Fairy Island Port.

Earl Redwin's fleet slowly sailed in, attracting many soldiers from the north to stop and watch.

"This is the ship from the Reach. It is indeed much more elegant than our longship!"

"Of course longships cannot be compared with battleships, but they are better in their flexibility."

"No matter how grand you are, it's useless. We northerners are not good at that. No matter how luxurious you are, it's not as useful as winning a war!"

"You northerners are really smelly and tough. Stay away from banquets in the future. It's a spoiler of fun!" The person who said this was a soldier from the Riverlands.

If these words had been spoken before, the two groups of people would have started fighting immediately.

But after experiencing several wars, everyone has become friends of life and death, and no one cares about the friendship of carrying guns and blocking swords on the battlefield.

Instead, the soldiers frolicked into a group and began to expose each other's shortcomings.

Earl Redwin stood on the bow of the Queen of the Arbor, a three-masted galley warship with three huge burgundy sails, and the blades were painted gold and white, which looked both gorgeous and majestic.

This battleship was what the soldiers discussed the most. For the northerners who had never seen a ship often, this battleship was beyond their knowledge.

According to visual inspection, this battleship is three times larger than His Majesty's Winter!

Seeing that the soldiers under the King of the North were so energetic, Earl Redwin felt a little depressed: Not long ago, his fleet had the same mental outlook, but now, they are all like roosters falling into the water!

Arriving outside the Fairy Castle, Earl Redwin took a deep breath, adjusted his state and emotions, and prepared to meet the legendary King of the North.

Opening the door, Earl Redwin saw Robb sitting in the center with his head lowered and a thick ancient book in his hand.

Just like the rumors, he is so young, and his youth makes people a little jealous.

Earl Redwyne coughed lightly: "Your Majesty, I am here to help you capture the Iron Islands under the orders of the Duke of Highgarden Metz."

Robb raised his head, glanced at Earl Redwyne, and then stood up with a smile: "Earl Redwyne is here! God is really helping me. With your help, I will be better able to defeat Euron's fleet. Got it."

Earl Redwin knew that the other party was just being polite, but he still found it useful.

This world-famous King of the North actually values ​​himself so highly!

If Redwin's fleet was still in its heyday, Earl Redwin would not be so happy, but now that his strength has been greatly reduced, the other party has not despised him, which makes him feel much better.

"Your Majesty, this Euron is really weird. He is not only greedy and cruel..."

Lord Redwyne was flattered, but also worried that Robb was underestimating the enemy, so he recounted the situation on the battlefield at that time.

After hearing this, Robb was not surprised at all. It was pretty much what he expected.

"Lord Earl, don't worry, I will definitely help you recover the losses on Qingting Island."

Robb poured a glass of wine for Earl Redwyne to appease Earl Redwyne's still fearful mood: "I am going to send you to attack the Iron Islands directly. Over at Seaside City, I have prepared thirty longships and five thousand people. Cooperate with you to attack.

Euron will definitely come back to rescue you when the time comes. At this time, my fleet will set off from Fairy Island, attack you from the front and back, and capture Euron's fleet in one fell swoop! "


Earl Redwin was a little dumbfounded. He had originally planned to cheer from behind and see the situation on the field before deciding whether to join the battle with all his strength.

Now Robb wants him to be one of the main forces to fight the Ironborn again, which scares him again.

"I...I'm afraid that the fleet's capabilities are not good enough and I will let you down, Your Majesty."

Robb smiled and said: "Lord Redwyne, I know what you are worried about, it's just the sea monster. In terms of fleet strength, your fleet is no worse than the Ironborn.

When the time comes, when I take care of that sea monster, just cooperate with me in attacking. If I don't solve it, you can just leave, and I will never blame you then. "

Lord Redwyne received Robb's assurance and felt much relieved. On the surface, he nodded repeatedly to express that he was not that kind of person. Even if he couldn't defeat him, he would not watch Robb in danger without going to the rescue. .

Robb saw through his mind and smiled without saying anything.

This is human nature. He and Earl Redwin do not have a close relationship and do not owe each other anything.

It's good that the other party is willing to come at the request of Highgarden. At least Earl Redwyne is willing to attack the Ironborn after he has the advantage, which is much better than those who only pay lip service to it no matter what.

"The most important thing in a war is to strike quickly. The situation is urgent now. Lord Redwine will set off after a night's rest. When the battle is won, I will celebrate it with Lord Redwine!"

Earl Redwin raised his hands and saluted: "I am willing to serve your Majesty!"

the next day.

After Robb and Lord Redwyne finished talking about the march plan, the Redwyne fleet set sail immediately.

At the same time, the fleet departing from Seaside City also sailed towards the Iron Islands, forming a double-sided attack.

The Iron Islands at this time had little fighting capacity.

Coupled with Asha's leadership, the war went very smoothly.

In just three days, five of the seven Iron Islands islands were captured.

Only the last Pyke Island and Bluff Island are still holding on, but it is only a matter of time before they are breached.


"Hurry up!"

Euron stood on the bow of the Invincible Ironborn, his face ashen, waving a whip in his hand, and kept beating the oarsman.

"Hurry up! Damn little wolf, you dare to attack the Iron Islands! Wait for me!"

Just like Euron Greyjoy attacked the Arbor unexpectedly and swept the Redwyne fleet, Euron did not expect Robb to dare to attack the Iron Islands.

You know, as long as Euron returns with the fleet, a decisive battle will be formed.

And the decisive battle is at sea, which is an absolute advantage for Euron.

The invincible Redwyne fleet was killed by himself, what role can Robb's new navy, which has just been trained for a month, play?

The most reasonable behavior of the other party should be to defend the shallows and watch him plunder the islands one by one!

At this time, the crew on the ship came to report: "Captain, we are near the Fair Island. After sailing for another half a day, we can reach Pike Island!"

Euron was furious: "Such a noise, I can see it! Damn it, I should cut off your tongues too!"

Euron Greyjoy's previous Silence was named because he cut off the tongues of all the crew members. Now that he is the lord of the Iron Islands, his vehicle has been changed to the Invincible Ironborn.

At this time, Euron had no time to care about Fairy Island. He waved his whip and roared: "The enemy is attacking Pike Island, speed up!"

When the Iron Fleet sailed out of the waters of Fairy Island, at the port of Fairy Island.

Sir Wendel Manderly's voice sounded: "Speed! Quick, quick, get on board!"

One by one, the longboats that were lifted ashore were launched again, and the soldiers from the North and the Riverlands boarded the ships in an orderly manner, and tens of thousands of people quickly gathered together.

Compared with the first time they set out to attack Fairy Island, the progress this time was visible to the naked eye.

The soldiers at this time finally looked a bit like a navy.

Robb stood at the bow of the Winter, leading his 10,000 navy, and chased in the direction of Euron Greyjoy.

"In this battle, the Iron Fleet must be completely defeated, so as to ensure that the sea route between the Reach and the North is unobstructed." Robb made up his mind.

Less than half a day of sailing, Robb saw Euron's Iron Fleet.

Little Jon stood beside Robb and grabbed a raven flying from the direction of Pike.

It contained a letter for help from Lord Redwyne.

"Your Majesty, the waters of Pike are ahead. The Iron Fleet is organizing its fleet in front, preparing to attack Lord Redwyne's fleet!

Lord Redwyne has given up attacking Pike and is preparing to join our small fleet in the north."

Robb listened to Little Jon's report while watching the movement of Euron's fleet with a telescope: "Write back to Lord Redwyne and ask him to stay where he is. See, the Iron Fleet is coming towards us."

Like Robb, the fleet under Euron's command is a longship, so turning around is a very easy task.

The moment Euron saw that there was a complete navy behind him, he knew that the one attacking Pike was just Lord Redwyne, who was scared out of his wits by him.

The ones who really challenged him were these familiar Ironborn longships behind him.

Euron had commanded the Iron Fleet more than a decade ago and was familiar with most of the Ironborn longships. Thinking of the previous Battle of the Heat Wave, Euron instantly realized that the fleets behind him were the so-called King of the North!

So Euron immediately gave up attacking the Redwyne fleet. In his opinion, as long as he defeated the fleet behind him, the Redwyne fleet would be defeated.

"Go full speed ahead and show the king of this green land what a real Ironborn is!"

"Last time you were defeated by this kid on the shallows and on land. Now we are on the sea and we want revenge!"

"For the Drowned God!"

Euron roared loudly and encouraged the army to move forward.

He took the lead and stood at the front, looking at Robb's fleet coming towards him, with a sinister expression on his face.

Euron muttered to himself: "In a while, these fleets will sink to the bottom of the sea."

He knelt on the ground with a pious expression on his face, muttering something in his mouth, and black magic auras spread out, sinking to the sea and spreading to the sky.

The originally clear sky slowly turned gray, and dark clouds covered the sky, blocking the sunlight.

Not long after, the originally stable sea surface began to fluctuate. It was very weak at first, but soon the fluctuation became agitated.

Just like cold water boiling in an instant, the sea surface became manic at some point!

Looking at this familiar scene, Earl Redwyne, who was not far away, suddenly looked ashen: It's over, it's all over!

On Robb's fleet, the red monk Thoros also felt uncomfortable: "Your Majesty... The situation is a bit strange. I feel that my connection with the Lord of Light has become weaker."

Robb closed his eyes, felt it, and did not speak.

He drew out the staff from his waist, and slowly drew out the ice behind him with his right hand.

On the golden staff, the dark green light began to flash at some point.

Thoros, who wanted to speak again, saw this dark green, and suddenly felt that his body became small, wandering in the sky, feeling the vastness of the universe and the tranquility of the night.

He closed his mouth, and a word popped up in his mind: stars.

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