed Robb's order and began to help take care of his own fleet to prevent it from being affected by the battle between Robb and the Drowned God.

Euron drove the dragon, and no one could stop him for a moment. He galloped through the sky, quickly escaped from the battlefield, and was ready to start a new life.

Soon, he flew beyond the dark clouds. The wind here was light and the clouds were calm. There was no more noise and frenzy on the battlefield. The sun shone warmly on his face, which immediately gave Euron a sense of calm and warmth. a feeling of.

Perhaps, I will live such a leisurely and comfortable life in the future...

Euron thought to himself, filled with wonderful visions of trying a new life.


At this moment, a huge black dragon burst out of the clouds!

It's Daenerys who pilots Drogon, and she finally gets her chance for revenge!

Drogon's huge body makes him look like a behemoth in front of his younger brothers and sisters. His huge claws can't defeat Bahamut, but they can't defeat you?

A slap on the head of Euron's mount instantly caused it to lose its balance and fall towards the clouds.


Euron saw the silver hair and instantly recognized her identity and came to find his revenge!

Euron was very angry: "Why? Why don't you let me go? I have decided to live an ordinary life. Why are you so cruel?!"

Daenerys roared: "You think! I will! Forget! Everything you did?!"

"Do you think I will forget the scene when my men were killed by you?"

"Do you think I will forget the moment I was betrayed by you?"

"That is the shame of my life. Because of my stupidity, all my subordinates died because of me!"

"Now, it's time to pay for everything with your blood!"

Daenerys directs Drogon to say a word she hasn't said in a long time: "Dragonfire!"

Drogon stared at Euron with his huge dragon eyes, opened his mouth and sprayed out a huge ball of dragon flame, wrapping Euron.

"Ahhh! No, I don't want to die here!"

Euron's vitality is very tenacious, so he was not burned to death by the dragon flames at the first time. Instead, he could still wail for a long time.

He wanted to use black magic, but in front of dragon flame, which is one of the best magics in the world, no matter how much black magic he used, it would not have much effect.

Daenerys looked at Euron who was burned by dragon flame, and suddenly felt a sense of boredom in her heart.

Originally, she thought that after revenge, she would only feel happy and comfortable, but an endless emptiness overwhelmed her.

It’s not that she regretted revenge, but after revenge, she suddenly lost her life goal. When she saw the battle between Robb and the Drowned God, her only remaining thoughts of restoring the country no longer existed.

There was already a thick barrier between her and Robb, which could not be made up by relying on power or other things.

Go back...

Daenerys did not choose to escape. On the contrary, she now wanted to return to the continent of Westeros, the place where she lived as a child, but had been displaced and had not experienced life well.


The Drowned God roared in pain. He himself was the god of the ice face in the binary opposition of ice and fire. He was the most restrained by fire, but was also restrained by fire.

Robb's power at this time was no different from that of the Drowned God.

The fireball caused great damage to the Drowned God. On the Drowned God's huge body, countless mysterious and vast runes were rapidly dissolved and digested under the impact of the fireball.

The Drowned God could feel that his vitality was constantly dissipating. He was very weak at this time and wanted to escape, but he couldn't move at all!

Robb turned back to a human from the state of a fireball, holding the dragon hunting spear in his hand, standing on the back of the Drowned God, and said coldly: "I declare in the name of the king that you are a false god. I hereby sentence you to death."

Robb's whole body burst out with violent momentum again, and a stream of black and red, like ink-like breath swept Robb's body and wrapped Robb in it.

The crazy law of death with death and annihilation was displayed in Robb's hands, even gods were no exception!

Destined death!

Robb turned the head of the dragon hunting spear, looked at the few strange runes left on the Drowned God, and knew that this was the time for the Drowned God to die.

He fiercely thrust the dragon-hunting spear into the body of the Drowned God, and the manic black-red sword energy instantly rioted!

The runes on the Drowned God's body lit up, but they were useless and were directly shattered by Robb.

All the death laws from nature on Robb's body surged wildly, concentrating on the wounds Robb had stabbed, and swam in the body of the Drowned God!


Robb finally recalled the days when he hunted demigods, and suddenly he became a little high-spirited, and a heroic spirit burst out of his chest.

The wildly dancing black-red sword energy felt the master's state of mind, and became more and more violent and frantic. Countless huge sword energies began to cut inside and outside the Drowned God.

To outsiders, the Drowned God was completely painted with black-red paint.

But only the real gods could find that those so-called paints were all black-red sword energy!

It was just because the speed was too fast and the power was too strong that people saw it as a whole.

The Drowned God let out a final wail of unknown meaning, and finally died without any breath, becoming the first god in the world to die at the hands of Robb.


Robb stood on the huge body of the Drowned God, looking at the empty sea around him, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Even Robb, the God Killer, had to pant slightly, and his mental strength was almost exhausted.

At this moment, a faint, almost invisible white breath suddenly floated out of the body of the Drowned God.

This breath was very subtle, and seemed to contain powerful power.

Robb was very sensitive to this thing: "Hmm? Rune? Firewood? Or blood?"

After defeating the god, whether it was A-Tai or the undead, they would collect the deserved rewards from the god, which were generally the things that supported the god to become a god.

Before at the border, A-Tai's biggest gain was rune and remembrance, and now the Drowned God should also drop these things.

Robb stretched out his hand and touched the white breath.

The moment he touched the white breath, Robb suddenly felt that his perception was completely opened, and all the information in the world began to flow into his mind.

Robb felt that he seemed to be able to connect to all worlds at this moment!

Not only this continent, this world, but also other worlds!

Among them, the world before he came...


At this moment, far away, under the stars.

A blue figure suddenly trembled slightly. She wore a huge magic hat, and her delicate face was cold as ice, but she was particularly lovable.

Her eyelashes trembled slightly, as if she sensed something important.

She looked at the deserted magic tower. There was still nothing here, but she understood something and murmured to herself:

"Ah, my king... The stars finally brought you news..."

"May you come back here after establishing a new law and wait with me..."

Rani stretched out her hand, and a ring shone in it.

Then, golden halos began to appear in Rani's hands, and these halos intertwined together, showing a holy light and invisible majesty.

This is the Elden Ring!

Rani stretched out her hand and held up the ring.

The ring dissipated in the air, turned into starlight, and finally disappeared completely.

"Ah, my eternal king, I hope you have a pleasant journey, but the stars here are shining, you can return slowly..."

After doing all this, Ranie returned to her seat, closed her eyes again, and began to fall asleep.



Found by my wife!

Robb could of course feel Ranie's breath, and knew that Ranie was still waiting for him at the border, and he immediately felt guilty.

Why did he have the illusion that he was discovered for doing something bad?

Robb shook his head and recovered his normal thoughts.

Just now, he should have used the power of the Drowned God to instantly magnify his perception and existence to a higher level, so that Ranie in another world could also sense him.

So Ranie felt a little relieved, and took this brief opportunity to contact her and sent the Elden Ring that was stored in her place.

The purpose is of course self-evident, to go back earlier!

Robb sighed, this behavior is really Ranie's style, absolutely no nonsense, no riddles, directly using actions to express everything.

Looking at his arm, golden lines suddenly appeared on it. The perfect lines were like the interweaving of fate. When they gathered together, they became the noblest and most powerful ring!

This is the symbol of King Elden, representing the Elden Ring of absolute power!

After Renee sensed him, she sent the ring directly to him...

Thinking of Renee's last instructions, it seems that Renee really wants him to go back as soon as possible.

Robb felt helpless: I don't know how to go back now!

However, Robb thought that this matter was also easy to handle. As long as he unified the entire Westeros continent and became a true king and true god, with the power of the ring, he should be able to go back.

Traveling through time and space is difficult for Robb, but it is not difficult.

As long as he has the power, it will be fine.

"However, after having the ring, my strength has improved a lot again, and it even means that I have returned to my peak."

Looking at the ring mark on his hand, Robb could feel that this was not a complete ring.

Maybe it was because of the unfamiliar climate?

Or was it a little damaged when it was teleported?

But it doesn't matter. Even if it's an incomplete magic ring, it can help Robb get the most important thing, that is, endless spiritual power!

At least now he doesn't have to worry about the problem of mana consumption!

Robb feels very happy. Although the legendary magic is very enjoyable to use, it can't last for a long time. If it can be used all the time, wouldn't it be enjoyable all the time?

Lani really helped him a lot!

Moreover, Robb's mood became very happy when he suddenly heard the news of a very important person here.

Although we can't meet now.

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