Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 158 Planting and Hatching

With the strong intervention of Robb's army, the valley soon ushered in a blood change.

There are many nobles who are not willing to give everything they have to Robb, but they not only have to take into account Robin's safety, but also care about the huge threat of those dragons.

Because the valley is not far away, Robb often flies above the valley with Arya and Bran.

Under this powerful pressure, Robb soon gained full control of the Vale.

Those sent to the valley to maintain stability were not Robb's ministers, but another noble nobleman with enough weight - the Duke of Metz.

Since capturing Tywin alive, Duke Mace's whole aura has undergone extremely drastic changes. He is no longer as timid as before, but has a powerful aura that is proud of the others.

The main reason is that the achievement of capturing Tywin alive is really hard. Even if the people in the valley don't know who the Duke of Mace is, they will be swayed by his achievement.

In addition, he also had two sons, the Knight of Flowers and the brave Garland, so the Duke of Metz controlled the valley very quickly.

In this way, the armies of the Reach marched into the valley in a mighty manner, helping Robb once again control a huge territory.

At the same time, Robb's celebration was also held as scheduled.

In the area of ​​Star City near the Lake of God's Eye, tens of thousands of people gathered together to support His Majesty Robb and Queen Margaery.

Robb's tone was very gentle, but it could be clearly conveyed to the ears of everyone attending the meeting.

"Today is a day worth remembering. The old gods are gone and new gods have arrived."

"I will join hands with the queen to personally plant this tree that contains the gods."

"I have decided to name today Christmas Day. Every year today, we will hold a grand banquet. All the people of Westeros will receive supreme blessings!"

Robb said, hugging Little Rose's waist in front of everyone, stretched out his hand and tapped a huge weirwood, and then they flew together!

Flying all the way to the center of the God's Eye Lake, the Ring of Elden in Robb's hand began to bloom with astonishing golden light, covering Robb's whole body like the sun.

Under this holy and great atmosphere, the weirwood trees floating around Robb began to transform.

As the backbone carefully selected by Robb, this weirwood tree was originally extremely large. Under the power of the ring, the entire tree began to become mysterious.

Its trunk began to exude a faint golden luster, and then the branches and leaves on the crown also turned golden, bursting with vigorous vitality.


"It must be the power of the New God!"

"The golden tree, this is the luster that only a tree made of gold can bloom!"

"The new god resides in the golden tree!"

"Long live Lord Robb, long live the Golden Tree!"

In the audience, the shill that Robb had prepared long ago began to exert force, inciting emotions with heart-rending roars.

In response to this incitement and Robb's own exploits, the whole place became feverish.

"Long live Lord Robb, long live the Golden Tree, long live the New God!"

One wave after another began to spread through the crowd.

Then, in the center of the Divine Eye Lake, the plant that had turned into a golden tree suddenly began to grow. Everyone around them had golden threads of faith that no one could detect, and they converged towards the crazily growing golden tree.

Just like Sun Wukong's golden hoop, this golden tree continued to grow, and eventually became about the same size as the City of Stars!

Robb was very satisfied when he saw this, it was much better than he expected!


With a tap of Robb's fingers, the golden tree crashed straight into the center of the God's Eye Lake, causing countless waves and endless ripples.

When the Golden Tree touched the bottom of the Divine Eye Lake, its originally dead roots suddenly became more active and instantly took root deep into the mud, beginning to absorb nutrients.

From the perspective of the audience, the golden tree was still a little far away from them. Only the crown of the tree barely exceeded the depth of the lake and was exposed on the lake. It was not very shocking at this time.

But Robb knew in his heart that as long as he occupied more territory, absorbed more faith, and killed a few more ungrateful gods, the golden tree would continue to grow until it grew into the towering tree in his memory.

After finishing planting the tree, Robb returned to the original place with the little rose. :

"The new god has just arrived, and the divinity is not strong enough yet. More believers are needed to spread the glory of the god. This requires the joint efforts of everyone."

Everyone in the audience was very respectful: "Yes, Your Majesty! We will definitely spread the glory of God throughout the entire continent."

Robb nodded with satisfaction: "Edmure Tully, Jon Snow, Robin Arryn, Willas Tyrell, all come forward."

The heirs and actual managers of several dukedoms all stood up. Robb attached great importance to this celebration, so he called them all over.

"Here you will receive the blessings of the new god."

Robb raised his right arm high, and the power of the magic ring in his hand began to increase, echoing with the golden tree in the distance.

In everyone's surprised eyes, the golden tree in the distance swayed slightly, and actually turned into four golden light-point meteors, flying towards here!

Those light-point meteors were golden yellow, exuding a brilliance that made people want to worship them. With everyone's envious expression, they landed on the top of the head that Robb named just now.

Then, all these brilliance turned into diamond rings and became concrete things.

Robb said seriously: "This is the seed of the golden tree. After you return to your territory, choose a suitable place and plant this seed on the weirwood I gave you. This will also help the new gods come. "

"As you command, Your Majesty!"

At the end of the celebration, in order to strengthen the power of faith and people's sense of identity with Christmas Day, Robb began the program he had prepared for a long time.

Food, wine, parade floats, clowns and minstrels everywhere...

The entire Star City fell into a carnival, forgetting all worries and fatigue, and gaining self-relaxation.

In this way, the golden tree took root in another world for the first time.


Dragon Palace.

After the celebration, Robb began to focus on two things.

One thing is to burn the rest of the weirwood trees on the entire continent and completely obliterate the concept of the old gods. The second thing is to build the Dragon Knight Legion.

At this time, there is still a dragon egg that has not been hatched in the Dragon Palace, and Robb plans to hatch it himself.

Daenerys, who lives here, also has an in-depth study of this egg: "The vitality of this egg is very strong. Even Drogon has never had such a strong vitality. It should be a very powerful dragon." ”

The Dragon Palace was actually very hot at this time, because the ore brought back by Robb directly turned the Dragon Palace's incubation place into a small magma lake.

At present, except for Robb and Daenerys, few people can last more than half an hour in the hatch.

Robb was noncommittal about what Daenerys said, but he had already expected this expectation. Although he did not always instill the aura of the Dragon King and restore it with the golden law like he took care of Bahamut, the magic power here is still very volatile. powerful.

This dragon egg has been growing in such a favorable environment, so it is naturally not an ordinary flying dragon.

Daenerys has a natural affinity for dragons, with motherly kindness: "It looks like it will hatch soon."

"It's time to hatch."

Robb also agreed with Daenerys's view. He stretched out his hand, and a golden meteor flew out suddenly and hit the dragon egg bathing in magma.


Before Daenerys could react to what happened, the meteor smashed through the shell of the dragon egg and quickly merged with the life inside the egg shell.

This meteor was collected by Robb from the golden tree, and he was preparing to catalyze the creation of a new golden tree version of the dragon.

Soon, all the power contained in the meteor was absorbed by the life inside the dragon egg, and the entire egg began to tremble slightly, as if it was being stimulated by a strong force.

"What is this?" Daenerys said it was an eye-opener. Even though she had hatched three dragons, she could never figure out Robb's methods.

"It's just a meteor from the golden tree. This will be a brand new dragon."

Along with Robb's confident voice, the dragon egg in the magma began to tremble violently, followed by the sound of cracking.

A golden claw clawed out from the eggshell.

Then there was a little life that probed its head. It pushed away the eggshell that bound itself in a daze, opened its eyes and looked at the world where it first came.

When she saw the little guy in full view, Daenerys couldn't help but exclaimed: "A golden dragon?"

In the records of the Targaryen Dynasty, there are strange dragons in black, red, green and other colors, but the golden dragon records are unique.

Gold has always represented nobility and sublimity. When Daenerys saw this little guy for the first time, she could feel that it was more powerful than her newly hatched Drogon!

Robb didn't think there was anything strange: "Having been blessed by the golden tree, of course it should be a golden dragon."

The giant golden dragon stumbled out of the eggshell, then happily bathed in the magma, crawling and rolling all the way towards Robb.

"let me see……"

Daenerys didn't have any awe of the dragon, so she knelt down and prepared to pet the newly born baby dragon.


But this giant golden dragon didn't give Daenerys any face at all. When he saw that a strange and lowly aura dared to touch him, he showed an angry look, opened his mouth, and faced Daenerys. Just bit it!

Daenerys was startled when she saw this, and suddenly retracted her hand: "How fierce!"

"It's really fierce."

Robb also stepped forward, grabbed the little golden dragon's tail, and shook it in his hand.

The golden dragon seemed to feel the terrifying aura emanating from Robb, and did not dare to treat Robb like Daenerys.

The whole dragon seemed to be dead, listlessly letting Robb play with it.

Robb thought thoughtfully: "Since you are so fierce and a golden dragon, let's give you a name that doesn't quite fit - Tiamat, what do you think? Do you like this name?"

Bahamut on the side heard Robb's words and rolled his eyes silently in his heart, thinking that we all have a choice. Yes, if we are not satisfied with the name you choose, will a sunlight gun hit us? ?

Sure enough, the little golden dragon didn't dare to have the slightest opinion.

Robb was very satisfied with the great wisdom of this intelligent creature, knowing who can resist and who can't be offended.

He threw little Tiamat aside and ordered the guards outside to get some meat for the dragon to eat.

Daenerys looked at Robb in surprise. She didn't expect that the little dragon that dared to bite her would be so obedient in Robb's hands. Who is the Targaryen family!

Throwing the little golden dragon to Daenerys's care, Robb came to the next door of the hatchery.

Here, Bran and Spring were meditating.

Ever since Bran was able to change his form to Spring's body for a short time, the relationship between the man and the dragon began to gradually heat up.

And Bran found that the mental power between himself and the dragon began to gradually converge, which was more beneficial for him to master magic.

So Bran now stays with Spring as much as possible, and tries to change his form with Spring whenever he has something to do.

Seeing that Bran had just finished meditating, Robb asked, "How is it, Bran?"

"It feels good. The power of the old gods is getting weaker and weaker. The main reason is that His foundation in the North has been shaken. Brother Jon is burning the fish beam wood in the North very quickly. The old gods are weaker every day than yesterday."

Bran now wants to use the spiritual power of Spring, and a large part of it is also to gain an advantage in the war with the old gods.

When Robb burns all the weirwoods and turns the remaining weirwoods into golden trees, it will be time for Bran to have a formal battle with the old gods.

After devouring, Bran can become the guardian of the golden tree like the beast of Elden.

"Do it well, don't feel burdened, I believe you."

Bran nodded: "Yes, I know. By the way, brother, do you know where Arya went? I haven't seen her for a long time."

Robb laughed: "Arya is very powerful now. She has completed her studies and no longer needs me to continue to teach her other combat skills. She is arranging her own death list."

"Death list?"

"Yes, you know that she and Sansa suffered a lot when they were in King's Landing. Many people have grudges against our Stark family. Arya made a list herself and prepared to kill those people with her own hands."

Bran was very surprised: "Did she go to King's Landing to kill Cersei?"

Robb shrugged: "No, I asked her to wait for a while. But she probably won't let the crazy mother and daughter go easily, at least she will beat them up."

Arya has always been a ranger, and Robb doesn't like to suppress his sister's revenge.

Even if he doesn't kill her, at least he wants Arya to vent her anger, so he didn't refuse her request to go to King's Landing.

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