Fairy Island, Fairy City.

In the spacious hall, Robb was leisurely playing with his newly crafted weapon.

Robb had ordered the blacksmith to reforge the Valyrian steel weapon that was previously a tribute from the Mandalay family, and now it has become a staff made of Valyrian steel.

In order to look more stylish, Robb had the staff inlaid with gold and made it look like a tree crown. He also plated the surface with a layer of gold to make it look glittering.

"Let's call you the Golden Tree Staff."

Robb now has ice in his right hand and a golden tree staff in his left hand, vaguely feeling a little bit like he did back then.

"Finally, I have a staff to cast spells. Next, let's try the quality of that sea monster. This should be the first hostile god I have encountered."

"There are not many gods in this world. The ones who were recovering were the King of Light, the Cold God, and the Old God. Now there is a Drowned God. What about the seven gods who support the Andals?"

"According to legend, the Andals' invasion of Westeros was driven by seven mysterious figures. There are no records of the Seven Gods since then. I wonder if they will also revive under my influence..."

In any case, after getting the staff, Robb is now more confident. Before, because the spell was not cost-effective, he had been using prayer to fight.

Now with the help of the magic staff, the mental energy consumption of casting spells is greatly reduced, and with the recovery of magic power, my recovery speed is gradually increasing.

Even on the sea, Robb was confident that he could fight against this relatively weak Drowned God.

After the battle on Fairy Island, his soldiers were not young children who had not experienced naval battles. The time was ripe. Even if it was not ripe, Euron did not give himself more time.

It's time to take the Iron Islands.

Robb made up his mind and called all his men over.

"Little Jon, pass on my order. Let the Manderly family members stationed in Seaside City take Asha out to sea and start attacking the Iron Islands!"

"Ser Wendell Manderly, put all the longships on Fairy Island into combat mode and prepare for war!"

"Daisy, go write a letter to Highgarden and ask them to transfer the defeated Redwine ship to Fairy Island to prepare for a decisive battle with the Ironborn!"



Olenna, Queen of Thorns, looked at the messenger sent by Earl Redwyne with a gloomy expression on her face.

Under her seat, the Knight of Flowers showed an angry look: "Is Lord Redwin kidding? What kind of sea monster, something that hasn't appeared in thousands of years?! Do you think I would believe that kind of thing?"

There was still fear on the messenger's face: "Sir, if it weren't for the sea monster, how could Lord Redwin be repelled? Our fleet is only a quarter of its original size.

Moreover, Lord Redwyne’s Arbor Island is currently being looted by the Ironborn, causing heavy losses. The wine brewed this year and in previous years may not be able to be saved..."

The Knight of Flowers wanted to say something more, but suddenly he was speechless. He suddenly thought of his lover, Renly, the third son of the Deer family. He died in mysterious circumstances and was said to have been killed by black magic.

What happened to this world?

It suddenly became so strange!

At this time, the Queen of Thorns spoke: "Take him down to rest."

When the messenger left and only the Tyrell family was left in the hall, the Queen of Thorns looked at her grandchildren.

"Now we are the only ones in the family. Let us share our opinions."

The Knight of Flowers hesitated: "Earl Redwin's remaining fleet is on the Shield Islands. Should we transfer him back to guard Highgarden?"

The brave Garland made a rare comment: "I think it is okay. The Mander River is different from the sea. Even if they have sea monsters, they are not invincible in shallow water like the river. We can mobilize giant crossbows to attack."

The situation of the Tyrell family was completely passive at this time. The world's most powerful fleet, which they were proud of, was destroyed, and the fertile Reach suddenly became the possession of the Ironborn.

There is also the legendary sea monster. It is impossible to say that there is no psychological pressure.

Therefore, the Knights of Flowers and Garland are thinking about how to defend and reduce losses.

The Queen of Thorns nodded, agreeing with this idea, and then looked at Little Rose: "This method is indeed safe, but the young King of the North has some different ideas from ours. He still wants to attack the Iron Islands."

The Queen of Thorns took out a letter and handed it to her grandchildren: "He hopes that Earl Redwin's remaining fleet will immediately go north to join him and join forces to attack Pike City in the Iron Islands. Young man, you are really motivated."

The Knight of Flowers couldn't help but said: "Don't he know that Earl Redwin's fleet was defeated by the sea monster? He still wants to fight the Ironborn on the ocean?"

The brave Garland frowned: "I also heard that this Young Wolf Lord is a bit extraordinary and knows some strange dragon magic, but those are all rumors, and his achievements are all on land. The other party is good at naval battles. Isn't there some pretense? Big?"

The Queen of Thorns didn't speak, she actually thought so too.

The Redwin fleet had given them so much confidence, and now the Ironborn had given them so much shock.

Now they have acquiesced that the Iron Fleet is an invincible fleet at sea.

There are two paths before them now:

First, give up the joint operation with the Young Wolf Lord, transfer Earl Redwin's fleet back to the Mander River, and rely on the shallow terrain to deal with the legendary sea monster.

Although this is safe, most areas of the Reach will be in a state of defenselessness. If the Ironborn can't seize Highgarden Sea, can they seize other places?

The entire Reach will suffer huge losses.

Second, send Earl Redwin's fleet to join the Young Wolf Lord to attack Pike City.

In this way, Euron will definitely return, and the crisis in the Reach will be temporarily relieved.

But this is very risky. If Euron goes back and uses sea monsters to completely defeat the Young Wolf Lord and Lord Redwyne's remaining fleet, then the Reach will be completely finished.

The Reach, which has no maritime defense force at all, will be plundered by the ironborn who turn around, and the losses will be several times higher than before!

Moreover, the marriage with the Young Wolf Lord will also be invalidated, because the North wants food and the Reach wants an influential king.

Once the fight is lost, both parties will lose their use value to each other, and the marriage will naturally be invalidated.

The hall fell into a brief silence, everyone was thinking and weighing the pros and cons.

At this moment, Little Rose said: "What if he really wins?"

The Queen of Thorns glanced at her favorite granddaughter with relief in her eyes: "Then the Iron Islands will be brought under the command of the King of the North, and the young wolf will become the most powerful king at present."

The Queen of Thorns knows very well that she is getting old, thinking and doing things conservatively, and needs more radical and sharp young people to neutralize her strategies.

Instead of being like Baihua and Garland, they have the same ideas as themselves.

She may not necessarily adopt it, but she needs different voices to help her weigh it.

Little Rose looked at her brothers and grandma: "So this is just a gamble. If we don't bet, we will definitely lose; if we bet, we still have a chance to win. I don't understand, why do we have to choose the one that will definitely lose?"

The Knight of Flowers whispered: "Because the probability of winning is very low."

Little Rose retorted: "Before Earl Redwyne was defeated, you all called my future husband Little Ghost Head and the Romantic King... Now, you all think of his victory and call him the Young Wolf Master. In fact, in the end, we are still unwilling to accept it. , why not give it a try?”

Little Rose didn't make it clear: Highgarden is on land, and there aren't many people in the Iron Islands.

Therefore, no matter how rampant Euron was, he only dared to plunder some small cities.

Even if High Court loses the bet, their safety will still be guaranteed.

Thinking of this guarantee, Little Rose believed that her grandma would eventually bet on her future husband.

The reason why Little Rose didn't point it out was because she was already a qualified politician. Doing so would actually put the vassals in a dangerous situation. Speaking out and spreading it would affect the vassals' sense of themselves.

Little Rose made the final decision: "Grandma, if we give up our marriage to the North, then I can only marry that lunatic in King's Landing. Are you willing to do that? Brothers, are you willing to see that scene?"

Little Rose and her brothers had different opinions. The final decision was made by Queen of Thorns Olenna, and only this old man could command the Redwyne fleet.

The Queen of Thorns lowered her head and thought for a moment, and finally made up her mind: "The continent is currently in turmoil, and almost all forces are being held hostage. We must either bow our heads or completely participate in it. We can no longer make intermediate plans. Fight!"

A smile suddenly appeared on Little Rose's face. She was very happy that grandma could accept her opinion, which meant that her considerations were recognized.

From the tower of Highgarden, the messenger crow flew out with the news, heading west along the Mander River to the Shield Islands.

At this time, the Shield Islands were devastated, and after the ironmen plundered them, they suffered heavy losses.

Earl Redwin took the remaining fleet to rest here. Looking at the incomplete fleet and islands in front of him, he thought that his Qing Pavilion Island would also be plundered by the Ironborn, similar to the fate of the Shield Islands in front of him.

His heart was filled with anger, but he felt deeply powerless.

"Damn it, why is there such a monster thing!"

"Euron! The hatred between you and me will never end in every lifetime!"

A messenger crow flew onto Earl Redwyne's shoulder. He recognized it as the Queen of Thorns' personal letter and quickly opened it and read it.

His face showed surprise at first, then fear, and finally confusion.

A decisive battle with the Ironborn?

The previous battle...

Although Earl Redwin said he wanted revenge, when the critical moment came, he was still afraid.

No matter how hard he tried to forget the scene of the sea monster sweeping everything, he could not erase the fear.

In the end, Earl Redwin gritted his teeth and was still a little unwilling: "Damn it, let's give it a try, but I won't rush to the front this time. If it doesn't work, I'll run away!"

Earl Redwin put the letter away and roared at the defeated soldiers: "Set sail! Go to Fairy Island to visit the King of the North!"

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