Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 161: Controlling the Reform of the Continent

Prince Doran is an old man with many years of experience in maneuvering. In this game of power, he not only maintains absolute self-control, but also stretches out many tentacles in the dark, communicating everywhere to seek benefits for the Martell family and Dorne. .

But faced with such strong pressure from Robb, he didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

Because he knew very well that he and the majesty in front of him were not on the same level at all.

At this time, he began to recall his ancestors. How did they deal with such powerful oppression as Aegon?

After thinking about it, Prince Doran still felt a sense of despair.

It's not because he doesn't have the strong will of his ancestors.

It's because the opponent in front of him is more powerful and crazy than Aegon!

This is a crazy man!

Almost all of his actions were against the entire aristocratic class.

But he has a group of subordinates who follow him, and he himself has endless power!

These two forces combined make it impossible for mortals to resist.

Prince Doran spoke with difficulty: "Okay, we agree to belong to the Westeros Empire and agree to all your requests."

Daenerys stretched out her hand and brought the freshly peeled blood orange to Robb's mouth.

Robb ate a blood orange and said calmly: "In the past few days, many slaves will be transported from Slaver's Bay. I will place them in Storm's End. As long as there is a castle in Dorne, we don't want to see anything happen. For this matter, I will execute the nobles in Star City.

I will plow the entire castle, and all the castles and attached aborigines will get out. My slaves will become the new aborigines, and my soldiers with meritorious service will become the new owners of the castle.

This is my attitude towards the rebellion, and I hope you will convey my horror to every noble and denizen of Dorne.

As for whether I can do it, I still say the same thing, my enemies will know.

I am here today to give you one last chance and wait for my messenger to accept your surrender. "

Prince Doran looked at Robb who was "speaking arrogantly", and fear arose in his heart. At the same time, he found that he felt a sense of envy.

This young man's energy and high-spiritedness all reminded him of himself when he was a child, and how once upon a time, he was also a knight riding a horse across the continent!

But now, he is just a poor old man in a wheelchair, helpless and pitiful.

One can only watch young people proudly declare that the world belongs to them.

Robb looked at Prince Doran and thought for a moment, since he was given a stick, he had to give them a sweet date.

Then the Elden Magic Ring in his hand began to glow with golden luster, and a circular golden magic circle began to appear on the ground.

The array is filled with inexplicable strange inscriptions, slowly rotating in the ring.

The magic circle continued to expand, and finally dissipated at the border, turning into countless golden lights.

Prince Doran's entire body was immediately bathed in golden light, and a warm feeling filled his body, driving away all pain.

His eyes widened instantly and he looked at Robb in disbelief.

When the Red Viper saw something abnormal in his brother's body, he thought Robb had done something bad. When he was about to step forward, his brother grabbed his arm.

The Red Viper was surprised to find that his brother's arm was so powerful that it even pulled his arm until it hurt!

Is this still the sick brother?

Prince Daolang even stood up and said excitedly: "Your Majesty...this, this is..."

"It just alleviates your pain. This is the blessing of the golden tree."

"Golden tree?"

"From now on, the true god of the entire continent of Westeros will also be the only god."

After leaving a sentence that made everyone present's eyes tremble, Robb called Bahamut and rode it out of the Water Garden.

The meeting went well, at least that's what Robb thought.

Now with Robb's power, he can completely sweep the entire Dorne, but he is still willing to put down his body and persuade him to surrender, which really gives the tenacious Dorne people face.

After demonstrating his great strength, Robb believed that Prince Doran would make the right decision.

Seeing Robb riding the dragon away, the Dornish brothers finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The sense of oppression when Robb was there was so strong that they felt like they were out of breath and about to suffocate at any time.

Red Viper immediately paid attention to his brother's body: "Brother, your body is really cured?!"

Prince Daolang shook his head: "I'm not completely healed, but I don't feel the pain caused by the disease at all. This is the kindness of His Majesty, who probably wants me to do my best for him."

"Then are we going to do what he says?"

Prince Doran sighed: "This majesty is too powerful and decisive. I can feel his determination. Do I really want the entire Dornish people to be buried with me?"

The Red Viper still felt that Robb's conditions were a bit harsh. He was basically raising nobles like them like pigs!

They were all gathered in Star City and under Robb's all-round surveillance. How did the originally free nobles accept this?

Prince Doran glanced at his younger brother: "Live for the Dornish people, or die with the Dornish people? What do you want to choose?"

Red Viper was helpless: "Okay, I support you, we are brothers."

"Send a message to the nobles of Dorne, asking them to come to Sunspear. I will personally meet them. When the messenger of His Majesty arrives, I will personally tie up the disobedient nobles and offer them to them."


The entire Westeros continent began to become restless.

The burning of the fish beam wood and the collective migration of the nobles to the Star City caused a lot of panic among the residents.

The residents of the Vale, the Westerlands and the Stormlands were very confused.

The nobles were gone, so who would feed us?

In this era, the residents, especially the farmers, had no concept of private ownership. In their understanding, the land they cultivated belonged to the nobles and knights, and all the income from farming was turned over.

Then the nobles would give them some basic rations after ensuring that they could eat and drink well, just to ensure that they would not die.

Now that the nobles are not in the territory, who can they ask for food?

But these people's concerns were soon dispelled a little, because His Majesty Robb sent them some professional maesters to distribute food to the residents.

Although legally speaking, these maesters are just acting as agents and are not so-called lords at all.

But the residents don't care about or understand those things at all!

As long as someone gives them food, it's enough!

Who cares if you are a lord or a lord's subordinate, it's the same!

Star City, King's Hall.

Robb is giving a lecture to his men: "The current means of production are still a bit low, and may not keep up with my system reform. Let the maesters hurry up and study!"

When it comes to scientific research and improving productivity, you expect Robb to be as open as other time travelers, and he knows the soap glass production process by heart, and can easily handle steam engines and internal combustion engines.

That's impossible!

Let alone how those things are made, Robb doesn't even know that the raw material of soap is lard.

But it doesn't matter if Robb doesn't know, doesn't he have a group of subordinates!

There are so many maesters in the school city!

Just let them study and it's done.

The ministers were speechless when they heard Robb's words.

Recalling the previous two days, they saw Robb pinching the necks of the maesters of the Citadel and shouting at a kettle of boiling water: "See, see, the lid moved!"

The maesters were confused: "I saw it!"

"No one touched the lid, but the lid of the kettle moved. Didn't you notice it?!"

"I found it. Hasn't it always been like this?"

"Are you mentally retarded? The lid can move by itself because the water boiled and the steam came out to push the lid up. You all know the principle. Why don't you build a steam engine for me quickly?!"

"Your Majesty, what are you talking about?"

"It's a machine that can make catapults, carriages, and other things move by themselves without people moving, as long as the water boils!"

The maesters: "Your Majesty, we really can't do it, and we don't even understand..."

But Robb didn't care whether they could figure it out or not, and he still started his own journey of climbing the technology tree very firmly.

"See, this is an apple. I threw it up and it fell down."

"Yes, your majesty is wise!"

"So what?"

The scholars were confused: "So... so?"

"Why can't you figure out the formula?!"

The scholars were about to cry: "What formula, your majesty?"

"Stupid, go back and study it carefully. If you can't figure it out, whip it!"


"This is a bathtub, see it?"

"I see it, your majesty."

"Is it full of water, but it hasn't overflowed yet, right?"

"Yes, your majesty."

"Oh, I sat in it, is the water overflowing?"

"Your majesty, Don't be like this, I'm not the Knight of Flowers..."

"Are you looking for death? I'm doing science! After I got up, is there a lot less water in the bathtub? Let's measure the weight of the overflowing water..."


"So do you understand?"

"Your Majesty, I really don't know what to understand, please forgive me, woo woo woo..."

"Buoyancy and volume and whatnot! I can't explain it clearly, I've forgotten everything, but you should study it carefully, building steel ships depends on this stuff!"


Under Robb's half-knowledge, the university scholars in the city were forced to visit a series of experiments held by His Majesty Robb.

What two iron balls fell to the ground at the same time, why iron can float on the water, why a fork bends when put into the water, what gives you a lever, you can pry the Westeros continent...

Robb didn't know what many of these inexplicable experiments were for, but he could replicate these simple experiments after receiving the Nine Righteousness.

Then they forced the scholars to study the natural principles behind these experiments.

Of course, most of the scholars were confused.

They didn't understand what Robb wanted.

The most frustrating thing was that when they asked Robb, Robb himself couldn't explain it clearly. Anyway, he asked them to study some weird things.

Robb asked them to build a steel warship that could carry 10,000 people, which was just like a hundred-day dream.

To build a huge iron carriage that could carry thousands of people without any problem, isn't that nonsense? !

The most outrageous thing is that Robb wants them to tinker with a machine that can receive messages instantly from thousands of miles away when they type.

If Robb wasn't so powerful, the maesters would suspect that Robb might be really crazy!

It's not magic, how can it be done?

Of course, Robb knew very well that although he said that he wanted them to research these things immediately, he didn't really think that they could do it in a few years or even decades.

The technology tree can be climbed.

But it has to be reduced in dimension to accelerate the climb!

The main reason is that Robb himself doesn't know anything, he can only do some experiments to inspire scholars. If they can research the steam engine immediately, it would be a ghost story.

Want to build a steam engine before the steel smelting technology has been broken through?

Robb has to suspect that an engineer has traveled through time.

But Robb's actions can undoubtedly promote the development of science and technology quickly.

Even if you can't build what you want, it's always okay to improve the existing technology, right?

Robb is now promoting compulsory education in Oldtown and Star City in order to get more people involved in scientific research.

Even if you can't enjoy the benefits now, you can see the results in the future.

And now Robb's reforms require the improvement of productivity. From slavery to feudalism, productivity does not need a breakthrough qualitative leap, as long as it can improve.

The most important thing is.

These things don't need Robb to study them himself. Anyway, they are all done by his subordinates. He just needs to make requirements.

It's not me who is tired and crazy.

Under Robb's reforms, some small unrest inevitably occurred in the continent of Westeros.

But Robb already had a budget, and soon the unrest in these places was quelled, and the overall situation became more and more stable.


That day, Earl Blackfish reported to Robb who had just finished the experiment:

"Earl Wild Crow successfully accepted the surrender of Prince Doran in Dorne, and everything went very smoothly. Most of the nobles in Dorne will be sent to Star City."

Robb nodded: "Are there any Dorne nobles who oppose us?"

Earl Blackfish said: "Yes, but Prince Doran solved these troubles himself. He arrested and beheaded those nobles who opposed him, and let their relatives inherit the title. Those people dared not oppose Prince Doran and your majesty."

"It's quite practical. You ask the maesters in the Citadel to go to Dorne immediately to hand over the work and ensure the basic operation of the territory. Tell them that this matter is risky and is different from the situation in Stormland and Valley."

Robb already has a set of standard procedures for taking over the territory.

First, call the nobles of all sizes to Star City, and then send the maesters to hand over to the local maesters, and the two will manage the nobles' territories together.

If there are any resistance, they will all be killed, and the soldiers with meritorious service will be replaced to divide their territory.

If the residents also resist.

They will all be demoted to slaves and sent to the continent of Essos, and the meritorious people of the continent of Essos will be transferred to the territory to make a two-level reversal.

In this way, the situation will be stabilized soon.

[ps: The new book "Lord: Becoming a God from Liver Experience" has been published with 10,000 words, using a small account, and the signing process has been completed. You can invest in it to earn some coins. Praise the sun! ]

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